Set Up Shipping Rates


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To set up shipping rates

  1. Select Sales Order Setup menu > Shipping Rate Maintenance.

  2. Enter a shipping code and description. For more information, see Shipping Rate Maintenance – Fields.

  3. On the Main tab, set up shipping rate calculations using one of the following methods in the Calculation Type field.

Expand/Collapse item  To charge by weight:

Expand/Collapse item  To charge by invoice amount:

Expand/Collapse item  To charge by price per quantity or price per weight by product line:

Note  After you have completed the Main tab fields and clicked the Charge tab, you cannot change any Main tab fields for the selected shipping code.

  1. Click the Charges tab. Enter the shipping charges according to the calculation method selected on the Main tab.

The shipping code is created. After the code is accepted, you cannot change the calculation fields on the Main tab. Only the fields on the Charges tab can be modified. To modify the Main tab fields, you must delete the code and reenter the information.


Expand/Collapse item  Entering Shipping Rates - Example