Invoice Payment Selection


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How Do I...



Select Invoices for Automatic Payment



Print Checks for Payment






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Select Invoices for Payment

Invoice Payment Selection Listing

Job Cost Distribution Detail

Check and Electronic Payment Maintenance

Vendor Maintenance



Select Accounts Payable Check and Electronic Payment Processing menu > Invoice Payment Selection.


Use Invoice Payment Selection to select open invoices for automatic payment. You can select invoices for payment by vendor number, invoice due date, discount due date, sort field, and vendor's balance due. Select invoices by the discount due date to avoid accidentally overlooking available discounts.

You can include invoices for vendors paid by electronic payment along with invoices for vendors paid by check, or you can select only invoices for electronic payment vendors.

Inactive vendors are selected only if you have the appropriate security setup; otherwise, vendors set with a status of Inactive are ignored.

Although the selection of invoices for payment is automatic, you can add or delete invoices, or make partial payment of an invoice using Check and Electronic Payment Maintenance after completing the selection process.

Note This task does not automatically select invoices that are on hold.

If you previously made an invoice payment selection, but did not complete the check and/or remittance advice printing process, you can make additional selections, or you can clear the previous selection(s) and restart the invoice payment selection process.



Select By

Invoice Due Date

Always Take Discounts

Discount Due Date

Pay Retention Balance

Include Electronic Payment Vendors

Pay Electronic Payment Vendors by Check

