Lot/Serial Expiration Settings
Track Lot/Serial Expiration Dates
Select this check box to track expiration dates for this item. Clear this check box if you don't want to track expiration dates.
For more information, see Expiration Dates for Lot and Serial Items.
Require Expiration Date
Select this check box to require an expiration date when an item is added to stock.
This check box is selected by default if the Require Expiration Date check box is selected in Product Line Maintenance, but you can clear it for this item.
Calculate Expiration Date Based On
Select an option to calculate the expiration date. Alternately select Don't Calc to leave the expiration date field blank. A date can then be manually entered.
When you select Days, Months, or Years and enter a value in the Number of Days/Months/Years Before Expiration field, the expiration date is calculated by adding the specified amount of time to the date listed below to calculate an expiration date.
- In Receipt of Goods Entry, the expiration date is calculated using the receipt date.
- In Transaction Entry, when entering receipts, the expiration date is calculated using the transaction date.
- In Production Entry, the expiration date is calculated using the production date.
- Calculate expiration date based on = Months
- Number of months before expiration = 2
- Production date = 5/31/2020
- Expiration Date = 7/31/2020
The default selection in this field is determined by the selection in Product Line Maintenance, but it can be changed.
Number of Days/Months/Years Before Expiration
Depending on your selection in the Calculate Expiration Date Based On field, enter the number of days, months, or years to add to the applicable date to calculate the expiration date.
- In Receipt of Goods Entry, the expiration date is calculated using the receipt date.
- In Transaction Entry, when entering receipts, the expiration date is calculated using the transaction date.
- In Production Entry, the expiration date is calculated using the production date.
This field is available if an option other than Don't Calc is selected in the Calculate Expiration Date Based On field.
The default selection in this field is determined by the selection in Product Line Maintenance, but it can be changed.
Calculate Sell-By Date Based On
Select an option to calculate the sell-by date. The sell-by date is calculated by subtracting or adding a specified number of days, months, or years to the expiration date.
Select Don't Calc to use the expiration date instead. The sell-by date field will be hidden in data entry tasks.
The sell-by date (or expiration date if no sell-by date is calculated) is compared to the applicable dates listed below to determine whether an item can be sold:
- Sales Order Entry (standard and back orders): Ship date
S/O Invoice Data Entry: Ship date
Note If you change the distribution or add a new lot or serial item, the sell-by date is compared to the invoice date.
- Shipping Data Entry: Ship date
- Transaction Entry sales: Transaction date
The default selection in this field is determined by the selection in Product Line Maintenance, but it can be changed.
(Sales) Number of Days/Months/Years Before Expiration Date
Depending on your selection in the Calculate Sell-By Date Based On field, enter the number of days, months, or years to subtract from the expiration date to calculate the sell-by date.
Calculate Sell-By Date Based On = Days
Number of Days Before Expiration Date = 10
Expiration Date = July 20
Item can be sold no later than July 10
You can calculate a sell-by date based either on the number of days before the expiration date or the number of days after the expiration date but not both.
This field is available if 0 is entered in the Number of Days/Months/Years After Expiration Date field (for sales), and if the Enable Lot/Serial Expiration Dates check box is selected.
The default selection in this field is determined by the selection in Product Line Maintenance, but it can be changed.
(Sales) Number of Days/Months/Years After Expiration Date
Depending on your selection in the Calculate Sell-By Date Based On field, enter the number of days, months, or years to add to the expiration date to calculate the sell-by date.
You can calculate a sell-by date based either on the number of days before the expiration date or the number of days after the expiration date but not both.
This field is available if 0 is entered in the Number of Days/Months/Years Before Expiration Date field (for sales), and if the Enable Lot/Serial Expiration Dates check box is selected.
The default selection in this field is determined by the selection in Product Line Maintenance, but it can be changed.
Calculate Use-By Date Based On
Select an option to calculate the use-by date. The use-by date is calculated by subtracting or adding a specified number of days, months, or years to the expiration date.
Select Don't Calc to use the expiration date instead. The use-by date field will be hidden in data entry tasks.
The use-by date (or expiration date if no use-by date is calculated) is compared to the applicable dates listed below to determine whether an item can be issued:
Material Requisition Issue Entry: Issue date
- Transaction Entry issues: Transaction date
The default selection in this field is determined by the selection in Product Line Maintenance, but it can be changed.
(Issues) Number of Days/Months/Years Before Expiration Date
Depending on your selection in the Calculate Use-By Date Based On field, enter the number of days, months, or years to add to the expiration date to calculate the use-by date.
You can calculate a use-by date based either on the number of days before the expiration date or the number of days after the expiration date but not both.
This field is available if 0 is entered in the Number of Days/Months/Years After Expiration Date field (for issues), and if the Enable Lot/Serial Expiration Dates check box is selected.
The default selection in this field is determined by the selection in Product Line Maintenance, but it can be changed.
(Issues) Number of Days/Months/Years After Expiration Date
Depending on your selection in the Calculate Use-By Date Based On field, enter the number of days, months, or years to add to the expiration date to calculate the use-by date.
You can calculate a use-by date based either on the number of days before the expiration date or the number of days after the expiration date but not both.
This field is available if 0 is entered in the Number of Days/Months/Years Before Expiration Date field (for issues), and if the Enable Lot/Serial Expiration Dates check box is selected.
The default selection in this field is determined by the selection in Product Line Maintenance, but it can be changed.
Calculate Returns Based On
Select an option to calculate the return-by date. The return-by date is calculated by adding a specified number of days, months, or years to the expiration date.
Select Don't Calc to use the expiration date instead. The Return-By field will be hidden in data entry tasks.
The return-by date (or expiration date if no return-by date is calculated) is compared to the applicable dates listed below to determine whether an item can be returned:
- S/O Invoice Data Entry (when creating credit memos): Invoice date
- RMA Entry: RMA date
- RMA Receipts Entry (when entering receipts without an RMA): Receipt date
- Return of Goods Entry: Return date
The default selection in this field is determined by the selection in Product Line Maintenance, but it can be changed.
(Returns) Number of Days/Months/Years After Expiration Date
Depending on your selection in the Calculate Returns Based On field, enter the number of days, months, or years to add to the expiration date to calculate the return-by date.
The default selection in this field is determined by the selection in Product Line Maintenance, but it can be changed.