Learning Common Procedures

Whether you are new to Sage 100, or an experienced user who wants to review basic and advanced concepts, this article gives you hands-on practice with common procedures.

Companies and users

These lessons describe some of the common tasks related to companies and users.

Many systems are set up with multiple companies to keep financial records for individual companies separate, and to separate real company data from test company data. Each company is identified by a unique, three-character company code. You can process information for a specific company by selecting the appropriate company code.

A user record must be created for anyone who needs to access Sage 100.

Accessing Modules and Tasks

The Sage 100 Desktop offers multiple ways to access modules and tasks. In addition to the lessons in this article, you can find more information in the Getting to Know the Desktop article.

Depending on your company settings, you may be asked to enter an accounting date before accessing Sage 100 tasks, or the module date may be set based on your computer's system date. The accounting date is printed on all reports, and represents the date to be used while posting transactions for the current module.

Using the Lookup's Basic Features

When entering data in certain fields in a maintenance or data entry window, you can click the Lookup button to display a list of valid records. This lesson contains basic procedures on how to use the Lookup feature. To learn more, see Using the Lookup's Advanced Features.

Using the Lookup's Advanced Features

The Lookup has advanced features that allow you to create lookup views, create a numeric lookup field, modify a lookup field, and export lookup data to Excel.

Note: If another user is in the User Lookup Wizard and is creating or modifying a lookup code while you attempt to create or modify a lookup view, a message appears and prevents you both from continuing.

Printing Reports, Listings, or Forms

All reports can be printed, exported or written to a file, and stored for deferred printing. You can print a report to a variety of printers or output devices. Additionally, reports can be viewed before printing using the Preview feature.

Using Deferred Printing

Deferred printing allows you to save reports on your hard drive for printing at a future time. You can batch print multiple reports at one time without operator intervention between reports. You can also specify the number of copies to print for each report, as well as whether to retain the deferred report information for future use after printing. In a multi-user environment, this feature can postpone the report printing process if printers are not currently available, or it can speed up the posting process.

Exporting or Printing to a File

Reports can be exported to other files types, such as CSV, Excel, or PDF, and they can be saved to your hard drive or e-mailed. You can also export only the data portion of reports (header information is excluded).

Paperless Office

You can use the Paperless Office module to fax, e-mail, and store forms in PDF format. The Paperless Office module allows you to set up PDF storage and electronic delivery options for documents in all Sage 100 companies. You can specify separate settings for journals and registers, reports, period-end reports, and forms.

This module also contains viewers in which you can view, move, delete, and electronically deliver PDFs of customer forms, vendor forms, journals and registers, standard reports, and period-end reports.

Purge utilities are also included which allow you to purge PDF documents as needed.

You do not need to enable this module in Company Maintenance; however, you must enable Paperless Office functionality for each type of document you would like to store and electronically deliver. For more information, see Set Up Paperless Office in the Help system.

Batch Faxing

Batch faxing allows you to fax multiple forms in batches. During the faxing process, forms addressed to the same fax number are collected and sent as a group with one cover letter. Batch faxing is set up using Batch Fax Options or Fax Form Definition, and requires either the Microsoft Fax Services or WinFax 10 fax driver.

Forms printed using the following tasks are supported for batch faxing: Statement Printing, Accounts Receivable Invoice Printing, Customer RMA Printing, RMA Receiver Printing, Sales Order Printing, Picking Sheet Printing, Sales Order Invoice Printing, and Purchase Order Printing. For more information, see Fax Multiple Forms in Batches in the Help system.

Setting Printing Preferences for Dot-Matrix Printers

To achieve optimum printing speed for dot-matrix printers, native fonts can be selected through the Windows driver to increase print speed.

Some printer drivers may only have the Default selection available for the font. If this is the case, you must download an updated driver for your printer from the printer manufacturer's Web site or select another compatible driver emulation (refer to your printer manual or consult a printer manufacturer for details). Each printer has unique font options available. Most native font selections will print faster than the Default font selection.

Creating a Report Setting

After selecting the options and selection criteria for a report, you can save these selections for future use by using a unique report setting. You can create and save any number of customized report settings per report and company. Use this procedure to save a report setting based on an existing report setting.

Setting Up Sage Intelligence Reporting

Sage Intelligence Reporting shows your Sage 100 data in Excel templates, which you can view and customize.

Sage Intelligence Reporting is installed by default when you install Sage 100 and run Workstation Setup. If you modified the default installation setting, you can install Sage Intelligence Reporting at any time. Refer to the Sage 100 ERP Installation and System Administrator’s Guide for installation instructions.

Before using Sage Intelligence Reporting, you must set up a repository and register the product.

The repository will be used to store Sage Intelligence Reporting data, reporting trees, report templates and other settings. Centralizing this information in one folder has the following advantages:

  • Using a single folder makes it easier to back up and restore the information.

  • Multiple users can access the information.

Setting Up Sales Tax Information

Depending on the states in which you conduct business and the type of business you have, you may be required to calculate sales tax on items sold and items purchased. The software allows you to calculate, track, and report sales tax information. To calculate sales tax, you must define information in Sales Tax Class Maintenance, Sales Tax Code Maintenance, and Sales Tax Schedule Maintenance. Sales tax information defined in these tasks is available to all companies.

The setup of sales tax information consists of the following four-part process:

  1. Defining Sales Tax Classes: The tax class is used to define tax classifications. These tax classes are then assigned to each sales code, inventory item and miscellaneous charge code.

  2. Defining Sales Tax Codes: The tax code is used to define whether a tax class is taxable. It is also used to define a tax rate, if applicable.

  3. Defining Sales Tax Schedules: A tax schedule groups individual tax codes.

  4. Assigning Sales Tax Schedules: Tax schedules are assigned to each vendor and customer based on the vendor's location or purchase address and the customer's location or ship-to address.

Defining a Sales Tax Class

The first step in defining sales tax information is to define different types of tax classifications in Sales Tax Class Maintenance. The following three tax classes are defined automatically by the system and cannot be deleted: Nontaxable (NT), Taxable (TX), and Taxable Freight (TF). A tax class must be defined for each classification of goods and services that are taxed at different rates.

Note: The TF (Taxable Freight) tax class is used to calculate sales tax on freight amounts.

Defining a Sales Tax Code

After defining tax classes, you must define sales tax codes in Sales Tax Code Maintenance. You must set up a tax code for each tax jurisdiction (such as state, county, local or province) to which your business reports sales tax information. The defined sales tax codes determine the rate to calculate for each tax class defined in Sales Tax Class Maintenance and are used to determine if sales tax is calculated on both items sold and purchased.

Defining a Sales Tax Schedule

After defining sales tax codes, use Sales Tax Schedule Maintenance to group tax codes that make up a total sales tax rate for assignment to customers and vendors, and to establish whether tax detail will print on sales orders and invoices. For example, if a specific county requires that you calculate both state and county tax, create a sales tax schedule that groups the state and county tax together.

Assigning a Sales Tax Schedule

After sales tax schedules are defined, use Customer Ship-To Address Maintenance and Purchase Address Maintenance to assign each customer and vendor address to a default tax schedule. Default tax schedules can be changed when entering transactions.

Understanding How Sales Tax is Calculated

This lesson provides an example of how sales tax is calculated. The example uses the WI (Wisconsin) and WI MIL (Milwaukee) sales tax codes:

  • The WI (Wisconsin state tax) sales tax code is set up to calculate sales tax at a rate of 5% on all sales and purchases for items assigned to the Taxable tax class. It will not calculate sales tax on other tax classes.

  • The WI MIL (Milwaukee city tax) sales tax code is set up to calculate sales tax at a rate of 1% percent on all sales for items assigned to the Taxable tax class. It will not calculate sales tax on purchases or items assigned to other tax classes.

The example also uses the WI (Wisconsin) and WI MIL (Milwaukee) sales tax schedules:

  • The WI (Wisconsin) sales tax schedule has the WI sales tax code assigned to it.

  • The WI MIL (Milwaukee) sales tax schedule has both the WI sales tax code and the WI MIL sales tax code assigned to it because Milwaukee city requires that both state and city tax be calculated for taxable items.

Example - How Sales Tax is Calculated in Accounts Payable

This example shows how sales tax is calculated on Accounts Payable invoice 75-145. Invoice 75-145 has the following settings:

  • On the Invoice Data Entry Header tab, the WI MIL tax schedule is selected.

  • On the Invoice Data Entry Lines tab, the total distribution amount for this invoice is $100.00. This is the total purchase amount that is taxable.

Tax Calculated Using the WI MIL (Milwaukee) Sales Tax Schedule

To view how tax is calculated for invoice 75-145, on the Invoice Data Entry Header tab, click Tax Detail. In the Tax Detail window, you can see that $5.00 (100 x 5%) in sales tax has been calculated for the WI MIL (Wisconsin) sales tax schedule.

Remember that the WI MIL tax schedule calculates tax for both WI (Wisconsin state) and WI MIL (Milwaukee city) sales tax codes. Also, keep in mind that the WI sales tax code is set up to calculate sales tax on items which are purchased (the Purchases check box is selected in Sales Tax Code Maintenance), but the WI MIL tax code is not set up to calculate sales tax on items which are purchased (the Purchases check box is cleared in Sales Tax Code Maintenance). Therefore, sales tax on purchased items is calculated only for the WI (Wisconsin) state tax code even though both tax codes (WI and WI MIL) are included in the WI MIL tax schedule.

Changing Sales Tax Information

After setting up sales tax information, you may need to modify the sales tax information defined in Sales Tax Class Maintenance, Sales Tax Code Maintenance, or Sales Tax Schedule Maintenance. For example, the sales tax rate for a tax jurisdiction changed.

Note: This lesson assumes that sales tax information has been set up and sales tax has already been calculated on transactions.