ACH Interface Maintenance - Fields


ACH Interface Maintenance

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Bank Code

Enter the bank code for the bank account to add or maintain, or click the Lookup button to list all bank codes.

Note Banks must be set up in Bank Code Maintenance before they can be set up in this task.

Click the ACH Interface List button to list existing ACH Interface Maintenance records.

Click the Copy From button to copy an existing ACH Interface Maintenance record.



This field displays the name of the bank entered in Bank Code Maintenance and can only be viewed.


1. Main


Cash Account Number

This field displays the general ledger cash account number entered in Bank Code Maintenance that corresponds to the selected bank code. This field can only be viewed.

If the account number is longer than the field, use the left and right arrow keys to view the entire account number.


Bank Account Number

This field displays the bank account number entered in Bank Code Maintenance and can only be viewed.


Account Type

Select the account type for this bank account.


Pre-Note Approved

Select this check box if a pre-note has been approved for this bank account. Clear this check box if a pre-note has not been approved.


Immediate Destination

Type the routing/transit number and description of the receiving point to which the file is being sent. The routing/transit number is often your bank’s American Bankers Association (ABA) number; however, your bank may direct you to enter a different number. If you enter an invalid routing/transit number, a message appears asking if you want to accept the number.


Immediate Origin

Type the routing/transit number and description assigned by your bank to identify your company's ACH file or the sending point of the file. The 9-character field begins with the 4-digit transit number followed by the 4-digit ABA number and check digit.

Your bank may direct you to enter your federal tax ID number in this field. If you enter an invalid routing/transit number, a message appears asking if you want to accept the number.

Note If you enter a federal ID number in place of the routing/transit number, the first digit of the federal ID number must be entered in the Immediate Origin Leading Character field, and the 8 remaining digits and an additional alpha character must be entered in this field. When the immediate origin defaults to the Originating DFI field, the alpha character does not appear in the field, but it will be in the ACH file.


Originating DFI

Type the originating Depository Financial Institution (DFI) routing/transit number for the bank issuing the ACH file on behalf of its clients. This field defaults to the first 8 characters entered in the Immediate Origin field, but you can change it if your bank directs you to do so.

2. Records


Immediate Origin Leading Character

Type the leading character that goes before the immediate origin routing/transit number if required by your bank.


Valid File ID Modifiers

Select a first and last character to create a range of valid characters for the file ID if required by your bank. Each time that an ACH file is created, the value of the file ID will be incremented by 1 within the specified range.

Expand or collapse item Example

If you select 1 from the first list and select 9 from the second list, the file ID will be 1 for the first ACH file generated, 2 for the second ACH file generated, and so forth. After reaching 9, the sequence starts over with 1.


File Creation Date

Select which date will be used as the file creation date in the ACH file.


Character to Precede Company ID

Type the character that your bank requires as the first character in the Company ID field before the company ID.


Alternate Company ID Number

Type the company ID required by your bank. If the bank requires the same federal ID number entered in Company Maintenance, you can leave this field blank, and the number from Company Maintenance will be used in the ACH file.


Alternate Company Name

Type the company name required by your bank. If the bank requires the same company name entered in Company Maintenance, you can leave this field blank, and the name from Company Maintenance will be used in the ACH file.


Company Discretionary Data

Type additional company information if required by your bank.


Company Entry Description

Type a comment if required by your bank.


Pad File to Block Size

Select this check box if your bank requires that ACH files be generated as complete blocks of 10 records each. If you select this check box, select the padding option required by your bank, either Block Size to 9 or Block Size to 10. Clear this check box if your bank does not require that ACH files be generated as complete blocks of 10 records.


Block Size to 9

Select this option to pad the file with 10 records and to fill positions 56-94 in the File Control record with nines.


Block Size to 10

Select this option to pad the file with 9 records to fill the block. If the number of records in the ACH file is not a multiple of 10, the character 9 will fill the character positions in the end of the file to make the number of records equal to a multiple of 10.


Service Class Code

Type the service class code for the Batch Header record (record type 5) and the Batch Control record (record type 8) in the ACH file. The service class code identifies the classification of dollar entries to be exchanged.


Standard Entry Class

Type a class code to identify the transactions that will be transmitted.


Descriptive Date

Select a date to use as the descriptive date in the ACH file.


Zero Fill Settlement Date

Select this check box to add a 3-character settlement date to the Batch Header record (record type 5). By default, the settlement date is 000. Clear this check box if your bank requires that the Settlement Date field be blank.


Remove Dash from Pre-Note

Select this check box to replace the dash in the word pre-note with a space. Clear this check box if your bank requires that the dash remain in the word.


3. Additional


Include Internal Bank ID

Select this check box if your bank requires that an internal bank ID be included as a record preceding the File Header (record type 1) in the ACH file. Clear this check box to leave the File Header record as the first record in the ACH file.

If you select this check box, type the required description in the field to the right.

Note If you select the Use 80 Byte Text as First Record check box, then the description entered in this field will be the second record in the file.


Use 80 Byte Text as First Record

Select this check box if your bank requires you to enter text to be included as the first record in the ACH file. Clear this check box if text is not required by your bank.

If you select this check box, type the required description in the field to the right.


Include Debit Record

Select this check box if your bank requires a debit record for your company. An entry detail record will be created in the file after all of the vendor records. Your bank may use the term Balance File Format when a debit record is required. Clear this check box if a debit record is not required.


Transaction Code

Type a transaction code to identify the debit record as directed by your bank. This field is available only if the Include Debit Record check box is selected.


Receiving DFI Identification

Type the routing/transit number to use for the debit record as directed by your bank. This field is available only if the Include Debit Record check box is selected.


DFI Account Number

Type the bank account number to use for the debit record as directed by your bank. This field is available only if the Include Debit Record check box is selected.


Individual ID Number

Type the individual ID number to use for the debit record as directed by your bank. This field is available only if the Include Debit Record check box is selected.


Add CR/LF After Each Record

Select an option to add a return after each record in the ACH file.


Add CTRL+Z at End of File

Select this check box to include a CTRL+Z at the end of the file if required by your bank. Clear this check box to not include a CTRL+Z in the end of the file.


Only Include Vendor Records

Select this check box if your bank requires an ACH file with no File Header, File Control, Batch Header, or Batch Control records. The resulting ACH file will contain only Entry Detail (record type 6) records.


Include Addenda Records

Select this check box if your bank requires that an addenda record indicator be written to the detail records and that addenda records be included in the ACH file. This field is available only if one of the following is entered in the Standard Entry Class Code field:

The standard entry class code determines how the record will be formatted.

Expand or collapse item PPD and CCD Addenda Record Layout

Data Element




Record Type Code




Addenda Type Code




Payment Related Information



See below.

Addenda Sequence Number



This number is consecutively assigned to each addenda record following an entry detail record. The first addenda sequence number must always be 1.

Entry Detail Sequence Number



This field should be populated with the last 7 characters of the associated detail entry trace number (the last field in the detail record positions: 88-94).


Positions 4-83 (payment related information) will contain the following data:



4-23 Invoice number
24-29 Invoice date (YYMMDD)
30-57 Invoice comment (left justified string)
58-70 Payment amount (right justified, zero fill to the left)
71-83 Discount amount (right justified, zero fill to the left)


In cases where a single record accounts for the payment of multiple invoices, positions 4-83 will have the following data.



4-49 Contact payer for details (left string justified)
50-62 Total payment amount (right justified, zero filled to the left)
63-75 Total discount amount (right justified, zero filled to the left)
76-83 Blank


Expand or collapse item CTX Addenda Record Layout

Data Element




Record Type Code




Addenda Type Code




Payment Related Information



See below.

Addenda Sequence Number



This number is consecutively assigned to each addenda record following an entry detail record. The first addenda sequence number must always be 1.

Entry Detail Sequence Number



This field should be populated with the last 7 characters of the associated detail entry trace number (the last field in the detail record positions: 88-94).


Positions 4-83 (payment related information) will contain the following data:



4-23 Invoice number
24-29 Invoice date (YYMMDD)
30-57 Invoice comment (left justified string)
58-70 Payment amount (right justified, zero fill to the left)
71-83 Discount amount (right justified, zero fill to the left)


Using First Hawaiian Bank

Select this check box if the selected bank code is for First Hawaiian Bank. An additional record that meets the First Hawaiian Bank standards will be appended to the ACH file. Clear this check box if the selected bank code is not for First Hawaiian Bank.

Expand or collapse item First Hawaiian Bank Record Layout

Data Element




Record Description




File ID Number




Immediate Origin



From File Header Record, position 14B23

Total Record Count



((Block Count * 10) + 2) Block Count from File Control Record, position 8B13

Total Debit + Credit



From File Control Record, position 46B55






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