A/R Repetitive Invoice Selection


Window Details


How Do I...



Process Repetitive Invoices







Select Accounts Receivable Main menu > Repetitive Invoice Selection.


Use Repetitive Invoice Selection to select recurring invoices when you are ready to invoice customers. You can select a customer number range, reference code range, and/or select cycles. You can also enter a starting invoice number which is used by the system to automatically assign invoice numbers to the selected repetitive invoices.

The invoices selected are transferred automatically from Repetitive Invoice Entry to Invoice Data Entry. If you have no changes to make to any of the repetitive invoices selected, print the invoices after the selection process is completed, print the Sales Journal, and update the permanent files.

Repetitive invoices can be selected and processed along with a batch of regular invoices, or they can be processed separately. You must print the Sales Journal and perform the subsequent update in order to transfer the repetitive invoice data to the permanent files.

To modify repetitive invoice information before printing invoices (for example, to add a last-minute freight charge, make a change in the salesperson commission rate, or enter the CVV number for credit card transactions), use Invoice Data Entry. Taxes will be recalculated for selected invoices.

Note If the CVV number for credit card transactions is not submitted to Sage Exchange in Invoice Data Entry, the credit card company may charge a higher transaction fee.

Only invoices for which the Print Invoice check box is selected in Repetitive Invoice Entry can be printed.

If the Job Cost module is integrated with Accounts Receivable, Repetitive Invoice Selection can be used to select recurring invoices for job-related receivable items. When allowed job statuses are defined in Job Status Maintenance, the system checks for allowed job statuses only when a job number is first entered in a data entry window. Changing a job status from allowed to not allowed does not affect existing records. The system will not check for allowed job statuses when selecting transactions for Repetitive Invoice Selection.



Invoice Date


Selection Date


Include Customers on Hold


Next Invoice Number



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