Sales Journal

The Sales Journal is an audit report itemizing the data entered in A/R Invoice Data Entry. Any repetitive invoices selected for billing are also listed. Printing this report is the first step in the update process, and provides an opportunity to check invoice data for errors before posting information to the permanent files.

The Sales Journal can be printed by batch if the Allow Batch Entry for Invoicing check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options.

Information detailed in the journal includes the invoice number, batch number, date, customer number, terms, freight, sales tax, and net and total amounts. A total of all invoices is provided.

Review the Sales Journal and use it to balance your invoice entries. Prepare an adding machine tape of the invoices entered and check the total against the total on the journal. These totals should match unless an incorrect invoice amount was entered.

The Gross Profit Journal details sales and commission information for each invoice. Information on the report includes the invoice number, batch number, customer number and name, salesperson, sales tax, commission rate, net sales amount, cost of goods sold amount, gross profit amount, profit percentage, commission amount, and invoice total.

After the Gross Profit Journal prints, you are prompted to update the Sales Journal. If you do not update at this time, the invoice information is included the next time an update is attempted.

Warning Do not proceed with the Sales Journal update until all invoices are printed. When you proceed with the update, all invoices entered are cleared from the data entry fields and are not available for invoice printing. Do NOT, under any circumstances, interrupt the update process.

For more information, see:

Update FAQs

Batch Print

Process Repetitive Invoices

Print a Journal or Register as a PDF

Report Sample


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