Option Selection


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Enter Options for Standard Bills and Sales Kits






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Access this window using one of the following methods:

This task is available only if standard bills and sales kits are defined in the Bill of Materials module, the Use Option Bills check box is selected in Bill of Materials Options, and the Bill Has Options check box is selected in the Bill of Materials Maintenance window. Options and option categories must be set up in the Bill of Materials module before they can be entered.


Use Option Selection to select an option code. All option categories for the current bill number selected appear in the Option Selection window.

Sales kits and standard bills defined using Bill of Materials Maintenance can use options to specify different configurations of component items. Options are often called features or accessories. Up to nine separate categories of options can be specified. Each category can include any number of specific options that can be selected. Each option within a category is identified by a unique code.

Note Sales kits defined using Inventory Management Sales Kit Maintenance cannot use options.

After the options are specified, if a nonstocked sales kit is entered, the component items required for each option are added to the order automatically (in addition to the standard components for the sales kit).



Bill Number


Option Category



Option Description

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