Production Entry


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Select Bill of Materials Main menu > Production Entry.


Use Production Entry to enter the receipt of manufactured goods into inventory and the consumption of the corresponding component parts. This task is primarily used to record manufacturing transactions after the assembly of the manufactured goods.

Production Entry allows you to enter a bill number, indicate how many of the finished products have been manufactured, and record the component usage, as well as the receipt of the finished product, into inventory. This is performed as a one-step process and does not directly support a work-in-process accounting system.

Components of a bill explode automatically; however, additions, deletions, and changes to the components, including miscellaneous code lines, are allowed.

Production entries that are entered, but not yet updated, can be maintained whenever necessary. You cannot modify the original bill number, revision code, option code, quantity, or effective date when maintaining a previous entry. To modify this information, you must delete the entire entry and enter the new information.





1. Header



Starting Serial Number / Lot Number



2. Lines


Grid Button Bar

Line Number

Quick Row

Cost Account

Extended Quantity

Distrib Required


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