Sales Kit Maintenance


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Kit Copy From

Costed Sales Kit Report

Using Sales Kits

Sales Kit Where-Used Report

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Item Maintenance

Item Quantity Inquiry

Bill of Materials Maintenance

Sales Order Entry





Select Inventory Management Kits menu > Sales Kit Maintenance.


Use Sales Kit Maintenance to create and maintain sales kits. Sales kits are groups of items that are normally sold together. When a sales kit item is ordered or invoiced in the Sales Order module, the item group is exploded into its individual components. This component detail information can then be modified using Sales Order Entry to accommodate special kit configurations. A sales kit must be defined as a specific inventory item. Sales kit inventory items must be defined as kit type items. Each sales kit can consist of any number of component items and comment lines; however, a component item for a sales kit cannot be another sales kit. As you enter or delete line items from the kit, they are consecutively renumbered. You can enter up to 9,999 lines for each kit.

To accommodate component items whose use varies with each order, you can override the quantity per kit using Sales Order Entry if the Sales Order module is installed. To accomplish this, enter a zero quantity for each variable-use item. The actual quantity can then be entered during data entry.

You can also use Sales Kit Maintenance to copy kit information from another kit or print a Sales Kit Report.

Note If items for which the Inactive Item check box is selected in Item Maintenance are added as components for an active kit, the components will be treated as active when exploded in a data entry task where item checking is performed.

Note If the Bill of Materials module has been installed for the current company, use Bill of Materials Maintenance to maintain sales kit information.




Kit Item Code

Kit Quantity



Print Detail


Quick Row

Unit of Measure

Item Code



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