Inventory Sales Analysis


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Select Inventory Management Reports menu > Inventory Sales Analysis.


Use Inventory Sales Analysis to list an overview of each item's sales performance and gross profit percentage. This information can help determine whether or not an item is profitable on a continuing basis.

The quantity sold and returned, dollars sold, cost of goods sold, gross profit, and percentage of profit can be detailed for each item by period to date, year to date, and prior year.

You can also select the most active and least active products in your inventory by sorting information by period-to-date, year-to-date, or prior-year dollars sold and selecting items for the corresponding periods.

You can enter a selection of item codes, product lines, primary vendor numbers, item descriptions, warehouses, bin locations, period-to-date dollars sold, year-to-date dollars sold, prior-year dollars sold, user-defined categories (if descriptions have been entered in Inventory Management Options), and user-defined fields (UDFs). By entering these selections, you can obtain a list of items that allows you to identify pertinent information.



Report Setting

Number of Days with No Sales


Product Types to Print


Print Inactive Items

Default Report

Procurement Types to Print

Print Report Settings

Period to Date

Three Hole Punch

Year to Date

Number of Copies

Prior Year


Warehouse Detail

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Fiscal Year / Calendar Year


Accounting Period / Calendar Month

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Print Only Items with No Sales

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