User Maintenance


Window Details









How Do I



Set Up Security

Lock Users Out of the System

Set Up Unified Logon

Restrict Accounting Date to the Current and One Future Period

Log Off a User After a Period of Inactivity

Change Default Report Preview Zoom Setting


Related Topics



Rename User

Security FAQs





Access this window using one of the following methods:

Note This task is available only if you are logged on as the Administrator or have the appropriate security set up.


Use User Maintenance to create users and assign roles to users. One or more roles can be assigned to each user. User-specific preferences can also be set, including the following:

This task can also be used to set an expiration date for user accounts and user roles.

Before creating users and assigning roles, make sure you understand the concepts presented in Security FAQs.



User Logon

Customization Group

First Name


Last Name

Email Address

User Code

Job Title


User Account Locked

Confirm Password




1. Maintenance



Start Date


Expiration Date



2. Preferences


Automatic Logoff

Automatic Logoff Delay in Minutes

Implied Decimal Point

Use Graphic Report Format

Low Speed Connection

Partial Lookup Default

Lookup Limit for Initial Display

Prompt for Company Code

[ENTER] Key Like [TAB] Key for Grid

Default Report Preview Zoom

Display Reduction Amounts in Red

Retain Module on Company Change

Enable Web Services

Enable C/S ODBC Driver

Theme Code

Spawn Tasks from Application Server



3. Auto-Complete


Note This tab is available only if the Enable Auto-Complete check box is selected in System Configuration.

Record Type





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