Employee Direct Deposit Stub Viewer


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Access this window using one of the following methods:

This window is available only if the Forms check box is selected in Paperless Office Options. From Employee Maintenance, this window is also available only if direct deposit stubs are set up in Paperless Office Form Maintenance.

Note This task is not available for Sage 100 Premium.


Use Employee Direct Deposit Stub Viewer to view, move, or delete direct deposit stubs stored as PDF documents. When accessed from the Paperless Office menu, Employee Direct Deposit Stub Viewer displays stub PDF documents created for an employee in any company. You can filter the PDF documents displayed by check date, or search for a PDF document using additional criteria.

Direct deposit stubs can be electronically delivered during the Check Register update. You can also e-mail stubs from the viewer, depending on where the viewer is accessed. If the viewer is accessed from Employee Maintenance or the Direct Deposit menu, you can move, delete, and e-mail stubs in the viewer. If the viewer is accessed from Employee Self Service, you can only search for and open stubs in the viewer.

Note In Paperless Office Options, you can specify whether to automatically display all documents in Employee Direct Deposit Stub Viewer when it is first accessed. If you do not specify to load all documents when the viewer is first accessed, documents are loaded only after you enter selection criteria and click Refresh.



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