Create a Default Message for Sending PDF Documents


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You can create a default message to use when sending reports, journals, registers, and forms by e-mail or fax.

The message that is used depends on how specific the company, document type, and document is for the message. Multiple messages can be defined for a single document. For example, one message can be defined for all documents in all companies and all modules, and another message can be defined for a specific document in a specific company and module. When multiple messages exist for a document, the message used is based on a hierarchy where messages for specific documents are used first. For more information, see Electronic Delivery Message Hierarchy.

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One or more check boxes must be selected in the Enable Electronic Delivery and PDF Storage section in the Paperless Office Options window before you can set up messages.


To create a default message for sending PDF documents

  1. Select Paperless Office Setup menu > Electronic Delivery Message Maintenance.

  2. Select the document type, company code, module code, and document for this message. You can create a message for multiple documents by selecting All at any of these fields. For more information, see Electronic Delivery Message Maintenance - Fields.

  3. In the Subject field, type the subject to use for the selected document. You can insert a merge field at the location of your cursor by selecting the appropriate merge field. When the message is sent, the merge field is converted to the corresponding value. You can also manually type in merge fields in the message and subject line, using the format <xxx>.

Note It is important to only type merge fields that apply to the document you are sending. For more information, see Paperless Office Merge Fields.

  1. For the message, type the body text to use. You can insert merge fields in the message.

  2. When you have finished defining the message, click Accept.

The default message is defined for the document. When you are sending the document by e-mail or fax from the printing task or viewer, you can select whether to use the default message for the document. Otherwise, you can type a subject line manually.

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