Paperless Office Merge Fields


In Paperless Office Electronic Delivery Message Maintenance, you can define messages for sending PDF documents by e-mail or fax. You can insert merge fields into the subject line and message body. When the message is sent, the merge fields are converted into their corresponding values. Different documents have different merge fields available.

You can also manually type in merge fields in the message and subject line, using the format <xxx>. It is important to only type merge fields that apply to the document you are sending. For example, the <DocumentNo> merge field applies only to certain documents. If this merge field is inserted for a document such as a statement that does not have a document number, the merge field is not converted to a value when the e-mail is sent.

The following table describes the merge fields that are available for each document.

Merge Field


Available For


Displays the bill-to name entered during data entry. If the message is sent from a viewer, the customer name is used instead of the bill-to name.


Sales orders


Displays the company name as entered in Company Maintenance.

All documents


Displays the customer name as entered in Customer Maintenance.

Customer RMAs


Sales orders



Displays the customer number. If divisions are set up, the division number is also displayed (for example, 01-ABF).

Customer RMAs


Sales orders



Displays the name of the document.

All documents


Displays the accounting date for journals, registers, and reports. Dates are formatted using the regional short date format.

Displays the period-end date for period-end reports.

Displays the date of the document for customer RMAs, direct deposit stubs, invoices, purchase orders, return orders, sales orders, and checks.

Customer RMAs

Direct deposit stubs




Period-end reports

Purchase orders


Return orders

Sales orders




Displays the number of the document as entered during data entry.

Displays the RMA number for customer RMAs.

Displays the stub number for direct deposit stubs.

Displays the invoice number for invoices.

Displays the journal or register number for journals and registers.

Displays the order number for orders.

Displays the check number for checks.

Customer RMAs

Direct deposit stubs




Purchase orders

Return orders

Sales orders



Displays the first and last name of the employee as entered in Employee Maintenance.

Direct deposit stubs


Displays the employee number. If departments are set up, the department number is also displayed (for example, 11-0000100).

Direct deposit stubs


Displays the type of invoice (for example, Credit Memo).



Displays the vendor number. If divisions are set up, the division number is also displayed (for example, 01-AIRWAY).

Purchase order

Return order



Displays the vendor name as entered in Vendor Maintenance.

Purchase order

Return order




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