Reorder Data


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Related Topics


Purchase Order Entry

Receipt of Goods Entry

Purchase Order FAQs

Receipt of Invoice Entry

Item Quantity Inquiry




Access this window using one of the following methods:

Note If the item selected does not have vendor price levels, when you click the Item Quantity Inquiry button in the Original Qty or Ordered fields, the Reorder Data window appears.


Use Reorder Data to view reorder information for an item. When entering line items, you can display the reorder and quantity-on-hand information for a specific inventory item if the Inventory Management module is integrated with Purchase Order.

You can also view the quantity-in-shipping and on-hand-less-in-shipping information if the Sales Order module is integrated with Inventory Management and if the Enable Shipping check box is selected in the Sales Order Options window. The quantity-in-shipping amount represents those items shipped using Sales Order Shipping Data Entry and Sales Order Invoice Data Entry as of the last update of the Sales Journal. The on-hand-less-in-shipping amount is a calculation of the on-hand quantity less the quantity shipped in Sales Order Shipping Data Entry and Sales Order Invoice Data Entry for the current item and warehouse..



Order Quantity



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