Auto Generate Orders Selection


Window Details


How Do I...



Automatically Generate Sales Orders










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Select Sales Order Main menu > Auto Generate Orders Selection.

Master or repeating orders must already exist in the system.


Use Auto Generate Orders Selection to generate sales orders automatically for a selected group of repeating or master orders. You can select sales orders by sales order number, sales order date, customer number, cycle code, or salesperson number. You can generate orders from expired orders and master and repeating orders on hold.

During the selection update process, the order number and order date are written to the master and/or repeating orders.

If the Job Cost module is integrated with Sales Order, you can select to generate only orders that are associated with open jobs. When allowed job statuses are defined in Job Status Maintenance, the system checks for allowed job statuses only when a job number is first entered in a data entry window. Changing a job status from allowed to not allowed does not affect existing records. The system will not check for allowed job statuses when selecting transactions for Auto Generate Orders Selection.

Note The system does not check whether the Inactive Item check box in Item Maintenance is selected for items included on orders created using this task.

Warning  Do not interrupt order generation while it is in progress.



Order Type to Generate From

Only Select Jobs with Status of Open

Select Orders on Hold


Select Expired Orders



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