Enter a Sales Order or Price Quote


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Use Sales Order Entry to enter a standard sales order, master order, repeating order, back order, or itemized price quote.

Master orders allow you to create a large quantity order for items to ship over a period of time. New standard orders are issued against the master order to facilitate shipment and invoicing of selected items. The original order quantity, quantity ordered against the ordered quantity, and total balance are maintained for the master order. Master orders can offer customers the advantage of price breaks not available for smaller, more frequent orders. All inventory updates, order date, and expiration date tracking is performed automatically.

Repeating orders can reduce repetitive data entry on orders for customers who routinely order the same items. After a repeating order is entered, all customer, line item, tax, commission, and freight information is stored for future orders. Repeating orders can be copied to standard orders and modified.

For price quotes, master orders, and repeating orders, quantity on-hand checking is performed, but inventory quantity on sales order information is not adjusted. Quantities ordered and filled are tracked as standard orders are created and items are shipped and invoiced.

To enter a sales order or price quote

  1. Select Sales Order Main menu > Sales Order Entry.

  2. To set or change sales order defaults for the next order number, order date, order type, ship date, warehouse, ship via, FOB, and whether the order and picking sheets are printed, click Defaults. For more information, see Save Default Values for Sales Order and Invoice Data Entry.

  3. In the Order Number field, enter the sales order or price quote number. For more information, see Sales Order Entry - Fields.

You can copy an existing sales order or invoice by entering a new order number in the Order Number field, then clicking Copy from. For more information, see Copy Sales Order Information.

  1. Enter the order date. In the Order Type field, select whether this is a standard order, back order, master order, repeating order, or price quote.

  2. If you are creating a standard order from a master or repeating order, enter the appropriate number in the Master/Repeating No. field, and then change information and item quantities as necessary.

If you are creating a master or repeating order, enter the cycle code.

  1. Enter the customer number and then enter the appropriate customer and salesperson information.

Note To view or maintain customer information, click the Customer button. To view customer credit information, click the Credit button.

  1. To print the sales order and picking sheets when the order is accepted, select the Print Order and Print Pick Sheets check boxes.

  2. If the Job Cost module is installed and integrated with Sales Order and a job is associated with this order, enter the job number.

  1. Click the Address tab and verify the customer bill-to and ship-to address information.

  2. Click the Lines tab. In the Item Code field, enter the first inventory or miscellaneous item to order. To enter a sales kit, see Enter a Sales Kit. To select an alias item code, click the Alias Item button. For more information, see Look Up an Item by Alias Number.

  1. Enter the quantity to order and unit price for the item. You can back order an item if the quantity ordered exceeds the quantity available and the appropriate security is set up.

Note To view customer purchase history and/or use the customer’s last purchase price, click the Customer Last Purchase History button. For more information, see Use the Last Purchase Price on an Order.

  1. Distribute lot and serial numbers for items as needed. For more information, see Distribute Lot/Serial Items.

Note Lot/serial distributions can be entered for standard and backorder order types if the Enable Lot/Serial Distribution check box is selected in Sales Order Options. Lot/serial distributions will update the quantity committed for the selected lot/serial.

  1. Enter text in the Comment field if you want a comment associated with this line item. To enter an extended description for an inventory item in Item Text Maintenance, click the Extended Item Description button.

Note Extended descriptions cannot be entered for miscellaneous and special items.

  1. Enter the appropriate information in the secondary grid.

  2. Click the Totals tab. Enter any discounts, shipping and freight, payment information, and commission rate if applicable. Click Accept.  

Note A warning message appears if a discount amount is entered and no line items are selected as discountable on the Lines tab.

The sales order or price quote is created.

After a price quote is prepared, it can be printed individually or with a group of sales orders for mailing to the customer. If the quote is accepted and an order is placed, you only need to select the quote and change the order type to Standard to create a sales order. The inventory quantity on order is adjusted at this time.

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