Assigning Work Orders to Sales Orders or to Other Work Orders


The finished product from a work order, whether it is a finished item or a subassembly, is always completed into inventory, except for special (noninventory) items that are posted to the Special Item Purchases account. From inventory, the finished product can be sold to customers using the Sales Order module, used as components on other work orders, or left in inventory for future use.

Because the demand that initiates a work order can come from an existing sales order or another work order, you can designate the intended use for the product in the Make For field on the Work Order Entry Header tab. You can select Inventory to designate the finished product for inventory, Sales Order to fill a sales order demand, or Work Order for use by another work order.

If Sales Order is selected in the Make For field, the For S/O No. and Customer fields appear. Enter the sales order number and the sales order line number containing the item to produce. The item code, quantity to produce, and the unit of measure are copied from the sales order. Information copied can be changed, if necessary. After you enter a sales order number, the S/O Line List window appears. Substeps resulting from option bills and phantom bills from the Bill of Materials module are not shown. Sales orders cannot be assigned to substeps.

If Work Order is selected in the Make For field, the For W/O No. and Step fields appear. Enter the work order number and the step number that will use the item to be produced. After you enter a work order number, the W/O Line List dialog box appears. Substeps resulting from option bills and phantom bills from the Bill of Materials module are not shown. Work orders cannot be assigned to substeps.

Finished products are recorded into the system by entering work order completion transactions in Work Order Transaction Entry. You can override the original "make for" sales order number or "make for" work order number when recording the completion transaction.

When you complete the work order, the finished product is still issued to inventory, regardless of the option selected; however, the Back Order Fill Report lists those parts that are now finished and ready to issue to other work orders or to fill Sales Order back orders. You can then use the information on the Back Order Fill Report to complete sales orders using Sales Order Invoice Data Entry. Completed products can be issued to work orders by entering material issue transactions in Work Order Transaction Entry.

For more information, see:

Enter a Work Order

Work Order Entry

Steps and Substeps

Work Order Transaction Entry