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Use Employer's Expense Summary to print the Employer's Taxes, Workers' Compensation, and Deposit Liability reports.
The Employer's Taxes and Workers' Compensation reports itemize the following department totals for the payroll period:
- Gross wages
- Earnings subject to Employer Social Security, Medicare, unemployment, Workers' Compensation, and other taxes
- Employer Social Security, Medicare, unemployment, Workers' Compensation, disability, and other taxes
For employers reporting tip wages, the Social Security tip wages and Social Security tip tax will print separately on the Employer's Taxes page of the summary.
For Massachusetts employees, the Employer Medical Assistance Contribution (MAC) is included with the unemployment tax.
The Deposit Liability report itemizes the following:
- Federal, state, and local tax liabilities reported both individually and in total
- The net check amount
- Cash required for the current Payroll period
- Employee and Employer Social Security and Medicare withheld
- The total of all FUTA, state and local tax liabilities, and total tax liabilities
Note: Print the Employer's Expense Summary before updating the Check Register; this information is cleared during the update.