Employee Auto Earnings Maintenance - Fields


Automatic Earnings Code Maintenance

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Employee No.

This field displays the employee number and can only be viewed.


Earnings Code

Enter an earnings code or click the Lookup button to list all earnings codes.


Earnings Description

This field displays the description for the earnings code and can only be viewed.


Seq No.

This field corresponds to the record number for the selected earnings code and can only be viewed. The value in this field is automatically incremented when you create a new entry for an earnings code.


Earnings Type

This field displays the type of earnings for the selected earnings code and can only be viewed.


Dept No.

Enter a department or click the Lookup button to list all departments. This field is available only if the Require Departments in Payroll check box is selected in Payroll Options.


Calc Method

Select Fixed Amount or Percentage. This field displays Fixed Amount and can only be viewed if Fixed Amount is the method of entry for the selected earnings code.

If you select Fixed Amount, you can enter an amount in the Payment Amount field; you can then optionally type a pay rate in the Pay Rate field and type hours in the Hours field if the selected earnings code method is not Fixed Amount.

If you select Percentage, the payment amount is adjusted based on the allocation percentage entered in the Allocation % field, which is multiplied by the autopay hours entered in Employee Maintenance.


Allocation %

Type a percentage amount to adjust the value in the Payment Amount field. This field is available only if Percentage is selected in the Calc Method field.


Pay Rate

Select one of the pay rates defined in Employee Maintenance, or select None to enter a rate in the Pay Rate Amt field. This field can only be viewed if the earnings code has a method of Fixed Amount or if Fixed Amount is selected in the Calc Method field.


Pay Rate Amt

Type a pay rate. This field can only be viewed if a pay rate is selected in the Pay Rate field or if the selected earnings code has a method of Fixed Amount.



Type the number of hours to use in the Payment Amount calculation. This field can only be viewed if the selected earnings code has a method of Fixed Amount.

Note If Percentage is selected in the Calc Method field, the number of hours entered in the Autopay Hours field in Employee Maintenance is multiplied by the percentage entered in the Allocation % field. The total of that calculation will populate this field; therefore, the value will change if you change the allocation percentage.


Payment Amount

Type a pay amount.


Earnings Limit

Type the maximum amount that an employee can earn for the selected earnings code. When this limit is reached, the earnings code will no longer be added when the Auto Pay calculation is performed.

Note If multiple entries exist for an earnings code, this field is available only when the first entry is selected; the number 1 will display in the Entry Number field.


YTD Amount

If a value is entered in the Earnings Limit field, this field displays the employee's year-to-date earnings for this earnings code and can only be viewed.



If a value is entered in the Earnings Limit field, this field displays the difference between that value and the value at the YTD field. This field can only be viewed.


Auto Earning

Select this check box to include the earnings code in the employee's pay calculation. Clear the check box to exclude the earnings code from the employee's pay calculation.


Pay Pd 1

Select this check box to automatically include the earnings code in the employee's pay calculation for pay period 1. The earnings code will be included if 1 is selected in the Deduction/Earnings Period field in the Pay Cycle window.


Pay Pd 2

Select this check box to automatically include the earnings code in the employee's pay calculation for pay period 2. The earnings code will be included if 2 is selected in the Deduction/Earnings Period field in the Pay Cycle window.


Pay Pd 3

Select this check box to automatically include the earnings code in the employee's pay calculation for pay period 3. The earnings code will be included if 3 is selected in the Deduction/Earnings Period field in the Pay Cycle window.


Pay Pd 4

Select this check box to automatically include the earnings code in the employee's pay calculation for pay period 4. The earnings code will be included if 4 is selected in the Deduction/Earnings Period field in the Pay Cycle window.


Pay Pd 5

Select this check box to automatically include the earnings code in the employee's pay calculation for pay period 5. The earnings code will be included if 5 is selected in the Deduction/Earnings Period field in the Pay Cycle window.



This field displays the method of entry for the selected earnings code and can only be viewed.