Reverse an Electronic Payment


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Expand/Collapse item  Overview

Use this procedure to reverse an electronic payment and distribute the negative payment amount to the appropriate general ledger accounts. If you enter an invoice that is not on file, you can use an expense distribution table to distribute the negative payment amount.

Note This procedure records the electronic payment reversal in Sage 100. It does not create a record in the ACH file for transmission to the bank. You must contact the bank directly to stop or reverse a payment to the vendor.

Expand/Collapse item  Before You Begin

The electronic payment number must exist in check history. Electronic payment numbers in check history appear in Vendor Maintenance; the numbers begin with the letter E.


To use an expense distribution table, the Enable Expense Distribution Tables check box must be selected in Accounts Payable Options and a table must be set up in Expense Distribution Table Maintenance.



To reverse an electronic payment

  1. Select Accounts Payable Main menu > Manual Check and Payment Entry.
  2. In the Payment Type field, select Electronic Payment Reversal. For more information, see Manual Check and Payment Entry - Fields.  
  3. In the Check No. field, enter the number of the electronic payment to reverse.
  4. When the message asks if you want to recall invoices paid by this electronic payment, perform one of the following:
    • Click Yes to populate the Lines tab with the invoice information.
    • Click No to manually enter invoice information on the Lines tab.

    Expand/Collapse item  If the Track Detailed Invoice/Payment History check box is selected in Accounts Payable Options

    If there are missing invoices, the invoice numbers appear, and the invoices must be manually re-entered and distributed.

    If the electronic payment was for general ledger distribution only, an invoice is created and posted to the vendor's Open Invoice file using invoice number CKXXXX, where XXXX is the electronic payment number.

    Expand/Collapse item  If the Track Detailed Invoice/Payment History check box is cleared in Accounts Payable Options

    Manually recall the original invoices. If the electronic payment to reverse was originally an electronic payment distribution to the general ledger or if the invoices included on the electronic payment reversal are no longer in history, do not recall the invoice.

    If general ledger distribution is not used, the cash account is debited and the accounts payable account is credited.

  5. If the Accounts Payable module is integrated with Job Cost, a message indicates that Job Cost invoices have been recalled and that they must be manually distributed. Click OK.
  6. Click the Lines tab. A negative invoice amount appears in the Invoice Amt field.
  7. If you clicked No in step 4, click the Create G/L Distribution button. In the General Ledger Distribution window, distribute the negative electronic payment amount to the appropriate accounts, and click Accept.
  8. In Manual Check and Payment Entry, click Accept.

The electronic payment is reversed.


To reverse an electronic payment using an expense distribution table

  1. Select Accounts Payable Main menu > Manual Check and Payment Entry.
  2. In the Payment Type field, select Electronic Payment Reversal. For more information, see Manual Check and Payment Entry - Fields.  
  3. In the Check No. field, enter the number of the electronic payment to reverse.
  4. When the message asks if you want to recall invoices paid by this electronic payment, click No.
  5. Click the Lines tab. A negative invoice amount appears in the Invoice Amt field.
  6. Perform one of the following to distribute the negative electronic payment amount.

To let the system assign an invoice number:

  1. Click the Create G/L Expense Distribution button.
  2. In the Expense Distribution Table window, in the Expense Distribution Table field, enter a table code. For more information, see Expense Distribution Table - Fields. Click OK.
  3. In the General Ledger Distribution window, verify that the information is correct and make changes if needed. For more information, see General Ledger Distribution - Fields. Click Accept.

To manually enter an invoice number:

  1. In the Invoice No. field, type an invoice number. A message appears asking if this is a new invoice number. Click Yes.
  2. In the Exp Dist Table field, enter a table code.
  3. Move to the next line.
  4. In the General Ledger Distribution window, verify that the information is correct and make changes if needed. For more information, see General Ledger Distribution - Fields. Click Accept.
  1. In Manual Check and Payment Entry, click Accept.

The electronic payment is reversed.