Receipt History Inquiry - Fields


Receipt History Inquiry

PO Number

Enter the purchase order number for the receipt to view, or click the Lookup button to list all receipts, including those without a purchase order.

If more than one purchase order was applied to a receipt, "Multiple Orders" appears next to the PO Date field. You can select any of the orders from the Lookup window to select the receipt. Click the Multiple Purchase Orders Zoom button to view a list of all orders applied to the receipt.

Leave this field blank to inquire into a receipt that does not have a purchase order number.


Receipt Number

Enter the receipt number representing the receipt you want to examine, or click the Lookup button to list all receipts.

Click the Memo button to view, create, or maintain memos. The Memo button is available only if the appropriate memo type has been set up in Memo Manager Maintenance for this task. If a memo already exists for this task, the Memo button appears yellow. If a memo does not exist, the Memo button appears blue. For more information, see Memo Maintenance.


1. Header


Receipt History Information

This tab displays receipt history information such as the vendor number and name, order type, date required, source journal, terms, warehouse, and authorization number. This information can only be viewed.

Click the Zoom button in the Source Journal field to view the general ledger posting associated with this receipt.


2. Address


Address Information

This tab displays the purchase address and ship-to address information for this receipt, and can only be viewed.

3. Lines


Lines List Box

This list box displays receipt history information.

Use the buttons located to the right of the list box to search by row, view comments, open the Item Inquiry window, view lot and serial history, and additional fields and extended item description for receipts. The Work Ticket Inquiry button is available if the Production Management module is integrated with Purchase Order.

For more information, see:

Item Code Search

Comment Text

Item Memo

Item Inquiry

Lot/Serial History

Additional Fields


Select a row and click the Export to Excel button to export the contents of the list box to Microsoft Excel. The button is available if Excel is installed on your computer and you have the appropriate security setup.


4. Totals


Totals Information

This tab displays total information for the selected receipt, and can only be viewed.

Click Tax Detail to view tax information. Click Landed Cost to view landed cost information. This button is available only if the Allow Entry of Landed Cost check box is selected in the Purchase Order Options window and a receipt of goods is processed with landed cost. For more information, see Purchase Order Options - Fields.

If multiple purchase orders were applied to the receipt, the total prepayment amount for all of the orders appears in the Less Prepaid Amount field. Click the Prepayments button next to the field to view a list of the applied purchase orders, along with the prepaid amount and check number for each order.