Purchase Order Options - Fields


Purchase Order Options

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1. Main


Days to Retain Completed Purchase Orders

Type the number of days to retain completed purchase orders. Purchase orders that have been completed longer than the specified number of days are purged automatically during period-end processing. Completed purchase orders can be retained for up to 999 days.


Automatically Close Partially Received Purchase Orders

Select this check box to automatically close a purchase order that is only partially received. Clear this check box if you do not want to close a purchase order unless it is completely received.


Receipt Variance to Close Purchase Order Lines

Type the percentage of variance from the originally ordered quantity within which a purchase order is considered received. This field is available only if the Automatically Close Partially Received Purchase Orders check box is selected.


Post Accounts Payable Invoices

Select this check box to generate Accounts Payable invoices from receipt of invoice entries. Clear this check box to manually enter purchase order invoice information in the Accounts Payable module, independently of the Purchase Order module. If this check box is cleared, the system only looks at ordered and received quantities to determine if the status is complete.


Current Calendar Year / Current Fiscal Year

Select the current calendar or fiscal year based on the current date.

Note This field appears as either Current Calendar Year or Current Fiscal Year, depending on the option selected in the Base Inventory Periods On field in Inventory Management Options. For the Current Fiscal Year option, you can click the Lookup button to list all fiscal years. If the Inventory Management module is not installed, this field defaults to Current Fiscal Year.


Current Period

Select the current Purchase Order accounting period. This field defaults to the current general ledger accounting period.

Use this field to differentiate between the current period and a future period. When Purchase Order period end is processed, the value in this field is incremented automatically. Performing only General Ledger period-end processing does not increment the value in this field.


(Integrate with) General Ledger

Select this check box to integrate the Purchase Order module with General Ledger. Clear this check box if you do not want general ledger postings from the Purchase Order module to update to General Ledger or post to the General Ledger Posting Recap.

When these modules are integrated, journal entries are posted to General Ledger for returned goods and, if Purchase Order is also integrated with Inventory Management, for receipt of goods.


(Integrate with) Inventory Management

Select this check box to integrate the Purchase Order module with Inventory Management. Clear this check box if you do not want to integrate the Purchase Order module with Inventory Management.

When these modules are integrated, information from Item Maintenance is used when generating or entering purchase orders. You can use quantities on purchase orders to calculate available quantities for items. When purchase order goods are received, the quantity and cost information is also posted to Item Maintenance.


(Integrate with) Job Cost

Select this check box to integrate the Purchase Order module with Job Cost. Clear this check box if you do not want to integrate the Purchase Order module with Job Cost.

When these modules are integrated, job numbers and cost codes can be entered for each item on a purchase order. As you invoice the purchase orders, the expense is distributed to the appropriate job in the Job Cost module.

Warning If this check box and the Post Invoice Costs to Job Cost check box in Sales Order Options are both selected, costs can potentially be double-posted to the Job Cost module. If both check boxes are cleared, costs are not posted to the Job Cost module from either the Sales Order or Purchase Order module.


(Integrate with) Bank Reconciliation

Select this check box to integrate the Purchase Order module with Bank Reconciliation. Clear this check box if you do not want cash-on-delivery (COD) checks updated from the Purchase Order module to Bank Reconciliation.


2. Additional


Post Registers to General Ledger in Detail

Select this check box to post the general ledger expense transactions from the purchase order registers in detail. Divisionalized accounts are posted by division, with the division description as the posting comment. Line expense accounts are posted with a posting comment that includes the vendor name. This information is posted from the Daily Receipt Registers, Return Order Register, and Material Requisition Register updates. Clear this check box to post in summary with a summary comment.


Receipt and Return Comments

Select a format for posting check comments entered in Receipt of Goods Entry, Receipt of Invoice Entry, and Return of Goods Entry to the general ledger. Comments entered in the Comment field are updated to the distribution accounts in the general ledger. The format selected in this field is used only if the Post Registers to General Ledger in Detail check box is selected.

  • Select Vendor Name + Reference No. to use the vendor name and the reference number as the posting comment.

  • Select Vendor No. + Reference No. to use the vendor number and the reference number as the posting comment.

  • Select Vendor No. + Vendor Name + Reference No. to use the vendor number, the vendor name, and the reference number as the posting comment.

  • Select Vendor Name + Reference No. + Date to use the vendor name, the reference number, and the date as the posting comment.

  • Select Vendor Name + Reference No. + Header Comment to use the vendor name, the reference number, and the header comment as the posting comment.

  • Select Vendor Name + Header Comment to use the vendor name and the header comment as the posting comment.


Material Requisition Comments

Select a format for posting requisition comments entered in Material Requisition Issue Entry to the general ledger. Comments entered in the Comment field are updated to the distribution accounts in the general ledger. The format selected in this field is used only if the Post Registers to General Ledger in Detail check box is selected.

  • Select Name + Issue No. to use the requestor name and the issue number as the posting comment.

  • Select Name + Issue No. + Issue Date to use the requestor name, the issue number, and the issue date as the posting comment.

  • Select Name + Issue No. + Issue Date + Header Comment to use the requestor name, the issue number, the issue date, and the header comment as the posting comment.

  • Select Name + Issue No. + Header Comment to use the requestor name, the issue number, and the header comment as the posting comment.

  • Select Name + Header Comment to use the requestor name and the header comment as the posting comment.


Material Requisition Expense

Enter the general ledger material requisition expense account number for posting material requisition expense, or click the Lookup button to list all general ledger accounts.

If the account number is longer than the field, use the left and right arrow keys to view the entire account number.

Accounts can be created in this field if the appropriate settings are defined in the Auto Create when all Segments are Valid field in General Ledger Options.


Special Item Cost

Enter the general ledger special item cost account number for posting the cost of the special item purchases that are not recorded in inventory, or click the Lookup button to list all general ledger accounts. If the Sales Order module is installed, the general ledger account number entered in this field should be the same account number entered in the Special Item Purchases Account field in Sales Order Options.

If the account number is longer than the field, use the left and right arrow keys to view the entire account number.

Accounts can be created in this field if the appropriate settings are defined in the Auto Create when all Segments are Valid field in General Ledger Options.


Payable Deposit

Enter the general ledger payable deposit account number for posting deposits applied against invoices, or click the Lookup button to list all general ledger accounts. You must also enter an account in the Prepaid Freight Expense field.

If the account number is longer than the field, use the left and right arrow keys to view the entire account number.

Accounts can be created in this field if the appropriate settings are defined in the Auto Create when all Segments are Valid field in General Ledger Options.


Prepaid Freight Expense

Enter the general ledger prepaid freight expense account number for posting prepaid freight expenses, or click the Lookup button to list all general ledger accounts.

If the account number is longer than the field, use the left and right arrow keys to view the entire account number.

Accounts can be created in this field if the appropriate settings are defined in the Auto Create when all Segments are Valid field in General Ledger Options.


3. Generate


Note This tab is available only if the Sales Order module is installed and activated.


Combine Sales Orders by Vendor

Select this check box to combine multiple sales orders for a vendor into one purchase order. If this check box is selected, the item lines on multiple sales orders that contain the same vendor number will be generated into one purchase order. Clear this check box if you do not want to combine the sales orders by vendor.

Note This applies only to item lines that are not drop shipped.


Use Sales Order Number as Purchase Order Number

Select this check box to use the sales order number as the purchase order number when automatically generating purchase orders from sales orders. If this check box is selected, the order number for the generated purchase order will be the same as the sales order number. If this check box is cleared, the next purchase order number can be entered in the Additional Options window during generation. This field is available only if the Combine Sales Orders by Vendor check box is cleared.


Apply Incremental Value to Purchase Order No. At

Select an option to apply an incremental value to the purchase order number when using the sales order number as the purchase order number if the purchase order number already exists or if more than one purchase order needs to be generated for the sales order.

  • Select Beginning to replace the leading zero of the order number with a numeric character beginning with 0 through 9, and then alpha characters (A through Z) when more than 10 purchase orders are generated.

  • Select End to remove the leading zero of the order number and apply an alpha character (A through Z) to the end of the purchase order number.

If a purchase order with the same number as the sales order already exists, the purchase order number will be incremented or appended for any additional purchase orders. This field is available only if the Use Sales Order Number as Purchase Order Number check box is selected.

Expand or collapse item Example

Sales Order Number

Purchase Order Number (Beginning)

Purchase Order Number (End)

0100019 (no drop-shipped items)

0100019 (order type S)

0100019 (order type S)

0100022 (with drop-shipped item)

0100022 (order type D)

1100022 (order type S)

2100022 (order type S)

3100022 (order type S) until 9100022; then

A100022 (order type S) until Z100022; then the next automatic purchase order number is used.

0100022 (order type D)

100022A (order type S)

100022B (order type S)

100022C (order type S) until 100022Z; then the next automatic purchase order number is used.

ZZYZX (with drop-shipped item)

ZZYZX (order type D)

0ZZYZX (order type S)

1ZZYZX (order type S)

2ZZYZX (order type S) until 9ZZYZX; then

AZZYZX (order type S) until ZZZYZX; then the next automatic purchase order number is used.

ZZYZX (order type D)

ZZYZXA (order type S)

ZZYZXB (order type S)

ZZYZXC (order type S) until ZZYZXZ; then the next automatic purchase order number is used.


Base PO Header Required Date On

Select an option to use for the required date on the Header tab in Purchase Order Entry.

  • Select SO Ship Date to use the sales order ship date.

  • Select SO Order Date to use the sales order order date.

  • Select P/O Date to use the Purchase Order module date.

  • Select System Date to use the software system date.

  • Select Prompt to be prompted to select a required date when generating the purchase orders.

Note If P/O Date is selected and the purchase order is generated from Sales Order Entry, the Sales Order module date will be used instead if no Purchase Order tasks have been accessed.


Base PO Lines Required Date On

Select an option to use for the required date on the lines in Purchase Order Entry.

  • Select SO Promise Date to use the sales order promise date.

  • Select P/O Date to use the Purchase Order module date.

  • Select System Date to use the software system date.

  • Select Prompt to be prompted to select a required date when generating the purchase orders.

Note If P/O Date is selected and the purchase order is generated from Sales Order Entry, the Sales Order module date will be used instead if no Purchase Order tasks have been accessed.


Print Auto Generate Listing Sorted by Customer Number

Select this check box to print the Auto Generate from Sales Order Listing sorted by customer number. Clear this check box if you want to print the listing sorted by vendor number.


Print Purchase Order Number Assignment Listing

Select this check box to print the Purchase Order Number Assignment Listing after generating the purchase orders. Clear this check box if you do not want to print the listing.


Access Purchase Order Entry After Generation

Select this check box to open Purchase Order Entry after generating the purchase orders from sales orders. Clear this check box if you do not want to open Purchase Order Entry.

Note Purchase Order Entry can be accessed only with the appropriate security setup.


Print Purchase Orders After Generation

Select this check box to be prompted to print the purchase orders after generating them from sales orders. Clear this check box if you do not want to be prompted to print the purchase orders. This field is available only if the Access Purchase Order Entry After Generation check box is cleared.


Enable Purchase Order Generation During Sales Order Entry

Select this check box to enable purchase order generation in Sales Order Entry. If this check box is selected, the Generate PO button is enabled in Sales Order Entry to generate one or multiple purchase orders for the selected sales order. Clear this check box if you do not want to enable purchase order generation for new sales orders only.

Note The Purchase Order Generation button can be accessed only with the appropriate security set up.


Prompt to Generate Purchase Order on New Sales Orders

Select this check box to be prompted to generate purchase orders after the new sales order is created in Sales Order Entry. Clear this check box if you do not want to be prompted to generate purchase orders for new sales orders. This field is available only if the Enable Purchase Order Generation During Sales Order Entry check box is selected.


Sort Purchase Order Lines By

Select an option for sorting the purchase order lines. The sort option determines the order in which the lines appear on the Lines tab in Purchase Order Entry and on the Auto Generate from Sales Orders Listing.

This field is available only if the Combine Sales Orders by Vendor check box is cleared.


Ship-To Address

Select an option to include on the purchase order.

  • Select Drop Ship Only to use the sales order ship-to address information for drop-shipped purchase orders only.

  • Select All Purchase Orders to use the sales order ship-to address information for drop-shipped and standard purchase orders.

Note This field is available only if the Combine Sales Orders by Vendor check box is cleared.


Ship Via

Select an option to include on the purchase order.

  • Select Drop Ship Only to use the sales order ship via information for drop-shipped purchase orders only.

  • Select All Purchase Orders to use the sales order ship via information for drop-shipped and standard purchase orders.

Note This field is available only if the Combine Sales Orders by Vendor check box is cleared.



Select an option to include on the purchase order.

  • Select Drop Ship Only to use the sales order FOB information for drop-shipped purchase orders only.

  • Select All Purchase Orders to use the sales order FOB information for drop-shipped and standard purchase orders.

Note This field is available only if the Combine Sales Orders by Vendor check box is cleared.


Confirm To

Select an option to determine whether to include the sales order confirm-to information on the purchase order.

  • Select Yes to include the sales order confirm-to information. This option is available only if the Combine Sales Orders by Vendor check box is cleared.

  • Select No to exclude the sales order confirm-to information.

  • Select Drop Ship Only to include the sales order confirm-to information for drop-shipped purchase orders only.


E-mail Address

Select an option to determine whether to include the sales order e-mail address information on the purchase order.

  • Select Yes to include the sales order e-mail address. This option is available only if the Combine Sales Orders by Vendor check box is cleared.

  • Select No to exclude the sales order e-mail address.

  • Select Drop Ship Only to include the sales order e-mail address for drop-shipped purchase orders only.


COGS Accounts for Drop Ship Lines

Select this check box to include the sales order cost of goods sold (COGS) account for drop-ship lines only on the purchase order. If this check box is selected, the sales order COGS account will be included in the G/L Account field on the purchase order lines. Clear this check box if you do not want to include the sales order COGS account for drop-ship lines.


Alias Item Number for General Types

Select this check box to include the sales order general-type alias item number. Clear this check box if you do not want to include the sales order general-type alias item numbers. This field is available only if the Purchase Order and Sales Order modules are integrated with Inventory Management.


4. Entry



This field indicates that batch processing is available for Receipt of Goods Entry, Return of Goods Entry, and Material Requisition Issue Entry. This field can only be viewed.



Select this check box to enable batch entry for Receipt of Goods Entry, Return of Goods Entry, and Material Requisition Issue Entry. Clear this check box if you do not want to allow batch processing.


Next Batch

Type the next batch number to assign when using the batch processing feature in Receipt of Goods Entry, Return of Goods Entry, and Material Requisition Issue Entry. You can enter numeric or alphanumeric characters. This field is available only if the Enable check box is selected for the corresponding task.

Expand or collapse item Entry Sample




you want the next batch number assigned in Receipt Entry, Return Entry, or Material Requisition Issue Entry to be 00001.


you want the next batch number assigned in Receipt Entry, Return Entry, or Material Requisition Issue Entry to be A0005.


Next Automatic Purchase Order Number

Type the next purchase order number to assign when using the Automatic Purchase Order Number feature in Purchase Order Entry.


Next Automatic Receipt of Goods Number

Type the next purchase order receipt number to assign when using the Automatic Purchase Order Receipt Number feature in Receipt of Goods Entry.


Next Automatic Receipt of Invoice Number

Type the next purchase order invoice number to assign when using the Automatic Purchase Order Invoice Number feature in Receipt of Invoice Entry.


Next Automatic Return of Goods Number

Type the next purchase order return number to assign when using the Automatic Purchase Order Return Number feature in Return of Goods Entry.


Next Automatic Material Requisition Number

Type the next material requisition issue number to assign when using the Automatic Material Requisition Issue Number feature in Material Requisition Issue Entry.


Default Warehouse for Purchase Orders

Enter the warehouse code established in Inventory Management Options to use as the default warehouse for all orders, or click the Lookup button to list all warehouse codes. This field is available only if the Purchase Order module is integrated with Inventory Management, and the Require Multiple Warehouses check box is selected in Inventory Management Options.


Default Bank Code for COD Payments

Enter the bank code established in the Accounts Payable module to use as the default bank when recording COD payments, or click the Lookup button to list all bank codes.


Allow Entry of Sales Tax and Freight Without an Invoice

Select this check box to allow the entry and calculation of sales tax and freight in Receipt of Goods Entry or Return of Goods Entry without an invoice. If the Expense Tax to Vendor/Item check box is selected in Sales Tax Code Maintenance for any tax code to expense tax to inventory, you must select this field. Clear this check box if you do not want to calculate tax and freight in these data entry tasks. This field is available only if the Sales Tax Reporting check box is selected in Accounts Payable Options.


Apply Discounts to Sales Tax and Freight

Select how to apply vendor discounts.

  • Select Yes to apply vendor discounts to taxable, non-taxable, sales tax, and freight amounts.
  • Select No to apply vendor discounts only to taxable and non-taxable amounts.
  • Select Freight Only to apply vendor discounts only to taxable, non-taxable, and freight amounts.
  • Select Sales Tax Only to apply vendor discounts to only taxable, non-taxable, and sales tax amounts.


5. Line Entry


Allow Entry of Landed Cost

Select this check box to allow entry of landed cost amounts in Receipt of Goods Entry. Clear this check box if you do not want to allow entry of landed cost amounts. For more information, see Landed Cost Entry.


Allocate Freight on a Line Basis

Select the basis to allocate freight.

  • Select Cost per Item to allocate freight expense to the cost of individual inventory items on the basis of cost per item.

  • Select Quantity per Item to allocate freight on the basis of quantity per item.

  • Select Weight to allocate freight on the basis of the weight per item.

  • Select None if you do not want to allocate freight on an item basis.

This option is available only if the Allow Entry of Landed Cost check box is cleared. When the Allow Entry of Landed Cost check box is selected, freight can be allocated as landed cost.

Note Freight can be allocated to inventory items only if an invoice is entered in Receipt of Goods Entry.


Include Allocated Cost in Default Unit Cost

Select this check box to include the allocated cost in the default unit cost during data entry. Clear this check box if you do not want to include the allocated cost in the default unit cost during data entry. If this check box is cleared, the last allocated cost will be subtracted from the last cost to determine the last item cost. This option applies only when the last cost in Item Maintenance is used to determine the default unit cost in Purchase Order Entry. For more information, see Hierarchy of Costs.


Allow Qty Received or Invoiced to Exceed Qty Ordered

Select this check box to allow the quantity received to exceed the quantity ordered during Receipt of Goods Entry or the quantity invoiced during Receipt of Invoice Entry. Clear this check box if you do not want to allow the quantity received or invoiced to exceed the quantity ordered.


Include All Drop Ship Line Items

Select whether to include all drop ship line items in Purchase Order Entry.

  • Select Only for PO Vendor to include only drop ship line items from the sales order when the purchase order vendor matches one of the vendors entered for those items in the Item Vendors Maintenance window.

  • Select Yes to include all drop ship line items from the sales order, regardless of the vendor on the sales order lines.

  • Select Prompt to be prompted when a drop ship line item is entered to include all drop ship line items from the sales order regardless of the vendor number on the sales order lines, or only those items that match the purchase order vendor.


6. Printing


Print Usage Information on Auto Reorder Register

Select this check box to print the period-to-date, year-to-date, and prior-year purchasing information on the Auto Reorder Register instead of reorder information (for example, the maximum, minimum and economic order quantities set up in Inventory Management). Clear this check box if you do not want usage information to print on the Auto Reorder Register. This option is available only if the Purchase Order module is integrated with Inventory Management.


Print Landed Cost Allocation Detail on Register

Select this check box to print landed cost allocation detail on the Daily Receipt Registers. Clear this check box if you do not want to print landed cost allocation detail on the Daily Receipt Registers. This option is available only if the Allow Entry of Landed Cost check box is selected.


Print Order Comments on Registers

Select this check box to print the purchase order comments on the Daily Receipt Registers, and Material Requisition Register. Clear this check box if you do not want to print comments on the registers.


Print Tax Journal in Detail

Select this check box to print the Tax Journal Detail report in addition to the Tax Journal Summary, which prints automatically. The Tax Journal Detail report provides tax detail by tax code and by source document. The Tax Journal Summary provides total tax by tax code only. This option is available only if the Sales Tax Reporting check box is selected in Accounts Payable Options.


Print Tax Detail on Registers

Select this check box to print the sales tax amount for each tax code on the Receipt of Goods Register, Receipt of Invoice Register, and Return of Goods Register. Clear this check box to print the total sales tax amount only. This option is available only if the Sales Tax Reporting check box is selected in Accounts Payable Options.


Print Return Orders

Select this check box to print a return order when received items are returned. Clear this check box if you do not require return order printing.


Print Bar Code Purchase Order Receivers

Select this check box to print bar code purchase order receivers. Clear this check box if you do not want to print purchase order receivers with bar codes on them. This field is available only if the Mobility for Bar Code module is installed and set up.


Sort Report By

Select how to sort the report.

  • Select Sales Order to sort the Back Order Fill Report by sales order.

  • Select Customer Number to sort the report by customer number.

  • Select Bill To Name to sort the report by bill-to name.

This field is available only if the Sales Order module is installed and set up for the company.


Only Print Items Received

Select this check box to print only the items where the received quantity is not equal to zero in Receipt of Goods Entry and have a quantity backordered on the sales order. Clear this check box to print all items on the purchase order. This field is available only if the Sales Order module is installed and set up for the company.


Include All Sales Order Lines

Select this check box to include all sales order lines, items with a quantity backordered, and items with a demand (quantity ordered only). Clear this check box to exclude all backordered sales order lines. This field is available only if the Sales Order module is installed and set up for the company.


Redisplay Source Document After Quick Printing

Select one or more check boxes to view the corresponding source documents in the applicable data entry window after printing using the Quick Print feature. Clear the check boxes to return to the data entry window with no record selected.

The All and Return Orders check boxes are available only if the Print Return Orders check box is selected.


7. History



Retain Purchase Order History

Select this check box to retain purchase order history information. This information is written to purchase order history and is retained until it is purged using the Purge Purchases History by Item and Vendor utility. Clear this check box if you do not want to retain purchase order history.

If this check box is selected, you can save deleted purchase orders and deleted purchase order lines that have been written to history. You can also enter cancellation codes in Cancel and Reason Code Maintenance that are maintained in purchase order history. Cancel and reason codes are entered when purchase orders or lines are deleted.

If this check box is selected after being previously cleared, and data exists in the purchase order data entry files, a message asks if you want to create purchase order history using the Create Purchase Order History utility.


Retain Deleted Orders

Select an option to define how deleted purchase order information is handled.

  • Select Yes to retain deleted purchase order information in purchase order history.
  • Select Prompt to be prompted to enter cancellation codes when a purchase order is deleted.
  • Select No if you do not want to retain deleted purchase order information in purchase order history.

This field is available only if you selected the Retain Purchase Order History check box.


Retain Deleted Lines for Orders

Select an option to define how deleted line detail information is handled.

  • Select Yes to retain deleted line detail in purchase order history.
  • Select Prompt to be prompted to enter cancellation codes when lines are deleted.
  • Select No if you do not want to retain deleted line detail in purchase order history.

This field is available only if you selected the Retain Purchase Order History check box.


Years to Retain Purchase History by Item and Vendor

Enter the number of years to retain purchase history by item and vendor. You can retain between 2 and 99 years of purchase history. Purchase history is retained until it is automatically purged during period end processing or manually purged using the Purge Purchases History by Item and Vendor utility. You must retain a minimum of 2 years of history.


Retain Receipt History

Select how to retain receipt history.

  • Select Yes to retain detail information for receipt entries that can be used to produce the Receipt History Report. If you select Yes, receipt detail is retained indefinitely until it is automatically purged during period end processing or manually purged using the Purge Purchase Order Receipt History utility.

  • Select No if you do not want to retain detail receipt history.

  • Select Summary Only to retain summary receipt history (such as header information only) for each receipt.

  • Select Until Period End to retain detail receipt history, but automatically purge canceled purchase orders in Period End Processing.


Retain Comment Lines in Receipt History

Select this check box to retain comment lines and detail comments in receipt history. Clear this check box if you do not want to retain comment line or detail information in receipt history.

Note This field is not available if you selected No or Summary in the Retain Receipt History field.


Purge Purchase Order Recap at Period End

Select this check box to automatically purge completed, deleted, or canceled purchase orders at period end. Clear this check box to retain purchase recap detail until you purge it using the Purge Completed or Cancelled P/O Recap utility.

Note Deleted purchase orders also appear as Cancel on the Purchase Order Recap report.