Purchase Order Receipt History Report


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General Ledger Detail by Source Report



Select Purchase Order Reports menu > Purchase Order Receipt History Report.


Use Purchase Order Receipt History Report to provide a history of all receipts, invoices, and returns applied against purchase orders. Receipt history is retained only if Yes, Until Period End, or Summary Only is selected in the Retain Receipt History field in Purchase Order Options. You can manually purge receipt history using the Purge Purchase Order Receipt History utility on the Purchase Order Utilities menu or retain it indefinitely if Yes or Summary Only is selected. If Summary Only is selected in the Retain Receipt History field in Purchase Order Options, only header information is retained.

You can enter a selection of purchase order numbers, receipt dates, item codes, vendor numbers, vendor purchase names, warehouses, and user-defined fields (UDFs) to print. If the Production Management module is integrated with Purchase Order, you can enter a selection of work tickets.

You can produce this report in summary or detail format. The summary format includes the purchase order number, order date, vendor number, receipt number, receipt date, sales tax, invoice balance, and purchase order receipt and invoice amounts. The detail format provides additional information for each purchase order, including the vendor address, ship-to address, and tax information. The invoice number, invoice amount, sales tax, freight, COD amount, and prepaid amount are printed for receipts for the invoice that is entered.

For both the summary and detail format, you can include or exclude line detail information for the purchase order. The line detail information includes the item code, description, warehouse, unit of measure, quantity received, unit cost, and extended cost. Lot or serial number information and expiration dates can also be printed for each detail line.

Note When Summary Only is selected in the Retain Receipt History field in Purchase Order Options, line detail information is not available.

If the Sales Order module is set up, the sales order number and customer purchase order number can be included on the report.

If the Job Cost module is integrated with Purchase Order, job number and cost code information prints for lines that have been costed to a job.

If the Production Management module is integrated with Purchase Order, work ticket numbers and steps print for lines that are linked to a work ticket.

Note For miscellaneous, special items, and drop ships, postings are not made to the general ledger without a receipt of invoice; therefore, they will not appear on the General Ledger Detail by Source Report.

Note The vendor name and purchase address printed on this report may not match the primary vendor number in Vendor Maintenance if multiple location codes are defined in Purchase Address Maintenance or the vendor information was changed in Purchase Order Entry.



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