Employee Audit Report


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Purge Employee Audit Report





Select Payroll Reports menu > Employee Audit Report.

This report is available only if an option other than None is selected in the Employee Changes to Track field in Payroll Options.


Use the Employee Audit Report to track changes, deletions, and additions made to employee information in Employee Maintenance, including changes created on the fly and through Visual Integrator Import. Changes tracked also include ACA employee (including monthly detail and covered individuals), deductions and auto earnings, tax filing statuses, direct deposit, and Paperless Office delivery options.

When an employee is deleted in Employee Maintenance, the Employee Audit Report only tracks and prints the deleted employee record. For example, if employee 00-000010 is deleted, the report notes the deletion but does not print all the deleted deductions, auto earnings, or ACA information for employee 00-000010.

All highly sensitive personally identifiable information (PII data) prints masked on the report, regardless of the user's security setup.

You can select to print all changes tracked or only specific changes. You can enter a selection of employees, user logons, and transaction dates. By entering these selections, you can obtain a report that allows you to identify pertinent information.

Click Purge to access the Purge Employee Audit Report utility to purge the Employee Audit file.

Note The Purge button is available only if the Employee Audit Report is accessed from the Payroll Reports menu.



Report Setting



Default Report

Print Report Settings

Three Hole Punch

Number of Copies


Sort Report By

All Changes


ACA Employee

Deductions and Auto Earnings

Tax Filing Statuses

Direct Deposit

Paperless Office Options




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