Integrating Other Modules with Sales Order


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The Sales Order module must be used in conjunction with the Accounts Receivable module, and other modules can be integrated with Sales Order, to take full advantage of the information stored in the system. When integrated, each accounting module shares common information with any related modules. Sharing eliminates any double entry of information already stored within the system.

The following modules can be integrated with the Sales Order module:

  • General Ledger

  • Accounts Receivable

  • Inventory Management

  • Bill of Materials

  • Production Management

  • Inventory Requirements Planning (IRP)

  • Job Cost

The benefits of integrating these accounting modules with Sales Order follow.

Note The Accounts Receivable module must be set up before setting up Sales Order.

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The General Ledger module is the key to integrating all financial information from Sales Order and from the other accounting modules. General Ledger provides complete, timely financial reports, which consistently reflect current information.

If the General Ledger module is integrated with Sales Order, all journal entries generated from Sales Order can be posted directly to the general ledger following the printing and updating of the Daily Transaction Register. The financial statements and other General Ledger reports printed after the update of the Daily Transaction Register reflect postings on the register.

If the General Ledger module is not integrated with Sales Order, the Sales Order journal entries can be printed on the Daily Transaction Register. The Daily Transaction Register provides the necessary audit information to prepare monthly journal entries for your manual general ledger. Sales Order makes no postings to the general ledger following Daily Transaction Register printing. The information on this report is purged following the update process.


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The Accounts Receivable module must be installed for Sales Order to function.

In Sales Order Entry and Invoice Data Entry, automatic access to the Customer file permits automatic retrieval of address, terms, discount, commission, and sales tax information and allows you to maintain multiple shipping addresses for each customer. Other Accounts Receivable information is accessed to produce sales reports by salesperson, automatically calculate freight charges, post sales to the general ledger, and print the Sales Journal by division. The integration of the Accounts Receivable and Sales Order modules also facilitates automatic credit limit checking when sales orders and invoices are entered.

Payments for invoices produced using the Sales Order module can be applied to specific invoices or to customer balances using Cash Receipts Entry.


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Integration with the Inventory Management module allows you to track the sale and purchase of inventory items for costing, resale, and purchasing purposes. A comprehensive pricing structure incorporating quantity breaks; price overrides; contract pricing by customer; and discounts by item, product line, or customer price level is provided.

When multiple warehouses are established in the Inventory Management module, you can specify a default primary warehouse and an alternate warehouse to be checked for stock-on-hand quantities when entering sales orders and invoices. You can also establish a file of alternate items in the Inventory Management module to provide a substitute lookup capability when entering sales orders and invoices.

Alias items can also be established in Inventory Management or Customer Maintenance for items. Using Sales Order Entry or Invoice Data Entry, you can enter an alias item, which is automatically converted to the standard item if a match is found. Alias item lookups are also provided.

Sales kits can be defined using Sales Kit Maintenance. Each sales kit can consist of any number of component items. When a sales kit item is entered in Sales Order Entry or Invoice Data Entry, the component items can be added automatically to the sales order or invoice.

When the Inventory Management module is integrated with Sales Order, the quantity ordered and/or back ordered and the quantity on hand/quantity available are adjusted automatically in the Inventory files as sales orders and sales invoices are processed.


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The Bill of Materials module allows you to keep a detailed record of the components and miscellaneous charges that make up your finished items and subassembly components. These records, in turn, provide important cost information for making purchasing and pricing decisions. You can also use the Bill of Materials module to maintain sales kits in a manner similar to Sales Kit Maintenance.

The Bill of Materials module provides comprehensive capabilities that exceed those provided by the single-level Sales Kit Maintenance task in Inventory Management.

Bill of Materials supports up to 99 levels of subassemblies. Multiple revisions of a single bill can be maintained separately. Engineering change order information can also be maintained for each bill.

Bill of Materials supports bills with different configuration options. Up to nine option categories can be defined for each bill. Each category can consist of any number of option selections. You can specify the actual configuration of a bill when exploding the components for reporting and production entry.

Production Entry allows you to record the manufacturing of finished goods. Component items used are issued automatically based on the bill of materials defined for the item produced.


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When the Production Management module is integrated with Sales Order, you can reference a sales order number when a work ticket is created to fill a sales order demand. When products for the work ticket are completed, the Back Order Fill Report is produced to list the sales orders that can be filled with the completed item; however, the completed item is still issued to inventory, and the sales order must still be invoiced manually.


Expand or collapse item Inventory Requirements Planning (IRP)

The IRP module looks at demand based on open sales orders found in the Sales Order module as part of the information used for planning inventory acquisitions. The IRP module provides information to the purchasing and production departments so that they can maintain sufficient amounts of inventory on hand at all times.


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When the Job Cost module is integrated with Sales Order, you can track inventory costs and sales order invoice billings using the Job Cost module. Job cost information can be entered in Sales Order Entry and Invoice Data Entry and printed on sales orders, invoices, and sales journals. During the update, costs are updated to the Job Cost file and Transaction Detail File.

Note Sales Order can be integrated with both the Job Cost and Production Management modules.

Before selecting the Post Invoice Costs to Job Cost check box in Sales Order Options, verify that costs are not also being posted to the Job Cost module from Purchase Order or Accounts Payable. If the Post Invoice Costs to Job Cost check box is selected and the Job Cost module is integrated with Purchase Order or Accounts Payable, costs can potentially be double-posted to the Job Cost module. If the Post Invoice Costs to Job Cost check box is cleared and the Job Cost module is not integrated with Purchase Order or Accounts Payable, costs are not posted to the Job Cost module from any of these modules. For more information, see Update FAQs.