Generate a Back Order Automatically


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You can generate back orders automatically through the invoicing process, eliminating the need to manually create back orders using Sales Order Entry. The back order remains in Sales Order Entry until all items are shipped and invoiced.

Note  Only items set up for back orders in the Inventory file can be back ordered. Miscellaneous charges cannot be back ordered.

When a standard sales order is invoiced, if the shipped quantity of an item is less than the original quantity ordered, the difference between the two quantities becomes the default back order quantity.

Each back order retains the invoice number and last invoiced date. A Back Order Report, sorted by item or by customer, can be printed as necessary to review open back orders. As receipts are processed using Inventory Management Transaction Entry or Receipt of Goods Entry, a Back Order Fill Report can be produced. This report lists items available for filling open back orders. Back orders can be printed and maintained in the same manner as standard sales orders.


To generate a back order automatically

  1. Select Sales Order Main menu > Invoice Data Entry.

  2. Enter the invoice number, Header tab, and Address tab information. If you are creating an invoice from a sales order, enter the sales order number in the Sales Order Number field. For more information, see S/O Invoice Data Entry - Fields.

  3. On the Lines tab, enter the shipped quantity for each item. Any items on the original sales order that are not indicated as shipped on the invoice are automatically placed in the Back Ordered field, and the original standard sales order is changed to a back order.

  4. If necessary, adjust the quantity that appears in the Back Ordered field. You cannot enter a quantity in the Back Ordered field that, when added to the shipped quantity, exceeds the original ordered quantity.

To enter a back order quantity that exceeds the quantity of the original order, enter a new line for the same item and enter the additional quantities in the Back Ordered field. If a 0 (zero) is entered, the remainder of the original order not shipped is cancelled.

  1. Complete the appropriate information on the Lines and Totals tabs, and click Accept.

When you print the Sales Journal and update the invoice, the original standard sales order is automatically changed to a back order and remains on file until the order is filled and all items are invoiced.

When a line item entered for a one-step invoice (an invoice without a sales order) has a back ordered quantity, a back order is created using the next available sales order number. The back order generated is then placed in the Open Sales Order file where it remains until the order is filled and all items are invoiced. Only line items with a back order quantity and any comment lines immediately following back order lines are retained on file for the back orders.