Tax Table Maintenance


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Manually Edit Tax Tables










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State Tax Codes

Tax Table Maintenance - Filing Status

Filing Status Codes

Tax Table Listing

Edit Tax Calculation Steps

Account Maintenance



Select Payroll Setup menu > Tax Table Maintenance.


Use Tax Table Maintenance to set up and maintain tax information for federal, state, and local tax jurisdictions. Multiple state and local tax codes can be assigned to each employee. Tax codes are used to calculate payroll taxes for each paycheck.

Warning Tax tables are system wide, not company specific. If you delete a tax code or filing status for one company, it affects all companies.

The current tax tables for all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and the United States Federal Tax Jurisdictions are an integral part of the Payroll module. If the tax tables have not changed or if you have no local or special tax codes to add to the file, it is not necessary for you to use this task for more than entering your company's federal tax identification number, entering General Ledger accrual accounts, and reviewing the tax calculation information.

Because changes in tax laws affecting the calculation process often occur, Tax Table Maintenance allows you to adjust the federal and state tax tables and to add any new tax codes. For tax table update information, contact Sage.

Because of the changing nature of tax law and the ability of the user to change the tax calculation information provided in this package, Sage cannot be responsible for the accuracy of the tax calculations performed by this Payroll system.

Warning It is the user's responsibility to be aware of the tax obligations and the accuracy of the tax information used. It is the responsibility of the employer to verify that the correct amount is withheld for their employees, and make any adjustments when the wage limit is reached.

During system startup, you must:

Some tax jurisdictions require special procedures for allowing personal and dependent exemptions.

Print the Tax Table Listing before exiting this task to verify the accuracy of your tax tables. If your tax tables require adjustments, you must complete System Startup, and then return to Tax Table Maintenance to make corrections.




Limit Type


Personal Exemptions Allowed

Company's Tax Id Number

Personal Exempts Exceed Dependent Exempts

Accrual Account

Exclude this Table from Tax Update


Electronic Reporting Tax Type Code


Round Withholding Tax Amount


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