Cash Receipts Entry - Fields


Cash Receipts Entry


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Customer No.

Enter the customer number for the deposit, or click the Lookup button to list all customers numbers.

Alternately, start typing a customer name to locate a record. As you type, a list of records matching your entry appears. You can then select a record from the list, and the customer number will appear in the field.

If divisions are set up in Accounts Receivable Options, the first two characters of the customer number must represent a valid division number.

If you enter a customer whose status is set to Inactive in Customer Maintenance, a message appears warning that the customer is inactive and cannot be used. If you have the appropriate security setup, you can continue; otherwise, select a different customer or change the customer status to Active or Temporary.

Note If divisions are not set up and you enter ALL as a customer number, you will not be able to enter a record for that customer in Line Item Commission Maintenance.

Click the Cash Receipt List button to list cash receipts for the selected deposit.

Click the Next Customer No. button to automatically increment the customer number for a new customer. The Next Customer No. button is available only if the Auto Increment Customer Number check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options.

Type a new customer number to add a customer using Customer Maintenance (On the Fly). This task can be accessed only with the appropriate security setup; some non-essential fields are omitted to speed data entry. You can access Customer Maintenance at a later time to enter additional information.

Type CASH to post a cash receipt for a one-time customer (for example, a miscellaneous cash receipt). If you are using divisions, you must enter the division number before the word (for example, 01-CASH).

Click the field hyperlink to launch this field's associated maintenance task. If a value is entered in this field, the associated data is displayed in the maintenance window. The maintenance task can be accessed only with the appropriate security setup.

Click the Memo button to view, create, or maintain memos. The Memo button is available only if the appropriate memo type has been set up in Memo Manager Maintenance for this task. If a memo already exists for this task, the Memo button appears yellow. If a memo does not exist, the Memo button appears blue. For more information, see Memo Maintenance.



This field displays the customer name and can only be viewed. If posting a cash receipt for a one-time customer, type the name of the customer in this field.


Invoice No.

Type the invoice number to which the cash receipt should be applied and press ENTER to search for transactions. Specify an invoice type by typing the number followed by a dash and one of the following two-character abbreviations.

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The system first searches for open invoices. If no open invoices are found, and if Yes or Summary is selected in the Retain in Detail field in Accounts Receivable Options, the system will search for invoices in the History file. If multiple transactions are found, the Invoices by Customer List window appears and displays the records. You can then select one of the transactions.

If a transaction is found, the customer number associated with the transaction populates the Customer No. field. If a transaction with a balance greater than zero is found, after a check number or credit card number is entered, the invoice balance populates the Amount Received field, and the invoice information populates the Lines tab.


Deposit Type

Select whether cash, credit cards, or ACH payments will be funding the deposit for this entry. This field is available only if the Allow Credit Cards / ACH Payments check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options. Credit Card and ACH Payment are available options based on the selection in the Enable Payments field in Company Maintenance.


Check No.

Enter the check number or bank ID number to identify this cash receipt, or click the Lookup button to list all check numbers for this customer in this deposit. An entry in this field is required.

This field appears only if Cash is selected in the Deposit Type field.


Entry No.

Enter the entry number for this credit card or ACH payment receipt, or click the Lookup button to view all credit card or ACH payment entry numbers for the selected customer. This number can consist of alpha or numeric characters or a combination of both.

Click the Next Entry No. button to automatically assign the next sequential entry number for the selected customer. An entry in this field is required to keep track of multiple credit card and ACH payment transactions entered for the selected customer.

This field appears only if ACH or Credit Card is selected in the Deposit Type field.


1. Header


Amount Received

Enter the amount received to be posted for this check, credit card, or ACH payment. Click the Calculator button to enter an amount using the calculator. The amount received reduces the deposit balance displayed. If you are entering a credit card or ACH payment receipt, you cannot enter zero or a negative amount in this field.

For a balance-forward customer, the amount entered in this field is automatically applied to the customer's balance, starting with the oldest aging category, until the amount received is fully distributed. This field is available only after a check number or entry number has been entered.


Customer Balance

This field displays the customer's outstanding balance and can only be viewed.


Posting Balance

This field displays the posting amount and is reduced as the posting amount is applied to invoices, customer balances, or general ledger accounts. This field can only be viewed.


Deposit Number

This field displays the deposit number assigned to this entry and can only be viewed.



This field displays the batch number assigned to this entry and can only be viewed. This field is available only if Batch Processing is enabled in Accounts Receivable Options.

Click the Transfer Document button to transfer the current document to a different batch.



This field displays the current deposit and can only be viewed.


Bank Code

This field displays the current bank code and can only be viewed.


Deposit Date

This field displays the date of the current deposit and can only be viewed.


Cash Total/Cash Amount Remaining

If the Require Deposit Amount check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options, this field displays the remaining amount of cash to distribute to all entries. If the Require Deposit Amount check box is cleared, this field displays the total cash received including the newly applied amount received. This field can only be viewed.


Credit Card Total/Credit Card Amount Remaining

If the Require Deposit Amount check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options, this field displays the remaining amount of credit card deposits to distribute for all entries. If the Require Deposit Amount check box is cleared, this field displays the total credit card deposits including the newly applied amount received. This field can only be viewed.

This field is available only if the Allow Credit Cards / ACH Payments check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options.



ACH Total/ACH Amount Remaining

If the Require Deposit Amount check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options, this field displays the remaining amount of ACH payment deposits to distribute for all entries.

If the Require Deposit Amount check box is selected, this field displays the total ACH payment deposits including the newly applied amount received. This field can only be viewed.

This field is available only if the Allow Credit Cards / ACH Payments check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options.


Deposit Total/Deposit Remaining

If the Require Deposit Amount check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options, this field displays the remaining amount to distribute for all entries and deposit types. if the Require Deposit Amount check box is cleared, this field displays the total amount received for all deposit types. This field can only be viewed.


2. Lines


Quick Row

This field displays the number of the selected row in the primary grid. Additional fields for the selected row appear in the secondary grid. Enter a row number to view or edit information for a different row, or click the Find Row button to search for a row in the Search Grid window.


Line Number

This field displays the line number in the grid and can only be viewed. The line number appears red for lines that are new or modified. After the Accept button is clicked, the line number changes from red to black.


Invoice No.

Enter one of the following:

If a discount is applicable for this invoice, and if the discount date is on or after the deposit date, the amount received appears and is subtracted from the invoice balance.

For balance-forward customers, this field is skipped and a miscellaneous general ledger entry is assumed.

Note This field is automatically populated if you searched for the transaction by invoice number and selected a transaction with a balance greater than zero.


Disc Used

Enter a discount amount to use, or click the Calculator button to use the calculator. This field does not apply to prepayments and general ledger entries.


Amt Posted

Enter the amount to post, or click the Calculator button to use the calculator. The invoice balance is reduced by the amount posted and is recalculated automatically.

The posting balance is updated after each line is entered.



Type a comment to provide additional detail for the cash receipt or general ledger distribution.

Press CTRL+ENTER to add a new line of text in the Comment field.


Line Type

Select the type of data to enter for the cash receipt line.


Discount Date

This field displays the discount date that was calculated for the invoice in Invoice Data Entry. The discount date is calculated based on the invoice date and the terms code.


GL Account

Enter a general ledger account number that will receive a portion of the cash receipts distribution, or click the Lookup button to list all general ledger accounts.

If the account number is longer than the field, use the left and right arrow keys to view the entire account number.

Accounts can be created in this field if Yes or Prompt is selected in the Auto Create when all Segments are Valid field in General Ledger Options.


Sold To Cust No.

This field displays the customer number or sold-to customer number for the selected invoice and can only be viewed. This field is available only if the Enable Bill To Customer Reporting check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options.


Posting Balance

This field displays the posting amount and is reduced as the posting amount is applied to invoices, customer balances, or general ledger accounts. This field can only be viewed.


Total Posted

This field displays the total amount posted and can only be viewed.


3. Payment


Payment ID

Enter a payment ID to identify this credit card or ACH payment account. Click the Lookup button to view a list of all payment IDs for this customer. The primary payment ID automatically appears if the default payment type is Credit Card or ACH in Customer Maintenance, but it can be changed.

Click Clear to clear the information on the Payment tab.



Select this check box to save the payment ID for future use. Clear this check box if you do not want to save the payment ID for future use.

This field is available only if you have the appropriate security setup.


Payment Type

Enter the credit card or ACH payment type, or click the Lookup button to list all credit card and ACH payment types. The payment type automatically appears if an existing payment ID is entered, but it can be changed.


Account Type

This field displays the ACH payment bank account type returned from Sage Exchange. The field is available only if an ACH payment type is entered and can only be viewed.


Card Type

This field displays the card type returned from Sage Exchange. The field is available only if a credit card payment type is entered and can only be viewed.



This check box is automatically selected if this credit card or ACH payment account is the primary payment method assigned in Customer Maintenance, and it can only be viewed.


Last Four Routing

This field displays the last four digits of the routing number for the ACH payment account entered in Sage Exchange.

This field is available only if an ACH payment type is entered and can only be viewed.



Enter the bank name for the ACH payment account. If an existing payment account is selected, this field displays the bank name entered in Customer Credit Card and ACH Payment Maintenance, but it can be changed.

This field is available only if an ACH payment type is entered.


Last Four Digits

This field displays the last four digits of the credit card number or ACH payment account number entered in Sage Exchange and can only be viewed.

For a one-time use credit card that is not processed through Sage Exchange, this field is available to manually enter the last four digits of the credit card number.


Expiration Month/Year

These fields display the expiration month and year of the credit card entered in Sage Exchange and can only be viewed.

If you are using a non-processing payment type and not saving the credit card record, these fields will be available to manually select an expiration month and year.

A message indicating that the card will expire in a specified number of days may appear based on the value entered in the Days Before Credit Card Expiration field in Accounts Receivable Options. You can click Submit Card/ACH Account to update the credit card's expiration month and year.

This field is available only if a credit card payment type is entered.


Account Name / Cardholder Name

For credit card payment types, type the cardholder name. For ACH payment types, type the account name. When entering a new payment ID and a payment type or changing the payment type, this field defaults to the customer name in Customer Maintenance, but it can be changed.



Type the account holder's billing address. When entering a new payment ID and a payment type, these fields default to the first two address lines in Customer Maintenance, but they can be changed. The street number will be used by the Sage Exchange address verification service for credit card payments.


ZIP Code

Type the account holder's billing ZIP Code. When entering a new payment ID and a payment type, this field defaults to the customer's billing ZIP Code in Customer Maintenance, but it can be changed. The information in this field will be used by the Sage Exchange address verification service for credit card payments.

Type a new ZIP Code to add a ZIP Code using ZIP Code Maintenance (On the Fly).



Type the account holder's billing city. When entering a new payment ID and a payment type, this field defaults to the customer's billing city in Customer Maintenance, but it can be changed. If a ZIP Code is entered, the city automatically appears.



Type the account holder's billing state. When entering a new payment ID and a payment type, this field defaults to the customer's billing state in Customer Maintenance, but it can be changed. If a ZIP Code is entered, the state abbreviation automatically appears.



Enter the code for the account holder's billing country, or click the Lookup button to list all country codes. When entering a new payment ID and a payment type, this field defaults to the customer's country code entered in Customer Maintenance, but it can be changed.

If a ZIP Code is entered, the country code automatically appears. The information in this field will be used by the Sage Exchange address verification service for credit card payments.

Type a new country code to add a code using Country Code Maintenance (On the Fly).


E-mail Address

Type the account holder's e-mail address. This field defaults to the e-mail address in Customer Maintenance, but it can be changed. Use a semicolon (;) to separate multiple e-mail addresses. If the e-mail address is longer than this field, use the left and right arrow keys to view the entire address.



Type a comment for this credit card or ACH payment account.


Transaction Amount

This field displays the credit card or ACH payment transaction amount and can only be viewed.


Corporate ID/PO

Type the corporate ID or purchase order number assigned to the user of the corporate/commercial card.

Note The corporate ID or purchase order number is not required to process the transaction; however, the credit card company may charge a higher transaction fee if you do not track this information.

This field is available only if a credit card payment type is entered and the Allow Corporate Cards check box is selected for the payment type in Payment Type Maintenance.


Corporate Sales Tax

Type the sales tax amount associated with the credit card payment for this invoice. This amount is included in the total transaction amount. Sales tax amounts are reported for corporate cards only, and the amount entered here will be reported on the customer's corporate credit card statement.

If the Sales Tax Reporting check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options, the default amount is calculated based on the actual sales tax amount and the amount of sales tax already allocated to the payment. If the Sales Tax Reporting check box is cleared, this field defaults to 0.00. Click the Reset Corporate Sales Tax button to reset the amount to the default amount.

This field is available only if a credit card payment type is entered, the Allow Corporate Cards check box is selected for that payment type in Payment Type Maintenance, and a corporate card ID or purchase order has been entered.

Note The sales tax amount is not required to complete the transaction; however, the credit card company may charge a higher transaction fee if you do not track this information.


Authorization No.

This field displays the authorization number for the credit card or ACH payment transaction processed through Sage Exchange and can only be viewed.

For a one-time use credit card that is not processed through Sage Exchange, this field is available to manually enter the authorization number for the credit card transaction.

Note For credit card transactions, the Process in Batch check box must be cleared to obtain an authorization number through Sage Exchange immediately after clicking Submit Card/ACH Account. For ACH payment transactions, all payments will be processed through the journal update process.


Authorization Date

This field displays the authorization date for the credit card or ACH payment transaction processed through Sage Exchange and can only be viewed.

For a one-time credit card transaction that is not processed through Sage Exchange, this field defaults to the current date when an authorization number has been entered.


Authorization Time

This field displays the authorization time for the credit card or ACH payment transaction processed through Sage Exchange and can only be viewed.

For a one-time credit card transaction that is not processed through Sage Exchange, this field defaults to the current time when an authorization number has been entered.


Transaction ID

This field displays the transaction ID for the credit card or ACH payment transaction when the transaction is successfully processed through Sage Exchange and can only be viewed.

A message appears below this field stating that the transaction was authorized. If the transaction is declined, this field is blank and a message appears below this field stating that the transaction was not authorized.


Swipe Card

Select this check box if the credit card will be swiped for this transaction when Sage Exchange is launched. Clear this check box if the credit card will not be swiped.

Note A Sage Payment Solutions approved credit card swipe device, available through Sage Exchange only, is required to use this feature.

This check box is available only if a credit card payment type is entered and the Process in Batch check box is cleared.


Process in Batch

Select this check box to process this credit card transaction through Sage Exchange in a batch when printing the Cash Receipts Journal. Clear this check box if you do not want to process this transaction in a batch. You can then enter the CVV number for each credit card transaction when clicking Submit Card/ACH Account or Accept.

This check box is selected by default if the Default Transactions to Process in Batch check box is selected in Company Maintenance, but it can be changed. This check box is available only if the Swipe Card check box is cleared.

Note When processing credit card transactions in a batch, the CVV number cannot be entered for each credit card transaction; therefore, the credit card company may charge a higher transaction fee.  

This field is available only if a credit card payment type is entered.

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