Customer Sales Analysis


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Sales Analysis by Salesperson

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Select Accounts Receivable Reports menu > Customer Sales Analysis.


Use Customer Sales Analysis to obtain a comprehensive recap of total sales, cost of goods sold, profit percentages, cash received, and finance charges. The total number of invoices and finance charges issued to each customer is also itemized. Use information detailed in this report to compare sales activity by customer for any fiscal year and period defined, as well as by period-to-date, year-to-date, and prior-year data. Sales amount percent-of-total figures are printed only if the report is being ranked by period-to-date, year-to-date, or prior-year sales. The percentage shown represents the percentage of the total receivables each customer's sales represents. If you have created divisions, divisional totals are also provided.

Printing the Customer Sales Analysis report by salesperson reflects the customer sales, sorted by the default salesperson for each customer. The Sales Analysis by Salesperson report provides accurate information by the actual salesperson assigned to each invoice.

You can enter a selection of customer numbers and names, salespersons, customer types, states, ZIP Codes, sort fields, period-to-date sales, year-to-date sales, prior-year sales, and user-defined fields (UDFs) to print.

Note If the Enable Bill To Customer Reporting check box is selected and Bill To and Sold To Customers is selected in the Track Customer Sales History in Accounts Receivable By field in Accounts Receivable Options, a message appears stating that the sales information will be overstated when printing the report for both the bill-to and sold-to customers.



Report Setting

Accounting Period


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Print Year to Date Data

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Print Prior Year Data

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