Miscellaneous Item Maintenance (On the Fly)


Window Details


How Do I...



Apply the Current Standard Cost and Price to All Repetitive Invoices



Add a New Miscellaneous, Charge, or Comment Item Code on the Fly




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Miscellaneous Item Listing

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Miscellaneous Item Maintenance

Item Maintenance

Using Sales Tax in Job Cost




Access this window using one of the following methods:


Use Miscellaneous Item Maintenance (On the Fly) to create new miscellaneous items, charges, and comments on the fly.

An item code can be a product part number, an abbreviation, or any other code identifying your products or services. The general ledger account number for sales, cost of goods sold, purchases, inventory, and manufacturing cost postings can be defined for item codes. You can determine whether items are posted to a particular account number, or to a substituted account number where a subaccount serves as a segment substitution.

You can also use Miscellaneous Item Maintenance (On the Fly) to establish charge and miscellaneous items if you routinely bill customers for services that are not inventory items.

You can type standardized comment lines. Comment item codes allow you to print comments on sales orders, invoices, purchase orders, receipts, returns, material requisition issues, and bill of materials component lists.

If the eBusiness Manager module is installed and set up for the current company, you can set up and enable access to your eBusiness Manager Web pages for miscellaneous items and charge codes.

Note Inventory item types can be maintained in Item Maintenance accessed from the Inventory Management module.




Item Code

Item Type

Copy From



1. Main


Standard Unit Price

Sales Unit of Measure

Standard Unit Cost

Purchases Unit of Measure

Sales Tax Class

Calculate Commission on Sales

Purchases Tax Class


Commodity Code

Allow Use in Purchase Order

Allow Use in Accounts Receivable

Allocate Landed Cost

Post Sales by Division

Vendor Item Code

Allow Use in Sales Order

Allow Use in Bill of Materials

Allow Trade Discount

Setup Charge

Drop Ship Item

Unit of Measure

Returns Allowed

Comment Text

Internet Enabled


2. Accounts


Sales Account

Purchases Account

Cost of Goods Account

Manufacturing Cost Account

Inventory Account



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