Item Maintenance (On the Fly)
This field displays the item code and can only be viewed.
The maximum length of miscellaneous items are one digit less than that of other item codes to allow you to enter a forward slash (/) in front of the item code, which is required for entering miscellaneous items during data entry. You can enter a maximum length of 29 characters if the Allow Entry of Expanded Item Codes check box is selected in Common Information Options.
Note The default charge item code (M) and comment item code (C) are pre-defined. These item codes cannot be modified or deleted.
Enter the item code to copy information from, or click the Lookup button to list all item codes.
Alternately, start typing an item description to locate an item. As you type, a list of records matching your entry appears. You can then select an item from the list, and the item code will appear in the field.
Select the type of item.
Select Miscellaneous for noninventory items that have a unit price/cost for which sales and/or purchase data will be collected by unit. Miscellaneous item codes can be used to enter inventory items when the Inventory Management module is not integrated with Sales Order or Purchase Order. Miscellaneous items can also be used to track sales and/or receipts of products or services for which an inventory count is not maintained.
Select Charge for fixed charges that are applied to an invoice. Charge items have only the general ledger sales, purchases, and manufacturing accounts associated with them. Charge items can cover charges for services, special fees, or other types of noninventory sales or purchases.
Select Comment to allow the entry of standard comments for the item during data entry.
Note Inventory item types can be accessed and maintained in Item Maintenance.
Type a description for the item.
Click the Extended Item Description button to view and maintain extended item descriptions in Item Text Maintenance.
If there is no extended description entered for an item, the Extended Item Description button appears blue.
If an extended description is entered for the line item, the Extended Item Description button appears yellow.
The Extended Item Description button is not available for Comment item types.
1. Main
Enter a standard unit price for this item, or click the Calculator button to enter an amount using the calculator. The standard unit price is used as a base for all sales order and invoice entries. This price can be changed during invoice data entry. This field is available only if the Allow Use in Accounts Receivable or Allow Use in Sales Order check box is selected.
Enter the standard unit cost for this item, or click the Calculator button to enter an amount using the calculator. The standard unit cost is used for pricing and commission calculation, as well as purchase order and bill of materials costing. This field is available only if Miscellaneous is selected in the Item Type field and the Allow Use in Accounts Receivable, Allow Use in Sales Order, or Allow Use in Purchase Order check box is selected. If Charge is selected as the item type, this field is available only if the Allow Use in Purchase Order or Allow Use in Bill of Materials check box is selected.
Note When used in Bill of Materials, this cost is added to the combined cost of the parent item and inventory components. For miscellaneous codes defined as setup charge types, the amount is added once for the batch of parent items produced. For miscellaneous codes that are not setup charge types, this amount is multiplied by the number of bill items produced.
Enter a sales tax class for this item, or click the Lookup button to list all sales tax classes. This field defaults the sales tax class used in sales orders and invoices.
Click the field hyperlink to launch this field's associated maintenance task. If a value is entered in this field, the associated data is displayed in the maintenance window. The maintenance task can be accessed only with the appropriate security setup.
Enter a purchases tax class for this item, or click the Lookup button to list all purchases tax classes. This field defaults the purchase tax class used in Purchase Order data entry tasks.
Click the field hyperlink to launch this field's associated maintenance task. If a value is entered in this field, the associated data is displayed in the maintenance window. The maintenance task can be accessed only with the appropriate security setup.
Commodity Code
Enter a commodity code for this item or click the Lookup button to list all commodity codes. This will be the default commodity code used in Sales Order data entry tasks. Commodity codes are included with the Level 3 data transmitted when processing Level 3 credit card transactions.
Allow Use in Accounts Receivable
Select this check box to allow the use of this item in Accounts Receivable Invoice Data Entry or Accounts Receivable Repetitive Invoice Entry. This field is available only if the Accounts Receivable module is installed and activated. Clear this check box if you do not want to allow the use of this item in Accounts Receivable Invoice Data Entry or Accounts Receivable Repetitive Invoice Entry.
Click Apply to apply the cost, price, or tax class changes to all repetitive invoices using the item code selected.
Select this check box to post sales, cost of goods sold, and inventory amounts to the general ledger by division. If a subaccount is selected in the Post to field in Division Maintenance, substituted accounts are used for posting amounts by division. For more information, see Segment Substitution FAQs.
Clear this check box to post sales, cost of goods sold, and inventory amounts to their default accounts set up in the Sales Account, Cost of Goods Account, and Inventory Account fields.
This field is available only if the Divisions check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options, a segment is selected in the G/L Segment to Post A/R Sales field in Accounts Receivable Options, and if the Allow Use in Accounts Receivable check box is selected. For more information, see Accounts Receivable Options - Fields.
Note For a default account to be replaced by a substituted account, the substituted account must be a valid general ledger account created in General Ledger Account Maintenance, or generated in Generate Accounts.
Select this check box to allow the use of this item in Sales Order Entry or Sales Order Invoice Data Entry. If the Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) module is installed, the item codes can also be used in RMA. Clear this check box if you do not want to allow the use of this item in Sales Order Entry or Sales Order Invoice D ata Entry. This field is available only if the Sales Order module is installed and activated.
Click IT Item to set up miscellaneous items and charge codes to use on the Internet for the item code selected. This option is available only if the eBusiness Manager module is installed and activated.
Select this check box to allow a trade discount to this item. Clear this check box if a trade discount is not allowed. This field is available only if the Allow Use in Sales Order check box is selected.
Select this check box to default this item as drop-shipped. Clear this check box if you do not want to default the item as drop-shipped. This field is available only if Miscellaneous is selected in the Item Type field, and the Allow Use in Sales Order check box is selected.
Note For a miscellaneous item code entered on a sales order that is selected for drop ship to be available for a drop-ship purchase order, the Allow Use in Purchase Order check box must be selected.
Select this check box to allow this miscellaneous item or charge to be returned using the Return Merchandise Authorization module. Clear this check box if you do not want to allow returns for this item. If this check box is cleared and the item is selected to be returned, a message appears notifying you that the miscellaneous item or charge cannot be returned.
Note This check box is available only if the Return Merchandise Authorization module is installed and activated, and if the Allow Use in Sales Order check box is selected.
Select this check box to enable Internet access for the current miscellaneous item or charge. Clear this check box if you do not want to enable Internet access for the current miscellaneous item or charge. If there is pending Internet activity, the miscellaneous item or charge code cannot be deleted. This field is available only if the Allow Use in Sales Order check box is selected, and the eBusiness Manager module is installed and activated.
Enter a sales unit of measure to use as the default when the miscellaneous item is selected in a sales order or invoice. Click the Lookup button to list all sales units of measure. This field is available only if the Allow Use in Accounts Receivable or Allow Use in Sales Order check box is selected.
Enter a purchases unit of measure to use as the default when the miscellaneous item is selected in a purchase order, receipt, material requisition, or return. Click the Lookup button to list all purchases units of measure. This field is available only if the Allow Use in Purchase Order check box is selected.
Select this check box to calculate sales commissions for this item. Clear this check box if commissions should not be calculated. This field is available only if the Allow Use in Accounts Receivable or Allow Use in Sales Order check box is selected.
Enter an image file to associate with this item or charge, or click the Browse File button to browse for an image file. Click the Show Image button to preview the image file. Only image files with an extension of .bmp, .jpg, or .gif are accepted (.jpg or .gif files are recommended). Inventory item images are stored in the MAS90\Images\xxx folder (where xxx is the company code) on the server when an item or charge is Internet enabled. All image files reside at the same Internet Information Services (IIS) location for all companies; therefore, image file names must be unique system wide.
Warning When .bmp images are used on a Web page, performance is extremely slow.
If you are using Sage 100 Advanced, to use the Image feature, you must have entered a UNC path in the Sage 100 Advanced Server field during Workstation Setup (for example, \\servername\Sage\MAS200\...).
Select this check box to allow the use of this item in the Purchase Order data entry tasks. Clear this check box if you do not want to allow the use of this item in the Purchase Order data entry tasks. This field is available only if the Purchase Order module is installed and activated.
This check box is automatically selected if the Drop Ship Item check box is selected.
Select this check box to allocate landed cost for this item. Clear this check box if allocating landed cost is not allowed. This check box is available only if Miscellaneous is selected in the Item Type field, and the Allow Use in Purchase Order check box is selected.
Type the vendor identification code for this item. This field is available only if Miscellaneous is selected at the Item Type field, and the Allow Use in Purchase Order check box is selected.
Allow Use in Bill of Materials
Select this check box to allow the use of the miscellaneous charge or comment in the Bill of Materials data entry tasks. Clear this check box if you do not want to allow the use of the charge or comment in the Bill of Materials data entry tasks. This field is available only if the Bill of Materials module is installed and activated.
Note This check box is not available if Miscellaneous is selected in the Item Type field.
Select this check box to charge the miscellaneous charge once per production run. A quantity cannot be entered for a setup charge. Clear this check box to have the quantity entered for the miscellaneous charge multiplied by the quantity of the parent items to be produced. This field is available only if Charge is selected in the Item Type field, and the Allow Use in Bill of Materials check box is selected. This check box cannot be changed if the setup charge has been entered in Bill of Materials Maintenance, Option Bill Maintenance, or Option Interaction Maintenance.
Type the unit of measure for the miscellaneous charge. This field is available only if Charge is selected in the Item Type field, and the Allow Use in Bill of Materials check box is selected.
Type the text for the comment code. This field is available only if Comment is selected in the Item Type field.
2. Accounts
Enter the general ledger sales account number to post the miscellaneous item or charge code, or click the Lookup button to list all general ledger account numbers. This field is available only if the Allow Use in Accounts Receivable or Allow Use in Sales Order check box is selected.
Accounts can be created in this field if the appropriate settings are defined in the Auto Create when all Segments are Valid field in General Ledger Options.
Enter the general ledger cost of goods sold account number for posting the selected miscellaneous item code, or click the Lookup button to list all general ledger accounts. This field is available only if the Allow Use in Accounts Receivable or Allow Use in Sales Order check box is selected.
Accounts can be created in this field if the appropriate settings are defined in the Auto Create when all Segments are Valid field in General Ledger Options.
Enter the general ledger inventory account number for posting the selected miscellaneous item code, or click the Lookup button to list all general ledger accounts. This field is available only if the Allow Use in Accounts Receivable or Allow Use in Sales Order check box is selected.
Accounts can be created in this field if the appropriate settings are defined in the Auto Create when all Segments are Valid field in General Ledger Options.
Enter the general ledger purchases account number for posting the selected miscellaneous item or charge code, or click the Lookup button to list all general ledger accounts. This field is available only if the Allow Use in Purchase Order check box is selected.
Accounts can be created in this field if the appropriate settings are defined in the Auto Create when all Segments are Valid field in General Ledger Options.
Enter the general ledger manufacturing cost account number for posting the selected miscellaneous charge code, or click the Lookup button to list all general ledger accounts. This field is available only if the Allow Use in Bill of Materials check box is selected.
Accounts can be created in this field if the appropriate settings are defined in the Auto Create when all Segments are Valid field in General Ledger Options.
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