Set Up eBusiness Manager for a New Company


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The eBusiness Manager Setup Wizard provides several pages of questions and options that help you set up the eBusiness Manager module for a new company. You must complete this wizard and additional procedures before using the eBusiness Manager module.

Note  The eBusiness Manager Setup Wizard can be accessed only with the appropriate security setup.

Expand/Collapse item  Before You Begin

Before accessing the Setup Wizard, verify the following:

  • The eBusiness Manager module is installed on the Application server, and the Application server is properly configured. For more information, refer to your eBusiness Manager Installation Guide.

  • The Web Engine is installed and running. For more information, refer to your eBusiness Manager Installation Guide.

  • The Internet Information Server (IIS) is configured to host the Web site used to access the data. For more information, refer to your eBusiness Manager Installation Guide.

  • You have access to a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server to send e-mail confirmations from the Internet (for example, shopping cart submissions, user ID changes, and request for user IDs and passwords).

  • The Accounts Receivable, Inventory Management, and Sales Order modules are installed and set up.

  • You have planned how to display items on your Web pages. Items can be displayed in multiple categories to increase their accessibility by Internet users. Adding too many items on one Web page can significantly increase the amount of time needed for the page to load.


To set up eBusiness Manager for a New Company

  1. On the Web page where you want users to access the eBusiness module, add links similar to the following:

  2. For .order customers:;login

Replace with the URL of your Web site and replace xxx with the company code used on the Application Server. The link can be a graphic button or plain text. You can use an IP address instead of a URL if the Web Engine is not a published server (visible/accessible through the Internet).

  1. When you have access to an SMTP server, select Library Master Main menu > Company Maintenance. Enter the SMTP server address in the SMTP (Mail) Server Address and Port fields. For more information, see Company Maintenance - Fields.

Note  E-mail cannot be generated in eBusiness Manager until the SMTP server information has been entered.

  1. In the Accounts Receivable module, perform the following optional steps:

  1. If divisions are enabled in Accounts Receivable Options, you can set up a separate division for .store customers in Division Maintenance. This enables you to keep all .store customers numbers separate from other customers.

  2. If the Auto Increment Customer Number check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options, the same next automatic customer number used in the Accounts Receivable module is used to assign the next eBusiness Manager customer number. To assign a separate next customer number for eBusiness Manager customers, clear the Auto Increment Customer Number check box.

  1. Before beginning the eBusiness Manager Setup Wizard, assemble the following information:

  2. Your company logo image file or company name. If no company logo image or company name is entered in the Setup Wizard, the company name entered in the Library Master module is used on your Web pages.

  3. The cascading style sheet (CSS) to use for your Web pages. You can select one of five predefined CSS files with different color themes. For more information, see Cascading Style Sheets.

  4. Your Web server address.

  5. Your Web engine address. The Setup Wizard provides default values for the Web engine port and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) port. For security purposes, change the default values to new values.

  1. When you access the eBusiness Manager module for a new company for the first time, the eBusiness Manager Setup Wizard appears. Complete the eBusiness Manager Setup Wizard. After completing the Wizard, you can change the Wizard settings and additional settings in eBusiness Manager Options if necessary.

  2. Complete the following additional setup procedures in eBusiness Manager:

  3. Set up your Web templates using Web Template Options.

  4. Define categories for inventory items using Category Maintenance. For more information, see Set Up Categories.

  5. Organize categories into a tree structure using Category Tree Maintenance.

  1. In the Inventory Management module, use one or both of the following methods to enable inventory items to be viewed and purchased from the Internet. Assign each Internet-enabled item to at least one category, and define images as desired. For more information, see Item Maintenance.

Expand/Collapse item  To set up Internet items by product line

  1. Select Inventory Management Setup menu > Product Line Maintenance.

  2. Enter the product line and then click Apply.

  3. In the Apply Product Line Information window, select the Internet Enabled check box.

  4. In the Category field, enter a category for the product line. Click Proceed. In the Product Line Maintenance window, click Accept.


Expand/Collapse item  To set up Internet items individually

  1. Select Inventory Management Main menu > Item Maintenance.

  2. Enter the item and then select the Internet Enabled check box.

  3. Click IT Item. In the Internet Item window, assign the item to at least one category. Click Accept. In the Item Maintenance window, click Accept.


  1. In the Accounts Receivable module, use one or both of the following methods to set up your .order customers:

Expand/Collapse item  To set up a range of Internet customers

  1. Select Accounts Receivable Utilities menu > Internet Customers Enable/Purge.

  2. Select the Enable Internet Customers option. Enter a selection of customer numbers and/or customer types, and click Proceed. For more information, see Internet Customers Enable/Purge - Fields.


Expand/Collapse item  To set up Internet customers individually

  1. Select Accounts Receivable Main menu > Customer Maintenance. Enter the customer number.

  2. Click the Additional tab and select the Internet Enabled check box. Click Accept. For more information, see Customer Maintenance - Fields.


  1. In the Accounts Receivable Payment Type Maintenance window, verify that the Internet Enabled check box is selected for each payment type that you will allow customers to use when submitting payments.

  2. In User ID Maintenance, set up .order users with access and/or supervisory rights to customer information on the Internet. For more information, see Set Up User IDs for .order Customers.

Note  User IDs in eBusiness Manager correspond to .order and .store customers and are separate from user IDs set up in the Library Master module.

  1. Create and design default e-mail notifications using E-mail Notification Maintenance.

  2. Customize your Internet menu options using Web Menu Maintenance.

Note  By default, the .order shopping cart and .store user profile menu options use SSL encryption. For more information about setting up SSL, refer to your eBusiness Manager Installation Guide.

  1. After you configure your eBusiness Manager data files, you must publish images, JavaScripts, style sheets, and the MASISAPI.ini file to the IIS to complete the Web site setup. For more information, see Publish Files to the Internet.

Warning  Errors may occur if you do not publish images, JavaScripts, and style sheets to the IIS. You cannot access eBusiness Manager templates if the MASISAPI.ini file is not properly published or contains incorrect information.

  1. Start the Web Engine and perform a .order customer test by logging on to eBusiness Manager with a user ID and password.

The eBusiness Manager module is set up for the new company, and you are ready to process Internet transactions.

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