Set Up Credit Card and ACH Payment Processing


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Setting up your system to process credit card and/or ACH payments through Sage Exchange requires activating Sage Exchange for your company and then setting up credit card and ACH payment types.

You can either use the Payment Setup Wizard, which guides you through the process, or you can complete the steps using Company Maintenance, Payment Type Maintenance, and Accounts Receivable Options. Both procedures are described below.

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  • Set up the company for which you are activating Sage Exchange.

  • Install Sage Exchange Desktop (SED) on workstations that will be used to process credit cards. You can install SED from the following locations:
    • The Sage Exchange installation web page:
    • The Sage 100 Workstation installation program (located in the ..\MAS90\wksetup folder in your server installation).
    • The the Sage 100 installation program (in the Productivity Applications folder) 

Set up payment processing using the Payment Setup Wizard

Set up payment processing using individual tasks

Set up payment processing using the Payment Setup Wizard

This procedure describes how to set up credit cards and ACH payments using the wizard available on the Accounts Receivable Setup menu.

Note If you applied for your Paya (formerly Sage Payment Solutions) account through the Payment Center, you'll be asked if you want to set up credit card processing when you view the account approval page. Clicking Yes starts the wizard. When accessing the wizard from the Payment Center, you can set up credit card processing, but you will not have the option to set up ACH payments.

  1. Before starting the wizard, gather the following information:
    • Your merchant ID and merchant key provided by Paya
    • The general ledger accounts to debit with payment amounts
    • The general ledger accrual accounts for posting charges and fees from the credit card or ACH vendor
    • The discount percentage that the merchant or bank will discount from their payment back to you
    • The transaction fee that your merchant or bank charges for each credit card or ACH order
  2. Select Accounts Receivable Setup menu > Payment Setup for Sage Exchange.
  3. Proceed through the wizard. You'll be guided through enabling payment processing and setting up one or more payment types.

Your company is ready to accept credit card payments, ACH payments, or both, depending on your selections. You can now save customer credit card and ACH account information in Customer Maintenance; go to the Additional tab and click Credit Card/ACH.

Set up payment processing using individual tasks

This procedure describes how to set up credit cards and ACH payments using the Company Maintenance, Payment Type Maintenance, and Accounts Receivable Options tasks.

Note You'll need your merchant ID and merchant key provided by Paya to complete these steps.

Activate Payment Processing

  1. Select Library Master Main menu > Company Maintenance.

  2. Enter the company code of the company that will be using the Credit Card Processing module. For -

    more information, see Company Maintenance - Fields .

  3. On the Payment tab, in the Enable Payments field, select either ACH, Credit Cards, or Both Credit Cards and ACH.

  4. If you have credit card data stored in a Sage Exchange Vault-only (nonprocessing) account, you will be asked if you want to enter the virtual terminal ID and merchant key for your processing account. You can enter the ID and key here, or enter it later in Payment Type Maintenance.

    After entering a valid ID and key, your credit card information will be transferred to your processing account. The time required will vary depending on the number of credit cards on file.

  5. Click Accept.

Set up the credit card and/or ACH payment types

  1. Select Accounts Receivable Setup menu > Payment Type Maintenance.

  2. In the Payment Type field, enter the payment type to set up. For more information, see Payment Type Maintenance - Fields.

  3. In the Payment Method drop-down field, select either Credit Card or ACH Payment.

  4. For credit card payment types, you can select Allow Corporate Cards if you want to enable level 2 credit card processing. You can then select the Include Level 3 Data check box to enable level 3 credit card processing. For more information, see Set Up Customer Credit Cards for Level 3 Processing.

  5. In the Virtual Terminal ID field, type the 12-digit Virtual Terminal ID provided in your Paya New Merchant Information e-mail.

  6. In the Merchant Key field, type the 12-character Merchant Key provided in your Paya New Merchant Information e-mail.

  7. Complete the other fields as needed to set up the payment type. Click Accept.

  8. Repeat these steps for all credit card and ACH payment types.

Allow credit card and ACH payments in Accounts Receivable tasks

  1. Select Accounts Receivable Setup menu > Accounts Receivable Options.

  2. On the Entry tab, select the Allow Credit Cards / ACH Payments check box and click Accept. For more information, see Accounts Receivable Options - Fields.

The current company is now set up to receive credit card and/or ACH payments processed through Sage Exchange.

For more information, see: