Payroll Options - Fields


Payroll Options

1. Main


Payroll Departments

Select this check box if your company has several departments, each handling a separate payroll, or if you require reporting or posting of payroll data to the General Ledger module by department.

If this check box is selected, a two-character alphanumeric departmental identification number preceding all employee numbers is required when entering employees into the system. This numbering system automatically provides departmental subtotals on all Payroll reports. The Payroll module accommodates up to 1,296 departments.

Clear this check box if your company does not require departmental Payroll.

Note After a department other than 00 is created in Department Maintenance, you cannot clear this check box.

Allow G/L Accrual Postings

Select this check box to post Payroll expenses and accrual postings to the general ledger based on a calculated percentage. Clear this check box to post expenses by Payroll accounting date.


Consolidate Payroll Expense Postings

Select this check box to summarize all Payroll expense general ledger postings by check register. Clear this check box to detail each Payroll expense general ledger posting by employee.


Summarize Taxes on Check Stubs

Select this check box to summarize all state and local tax lines that contain only year-to-date data into a single line on the check stub. This line is labeled Other Taxes.

Clear this check box to print each state and local tax line separately. If the number of lines to be printed exceeds the number of lines on the stub, printing continues on the next stub.


Tip Allocation Rate

Type the standard federal rate. If your business has at least 10 employees who customarily receive tips, you are required to allocate a percentage of gross receipts against actual tips reported. If you have received an exemption that allows you to use a different rate, enter the appropriate rate. Consult your accountant before adjusting the tip allocation rate.


Minimum Hourly Wage

Type the current federal minimum hourly wage, or type a different hourly wage dollar amount.


Current Processing Year

Type the calendar year in which Payroll is being processed.


Current Quarter

Select the number from the following list that corresponds to the quarter in which you are going to begin Payroll processing.

  • Select 1 if the current quarter is January through March.

  • Select 2 if the current quarter is April through June.

  • Select 3 if the current quarter is July through September.

  • Select 4 if the current quarter is October through December.


Hours in a Work Year

Type 2080 (40 hours per week multiplied by 52 weeks per year) if this is consistent with your work year, or type the correct number of hours.

To calculate the number of hours in the work year, multiply the normal number of hours worked during a week by the number of weeks worked during the year.


Enable Time Track for TimeCard

Select this check box to enable the Time Track feature and use Time Track data for payroll processing. Clear this check box if you don't want to use Time Track data for payroll processing.

Even if this check box is cleared, you can still use Time Track for the Job Cost module if the feature is enabled in Job Cost Options.


(Integrate Payroll with) General Ledger

Select this check box to integrate the Payroll module with General Ledger. Clear this check box if you do not want general ledger postings from the Payroll module to update to General Ledger or post to the General Ledger Posting Recap.


(Integrate Payroll with) Bank Reconciliation

Select this check box to integrate the Payroll module with Bank Reconciliation. Clear this check box if you do not want to integrate the Payroll module with Bank Reconciliation.

When these modules are integrated, all payroll checks post to the Bank Reconciliation module during the Check Register update process.


(Integrate Payroll with) Job Cost

Select this check box to integrate the Payroll module with Job Cost. Clear this check box if you do not want to integrate the Payroll module with Job Cost.

When these modules are integrated, earnings can be distributed to a specific job and cost code during payroll data entry, and posted to the job when updating the Check Register. Payroll burden is calculated and posted to each job using burden rates established in the Job Cost module, unless the rate has been established in Labor Code Maintenance. The rates specified in the Payroll module override the burden rates in Job Cost.

Note Burden rate information must be defined in Job Cost Burden Rate Maintenance.


2. Additional


Allow Multiple Tax Profiles in Data Entry

Select this check box to allow the use of more than one tax profile per entry in Payroll Data Entry. If this check box is selected, you can select a different tax profile for each line.

If this check box is cleared, the default tax profile set in Employee Maintenance is used for each line and cannot be changed.


Require Local Tax Reporting

Select this check box if you need to calculate municipal or county withholding tax. Clear this check box if these taxes are not required.


Default State Tax Code

Enter a state tax code representing the primary state tax jurisdiction in which your company operates. Click the Lookup button to list all state tax codes.


Default Tax Location Code

Enter the code to use as the default tax location for new entries in Tax Profile Maintenance . Click the Lookup button to list all state tax codes.

This field is available only if the Require Local Tax Reporting check box is selected.


Default Tax Profile

Enter the default tax profile to use for new entries in Employee Maintenance. For more information, see Tax Profile Maintenance.


Allow Duplicate Social Security Numbers for Employees

Select whether to allow entry of the same Social Security number for more than one employee record in Employee Maintenance.

  • Select Yes to allow entry of duplicate Social Security numbers.

  • Select No to prevent entry of duplicate Social Security numbers.

  • Select Prompt to be prompted when a duplicate Social Security number is entered.


J/C Comment Format

Select the format of the posting comment to use when posting Job Cost transactions from the Payroll and TimeCard modules.

  • Select Employee No. + Check No. to use the employee number and check number as the posting comment. If the TimeCard module is integrated with Job Cost, select this option to use the employee number, the TimeCard Job Cost Selection period-ending date, and the distribution register number as the posting comment.

  • Select Last Name + First Initial + Period Ending Date to use the employee's last name and first initial and the Payroll period-ending date as the posting comment. If the TimeCard module is integrated with Job Cost, select this option to use the employee's last name, first initial, and the TimeCard Job Cost Selection period-ending date as the posting comment.

  • Select First Initial + Last Name + TimeCard Week Ending Date to use the employee's first initial and last name and the TimeCard week-ending date as the posting comment. The comment can be a maximum of 39 characters. If the comment is less than 39 characters, unused spaces are used to spell out the employee's first name. This option is available only if the TimeCard module is integrated with Job Cost and Payroll.


HRMS Attendance Installed

This check box is automatically selected if a link between Sage 100 and Sage HRMS is set up. The check box appears only if the link is set up, and it can only be viewed.


Valid Earnings Types for Benefit Date

This field displays the earnings types selected in Sage HRMS when setting up the link to Sage 100. The field appears only if the link is set up, and it can only be viewed.


3. Time Off


Time Off 1 Description

Type the description for the first time off type to use when processing Payroll. Vacation is the default value for this field, but it can be changed.


Time Off 2 Description

Type the description for the second time off type to use when processing Payroll. Sick is the default value for this field, but it can be changed.


Time Off 3 Description

Type the description for the third time off type to use when processing Payroll.


Base Time Off Availability On

Select the basis for time off availability.

  • Select Limit to calculate the availability of employee time off based on the amount used subtracted from the annual limit.

  • Select Accrual to calculate the availability of employee time off based on the amount used subtracted from the accrual amount.


Pay Rate for Time Off Accrual Posting Amount

Select a pay rate to use when calculating employee time off accrual amounts if you choose to post time off accruals to the general ledger by department.

Note If time off accrual accounts are not defined in Department Maintenance, then time off accrual amounts accrue to the standard payroll expense accounts.


Hours to use for Time Off Limit

Select the hours to use for the time off limit.

  • Select Accrued Hours Only if carry-over hours and used hours have no effect on the number of hours an employee can accrue during the current year.

  • Select Accrued+Carry Over to stop accruing hours when the employee total accrued hours plus carry-over hours equals the annual limit.

  • Select Accrued+Carry Over-Used to stop accruing hours when the employee total accrued hours plus carry-over hours minus used hours equals the annual limit.


Allow Time Off Accruals From

Select the time off accrual method.

  • Select Periodic Accrual & Data Entry to accrue time off using Periodic Time Off Accrual and/or Payroll Data Entry.

  • Select Data Entry Only to accrue time off using only Payroll Data Entry.

  • Select Periodic Accrual Only to accrue periodic time off using only Periodic Time Off Accrual. If you select Periodic Accrual Only, time off will not accrue during the Check Register update.


Round Time Off Hours/Days to Whole Numbers

Select this check box to round accrued hours/days on your checks and on the Time Off Accrual Report to whole numbers. Clear this check box to display fractional accrued hours/days.


Reset Employee Time Off Limits at Benefit Year End

Select this check box to automatically reset employee time off limits to the default value entered in Time Off Maintenance.

The time off limits will be reset either at the end of the calendar year or on the employees’ anniversary date depending on which option is selected in the Reset Time Off Hours Based On field.

Clear this check box if you do not want to automatically reset the time off limits on an annual basis.

This feature is useful if company policies change and all employees on a certain time off schedule are to be granted an increase in time off. It also allows you to automatically reset the limit for employees hired at mid-year to the normal limit for their appropriate time off schedule.


Reset Time Off Hours Based On

Select an option to determine when employee's accrued time off is reset.

  • Select Calendar Year to reset time off at the end of the calendar year.

  • Select Anniversary Date to reset time off on the anniversary of the time off eligibility date in Employee Maintenance.

When employee's time off is reset, their unused time off (up to the Caryover limit set in Employee Maintenance) will be carried over into the next year, and their used time off amount will be reset to 0.


Accrual Report Display Option

Select the option to display on the Time Off Accrual Report and checks.

  • Select Hours to display the accrual as hours on your checks and on the Time Off Accrual Report.

  • Select Days to display the accrual as days on your checks and on the Time Off Accrual Report.



4. Entry


Enable (Batch Processing)

Select this check box to enable batch processing for Payroll Data Entry. Clear this check box if you do not want to use batch processing.


Next Batch

Enter the next batch number to be assigned when using batch processing in Payroll Data Entry. You can enter a numeric or alphanumeric number. This field is available only if the Enable check box is selected.


Default Answer to Auto Pay Employees

Select this check box to use Yes as the default answer when the message appears asking if you want to automatically pay employees in Payroll Data Entry. Clear this check box to use No as the default answer. This check box only defines the default answer for this message; it does not prevent you from selecting a different answer when responding to the message.


Take Automatic Deductions in Selective Entry

Select this check box to use Yes as the default answer when the message appears asking if you want to take automatic deductions during selective payroll data entry. Clear this check box to use No as the default answer. This check box only defines the default answer for this message; it does not prevent you from selecting a different answer when responding to the message.


Method to Recalculate Deductions

Select a method for recalculating deductions. Deductions will be recalculated when a change to a payroll entry is made in Payroll Data Entry. The recalculation may occur automatically, depending on your selection in the Recalculate Deductions in Data Entry field.

  • Select All to recalculate all deductions. All deductions in the payroll entry will be recalculated except those for which Fixed Amount is selected in the Calculation Method field in Deduction Code Maintenance.

  • Select Only Automatic to recalculate automatic deductions only. All deductions for which the Automatic check box is selected in the Voluntary Deduction Maintenance window will be deleted from the payroll entry, and then automatic deduction processing will be performed again. When using this method, if you delete an automatic deduction, it will be added back to the payroll entry when deductions are recalculated.

Note Deductions for which an earnings code is entered in the Automatically Apply Deduction to Earnings Code field in Deduction Code Maintenance are not affected.


Recalculate Deductions in Data Entry

Select whether to recalculate deductions when a payroll entry is saved in Payroll Data Entry. Select an option in the Method to Recalculate Deductions field to define which deductions will be recalculated.

  • Select Yes to automatically recalculate deductions without receiving a prompt. If a line entry is changed, deductions will be automatically recalculated when you click Accept.If you select this option, you will not be able to overwrite a deduction amount.

  • Select No if you do not want deductions automatically recalculated. If you select this option, deductions can still be recalculated by clicking the Recalc Deductions button in Payroll Data Entry.

  • Select Prompt to receive a message asking if you want to recalculate deductions. The message will appear when clicking Accept after making changes on the Lines tab.


Remove Earnings Lines with Zero Amount

Select this check box to remove any earnings code lines with an amount of zero when the payroll tax calculation is performed. Clear this check box if you do not want the zero-amount lines removed.

Zero-amount earnings lines will be removed only if the gross earnings amount is not equal to zero.

Checks will be deducted during the tax calculation if this check box is selected, the Manual Taxes check box in the Pay Cycle window is cleared, and all lines for a check have a zero amount.


Deferral Deduction Code

Enter the deduction code to use for the Social Security Tax deferral. For more information on how this deduction must be set up, see Social Security Tax Deferral for Tax Year 2020.

Payback Deduction Code

Enter the deduction code to use to calculate the Social Security Tax that must be paid back in tax year 2021 if it was deferred in tax year 2020. For more information on how this deduction must be set up, see Social Security Tax Deferral for Tax Year 2020.


5. Direct Deposit


Require Direct Deposit

Select this check box to use the Direct Deposit feature. Clear this check box if you are not using the Direct Deposit feature.


Direct Deposit Interface

Select the direct deposit interface to use from the drop-down list. This field is available only if the Require Direct Deposit check box is selected.

  • Select None if there is no direct deposit interface application installed.

  • Select Sage 100 Direct Deposit Service if you are using this service. This service eliminates the need to generate an ACH file and send it to your bank. You simply transmit your payroll information, and Sage handles the rest for you. You must submit an application to start using this service. To apply, click the Apply for Sage 100 Direct Deposit Service link.   

  • Select Manually Send ACH file if you are going to generate ACH files and send them to your bank.

  • Select Other if you are using a third-party interface application.


Allow Partial Allocation of Check Amount

Select this check box to allow a portion of net pay to be printed on checks. Clear this check box if you want to directly deposit the entire net pay amount. This field is available only if the Require Direct Deposit check box is selected.


Print Direct Deposit Stubs

Select this check box to print direct deposit stubs for direct deposit participants. The direct deposit stub form is customizable to fit your own specific needs. Clear this check box to use your normal check stock and print voided checks for direct deposit participants. This field is available only if the Require Direct Deposit check box is selected.


Next Direct Deposit Stub Number

Type the next direct deposit stub number to be assigned in Direct Deposit Stub Printing. This field is available only if the Print Direct Deposit Stubs check box is selected.


Do Not Send a Pre-Note When Employee Number Changes

Select this check box if a pre-note is not required when an employee number changes. Clear this check box if a pre-note is required when an employee number changes.

If this check box is cleared, and an employee's employee number is changed, the Pre-Note Sent field in the Direct Deposits window will be set to No, and a new prenote must be approved.

This field is available only if the Require Direct Deposit check box is selected and either Sage 100 Direct Deposit Service or Manually Send ACH File is selected in the Direct Deposit Interface field.


Path for Direct Deposit File

Type the path where the direct deposit (ACH) file is saved. Leave this field blank to save the direct deposit file to the ..\MAS90\PRxxx folder (where xxx is the company code). This field is available only if the Require Direct Deposit check box is selected and Manually Send ACH File is selected in the Direct Deposit Interface field.


6. History


Employee Changes to Track

Select whether to track changes made to the employee file.

  • Select All Changes to retain an audit trail of changes, deletions, and additions made to the employee file.

  • Select None if you do not want to track these changes.

  • Select Deletions to track deletions only.

  • Select Additions to track additions only.

  • Select Changes to track data field changes only.


Track Additions in Detail

Select this check box to track additions to employee information in detail format. Clear this check box to track the additions in summary format.

This field is available only if All Changes or Additions is selected in the Employee Changes to Track field.


Track Changes to Employee Pay Rates

Select this check box to retain an audit trail of changes made to pay rates in the Employee file. Clear this check box if you do not want to track these changes.


Years to Retain Payroll History

Enter the number of years, from 4 through 99, to retain payroll history. A minimum of 4 years must be entered. Payroll history that is past the number of years to retain is purged during year-end processing.