

Window Details









How Do I


Use the Lookup to Select a Record

Create a Custom Lookup View

Search in the Lookup

Delete Filters

Filter the Lookup Criteria

Create an Invoice History Lookup View


Related Topics





At any field that has this feature, click the Lookup button.


Use the Lookup feature to search for and select records.

Note If the number of records in the file is over the limit set in the Lookup Limit for Initial Display field in User Maintenance, no records appear in the lookup window. In addition, if the Initial Display check box in the User Lookup Wizard is cleared, no records appear. Use the Search fields to narrow your search, and then click Find to activate the search and display records.

Click a column heading to sort the rows by that column. In a customer, item, or vendor lookup window, select a record and click the Zoom button to view the record it its maintenance task.

Click the Print button to print a copy of the data displayed in the lookup list. Click the Excel button to export the list to Microsoft Excel. The Print and Excel buttons are available only with the appropriate security setup.

You can add and remove columns, select a default filter, and make other changes by clicking Custom to create a custom lookup view that only you can access. Click Lookup Wizard to create custom lookup views that are available for other users and for other companies.

The Custom button is available only if the Locked Customization check box is cleared in the User Lookup Wizard. The Lookup Wizard button is available only with the appropriate security setup.


