A/P Invoice Data Entry


Window Details





How Do I...



Enter an Accounts Payable Invoice

Record a Purchase Paid by Credit Card

Enter Debit and Credit Memos

Record the Payment of an Outstanding Invoice by Credit Card

Record and Apply Prepayments

Combine Invoices for the Credit Card Vendor into One Invoice

Adjust a Posted Invoice

Process Repetitive Invoices

Place a Posted Invoice On Hold

Delete a Posted Invoice

Take an Invoice Off Hold

Refresh Asset Templates

Recalculate Sales Tax on an Accounts Payable Invoice




Related Topics



Posting Invoices Using Sales Tax Processing

Creating Assets from the Accounts Payable and Purchase Order Modules

Calculating Accounts Payable Retention

Accounts Payable Invoices FAQs


Credit Card Transfers FAQs



Select Accounts Payable Main menu > Invoice Data Entry.


Use Invoice Data Entry to enter vendor invoice information and to distribute the invoice amount to the appropriate general ledger accounts, providing the first step toward evaluating and processing payables. You must enter all outstanding invoices and adjustments to previously recorded invoices. Invoices that were entered but not updated can be maintained at any time. Check invoice entries for accuracy by reviewing the Invoice Register before updating the invoices.

If the Use P/O Receipt of Invoice Entry for this Vendor check box is selected for the vendor in Vendor Maintenance, enter the invoice in Receipt of Invoice Entry. If you enter the invoice in Invoice Data Entry, purchase orders can be left in a backorder status.

If the Fixed Assets module is integrated with Accounts Payable and you have the appropriate security setup, assets can be created in Sage Fixed Assets based on the invoice lines entered in this task.

Assets are not created for lines with negative amounts and non-invoice lines such as prepayments, adjustments, returns, credit memos, and transfers. If an asset account is used for an adjustment or an asset is created for an invoice that is later adjusted, the asset values must be adjusted manually in Sage Fixed Assets.

Note Sage Fixed Assets refers to the fixed assets product used with Sage 100.



Vendor No.


Invoice No.




1. Header


Invoice Date

Invoice Amount/Adjustment Amount


Sales Tax

Subject to Discount

Prepaid Invoice

Invoice Balance


Tax Class

Use Tax

Terms Code

Invoice Due Date

Discount Due Date

Discount Amount/Discount Adjustment

Discount Available

Exp Distribution Table

Hold Payment

Separate Check







2. Lines


Grid Button Bar

Quick Row

Line Number

G/L Account



Job Number

Cost Code


Unit Cost


Work Ticket No.

Step No.


Description / G/L Acct Desc

Exp Dist Percent

Retention Rate

Retention Amt

Job Description

Cost Code Desc


Asset Template

W/T Desc

Step Desc