Job Billing Data Entry


Window Details





How Do I...



Enter Debit/Credit Memos

Move WIP

Adjust Previously Recorded Invoices

Enter Retention Invoices

Recalculate Sales Tax on a Job Invoice




Related Topics



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Job Billing Register

Job Cost FAQs

Job Invoice Printing

Job Billing Register G/L Work in Process Recap

Original Totals

Using Sales Tax in Job Cost

Customer Maintenance

Accounts Receivable Options





Select Job Cost Job Billing menu > Job Billing Data Entry.

This task is available only if the Accounts Receivable module is integrated with Job Cost. The Lines tab is available only for time and material jobs.


Use Job Billing Data Entry to make changes, additions, or deletions to jobs selected using Job Billing Selection. This task can also be used to manually enter jobs to be billed if you have not used the Job Billing Selection task.

For fixed contract jobs, any necessary adjustments to the actual percentage of completion, billable retention, sales tax, and commission amount can be entered. For time and material jobs, cost code detail can be modified, along with sales tax, commission, and retention amounts. You can also enter miscellaneous expenses or comments to print on the invoice or to unbill any cost detail to be billed later.

If the invoice for this job number is entered, but not yet updated to the Open Invoice file, the information originally recorded appears and can be modified.

Each line item represents an unbilled cost code, a miscellaneous expense, or a comment to print on the invoice. Cost code detail entered can be summarized by cost code on the printed invoice or itemized by cost type, based on the summary or detail option selected for each cost code in Job Cost Options. If the current customer has a tax exemption number set up in Customer Maintenance and the cost codes being billed are taxable, the customer tax status overrides the cost code tax status. If the cost code tax status is altered manually using Job Billing Data Entry, it overrides the customer tax status. To override the customer tax status for a line, clear the Subj to Exemption check box.

Note When you create an invoice in Job Billing Data Entry for a job with a Time and Billing Material billing method, you must access the Lines tab for the system to generate invoice lines for unbilled cost or units.

At the completion of Job Billing Data Entry, print the Job Billing Register to review all jobs selected for billing, and then update the register. After the Job Billing Register update is completed, depending on your security setup, you're either asked to print and update the Daily Transaction Register, or it's automatically printed and updated.

No file updates are performed until invoices are printed, and the Job Billing Register and update process is completed. After the update process is completed, these invoices can no longer be printed.

Note If the Accounts Receivable module is integrated with Job Cost, the customer assigned for the job should not be set up as a bill-to and sold-to customer.



Job No.




1. Header


Customer No.

Invoice No.

Invoice Date

Terms Code

Billing Date

Due Date

Discount Date

Retention Rate


Sales Tax Schedule

Commission Rate


Print Invoice

eInvoice Payments

Bill Method

Apply To Invoice




2. Lines


Line Entry Grid

Subj to Exemption

Quick Row Units
Line Number



Bill Rate


Bill Amount


G/L Account


Tax Class


3. Totals


If you are entering invoice totals for Fixed Contract jobs, the following fields are available.

Actual Percent Complete

Sales Tax Amount


Less Retention

Billable Contract




If you are entering invoice totals for Time and Material jobs, the following fields are available.

Commission Amount

Less Retention

Sales Tax Amount




If you are entering a retention invoice, the following field is available.

Amount Billable