Purge Job History/Restore Job History


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Related Topics



Purge Job History Selection/Restore Job History Selection

Customer Maintenance

Job Maintenance

J/C Period End Processing

Vendor Maintenance





To access the Purge Job History Utility, select Job Cost Utilities menu > Purge Job History .

To access the Restore Job History Utility, select Job Cost Utilities menu > Restore Job History.


Use the Purge Job History Utility to purge jobs from the history files. Warning: Jobs purged from history are permanently deleted from the system and cannot be restored.

Use the Restore Job History Utility to restore jobs from the history files to the active files. Jobs restored to the active files from the history files have a status of Closed. Use Job Maintenance to change the jobs' statuses, if necessary.

Jobs with customers or vendors set to Inactive in Customer Maintenance or Vendor Maintenance will not be restored.

You can purge or restore job history by a range of job numbers or status dates, or click Select to select individual jobs to purge or restore.



Status Date

Job Number