Payroll Data Entry - Fields


Payroll Data Entry

Employee No.

Enter the employee number of the first employee for whom you will enter Payroll data, or click the Lookup button to list active employee numbers. Click the Data Entry List button to list all employee numbers for which an entry exists.

Click the Next Number icon to browse through all records in the Employee file to locate the next active employee in the current pay cycle. The system browses the records for only active employees set up for the selected pay cycle. For example, if a weekly pay cycle is selected, the system browses only the records for active employees set up with a weekly pay cycle.

Use the Browse buttons at the top of the window to browse the entire data entry file.

Click the Memo button to display employee memos.

Click the Terminated and Inactive List button to list terminated and inactive employees. This button is available only if you have the appropriate security setup.



This field displays the current batch number and can only be viewed.

Click the Batch button to open the Payroll Data Entry Batch window to view details about the batch, enter a comment, make the batch private, or create a new batch. The Batch button is available only if no payroll entry is selected.


Check Name

This field displays the employee's name and can only be viewed. If the employee has an alternate name to use for check printing entered in Employee Maintenance, that name appears in this field.


Pay Cycle

This field displays the pay cycle selected on the Pay Cycle window and can only be viewed.


Pay Method

This field displays the employee's pay method entered in Employee Maintenance and can only be viewed.



Entry No.

Type the payroll entry number. This field allows you to generate more than one check for an employee in the same pay cycle. The first entry for an employee is 1 unless overridden by the user. Type 2 for the employee's second check, 3 for the third, and so forth.



This field displays the total hours for all of the data entry lines and can only be viewed.



This field displays the total earnings amount for all of the data entry lines and can only be viewed.


Voluntary Deduct

This field displays the total voluntary deductions for all of the data entry lines and can only be viewed.



This field displays the total taxes for all of the data entry lines and can only be viewed. A value appears in this field when manual taxes are entered or after running Payroll Tax Calculation.


Direct Deposit

This field displays the total direct deposit amount for all of the data entry lines after running Payroll Tax Calculation. This field appears only if the Require Direct Deposit check box is selected in Payroll Options and can only be viewed.


Net Amount

This field displays the total net pay amount for all of the data entry lines; the net amount is adjusted for taxes after running Payroll Tax Calculation. This field can only be viewed.


1. Header


Days Worked

Type the number of days worked by this employee.


Weeks Worked

Type the number of weeks worked by this employee.


Print Check

Select whether to print this check automatically.

  • Select Yes if this check will be printed automatically.

  • Select No if you are recording data for a manually written check or are entering quarter-to-date or year-to-date totals during System Startup.

When checks have been printed, this field is automatically set to Printed.

If "Blocked" appears in this field, it means that one or more lines resulted in a negative amount of wages subject to withholding. The Blocked status is set when running Payroll Tax Calculation, and you must correct the lines and then recalculate taxes before you can print the check. A blocked status may occur if you have earnings and deduction lines with different tax profile codes.


Automatic Deductions

Select this check box to apply deductions automatically. Clear this check box if you want to manually enter all deductions.


Manual Taxes

Select this check box to enter taxes manually. Clear this check box to calculate taxes automatically. This feature is used primarily when entering manual checks. If you selected No or if Printed is displayed in the Print Check field, this check box is selected automatically to prevent automatic recalculation of taxes.


Direct Deposit

Select this check box to allow direct deposit for this check. Clear this check box if you do not want to direct deposit this check. Direct deposit is not allowed for manual checks. This field is available only if Yes is selected in the Print Check field, if the Direct Deposit check box is selected in Employee Maintenance, or if the Require Direct Deposit check box is selected in Payroll Options.



Enter a bank code, or click the Lookup button to list all bank codes. This field is available only if No is selected in the Print Check field. If Yes or Printed is selected in the Print Check field, this field is maintained automatically by the system when the checks are processed.


Check No.

For manual checks, type the check number. To reverse a direct deposit, type the void check number or the direct deposit stub number. This field is available only if No is selected in the Print Check field. If Yes or Printed is selected in the Print Check field, this field is updated automatically by the system when the checks are processed.


Check Date

Type the check date. This field is available only if No is selected in the Print Check field. If Yes or Printed is selected in the Print Check field, this field is updated automatically by the system when the checks are processed.


Check Amount

Type the check amount. For manual checks, all earnings, deduction, and tax entries must balance to the check amount. If a direct deposit stub number is entered in the Check No. field, a 0 (zero) displays in this field, and it will be unavailable for entry. This field is available only if No is selected in the Print Check field. If Yes or Printed is selected in the Print Check field, this field is updated automatically by the system when the checks are processed.


Adjust. to Dir. Deposit

If you are entering a negative-amount or zero-amount manual check and the employee is a direct deposit participant, enter the amount to be adjusted for a direct deposit check reversal.


2. Lines


Quick Row

This field displays the number of the selected row in the primary grid. Additional fields for the selected row appear in the secondary grid. Enter a row number to view or edit information for a different row, or click the Find Row button to search for a row in the Search Grid window.


Line Type

Select a line type.

  • Select Earning for an earnings entry.

  • Select Deduction for a deduction entry.

This field defaults to the line type of the previous line.



Enter an earnings or deduction code, or click the Lookup button to list all codes. If a fringe benefit earnings code is entered, a corresponding deduction line is added to the end of the list.


Type the rate. The default rate is defined by the earnings code or deduction code in conjunction with the employee rates established in Employee Maintenance. This field is available only for codes using rates (fixed amounts do not require a rate entry).


Type the hours for this earnings code or deduction code. Earnings codes and deduction codes can have default hours, as described in Earnings Code Maintenance and Deduction Code Maintenance. This field is available only for those earnings/deduction codes using hours.


Basis Amount

Enter the amount to use for calculating the earnings or deduction. Click the Calculator button to enter an amount using the calculator.

This field is available for earnings and deduction codes with a calculation method that uses a dollar amount rather than hours.

  • For earnings code TA (Tip Allocation), enter the tip allocation amount.

  • For earnings codes that use the Fixed Amount method of entry, the amount entered in Earnings Code Maintenance is the default value.

  • For deduction codes that use the Percentage of Gross calculation method, the gross wages amount is the default value.

  • For deduction codes that use the Percentage of Net Wages calculation method, the net wages amount is the default value.

  • For deduction codes that use the Equal to Earnings Code(s) calculation method, the total of the applicable earnings amount(s) is the default value.

  • For deduction codes that use the Percentage of Deduction calculation method, the amount of the deduction specified in Deduction Code Maintenance is the default value.

The default values can be changed. For earnings and deduction codes based on hours, this field is set to zero (0) and can only be viewed.

For more information on deduction code calculation methods, see Deduction Code Maintenance - Fields. For more information on the method of entry for earnings codes, see Earnings Code Maintenance - Fields.



Type the amount of the earnings or deduction line you want to apply. If the earning or deduction is based on hours, the hours and rate are extended automatically. For earnings and deductions not based on hours, the standard rate amount (if any) appears.



Enter a department number, or click the Lookup button to list all department codes. This field is used for earnings only. This code is used for sorting the Labor Distribution Report and for departmental earnings expense postings to the general ledger. The default value is the department defined for the employee number.


Labor Code

Enter a labor code, or click the Lookup button to list all labor codes. This code is used when posting earnings to the Labor Distribution Report. The default value is the labor code assigned to this employee in Employee Maintenance.


Code Desc

This field displays the description for the earnings or deduction code entered, and it can only be viewed.


Earnings Type

This field displays the earnings type for the earnings code entered, and it can only be viewed.


Date Worked

Enter the date worked if applicable. Click the Calendar button to select a date from the calendar.


Deduction Type

This field displays the deduction type for the deduction code entered, and it can only be viewed.


Tax Profile Code

Enter a tax profile code, or click the Lookup button to list all available tax profile codes. You can enter only the tax profile codes that have been entered for the employee in Employee Maintenance.

This field is used for earnings-type entries and for deduction-type entries (pension plan, cafeteria plan, and employer contribution deductions).

The default tax profile code is the one entered in Earnings Code Maintenance if it has been set up for the employee on the Employee Maintenance Taxes tab. If the default tax profile code in Earnings Code Maintenance is not set up for the employee, then the default tax profile code is the one entered in Employee Maintenance.

The default tax profile can be changed only if the Allow Multiple Tax Profiles in Data Entry check box is selected in Payroll Options. Also, if that check box is selected, you can enter a different tax profile code for each line.


Job No.

Enter the job number to distribute employee labor costs to, or click the Lookup button to list all job numbers. If the Define Job Statuses Allowed in Entry check box is selected in Job Cost Options, the system checks to see if the status of the job number entered is allowed in Job Status Maintenance.

If you enter a job number with a status that is not allowed, a warning message appears. If the appropriate security is set up in Role Maintenance, you can click Yes to enter the job number. If the appropriate security is not set up, you can click Yes to override security with a logon ID and password. In both cases, if you click No, the job number is removed from this field. If this field previously displayed a job number with a valid status, that number will reappear in this field.

This field is available only if the Job Cost module is integrated with Payroll.

If the Enable Time Track for TimeCard check box is selected in both Payroll Options and Job Costs Options, this field can only be viewed. In that case, you must enter the job number in Time Track Entry.


Cost Code

Enter the cost code to distribute employee labor costs to, or click the Lookup button to list all cost codes. This field is available only if the Job Cost module is integrated with Payroll and if a number is entered in the Job No. field.

If the Enable Time Track for TimeCard check box is selected in both Payroll Options and Job Costs Options, this field can only be viewed. In that case, you must enter the cost code in Time Track Entry.


Dept Desc

This field displays the description for the department code entered, and it can only be viewed.


Labor Desc

This field displays the description for the labor code entered and can only be viewed.


WC State

Enter the state code associated with the employee's workers' compensation code. Click the Lookup button to list all state codes.

The default value is the state code entered in the (Tax Location) Work field in Employee Maintenance / Employee Inquiry, but it can be changed.


WC Code

Enter a workers' compensation code, or click the Lookup button to list all workers' compensation codes. The default value is the workers' compensation code defined in Employee Maintenance.

You must enter a state code in the WC State field before entering a code is this field.

If a workers' compensation code is selected for an earnings code not subject to workers' compensation, a message appears asking if you want to override the earnings code.

If the Job Cost module is integrated with Payroll, the workers' compensation code defaults from Workers' Compensation Cost Code Maintenance when a cost code and state are entered in Payroll Data Entry. The system verifies if the cost code is assigned to a workers' compensation code for the state in Workers' Compensation Cost Code Maintenance. If so, that workers' compensation code overrides any existing entry at this field. If the cost code is assigned to more than one workers' compensation code for the state, the program uses the first workers' compensation code it finds. If no workers' compensation code is assigned in Workers' Compensation Cost Code Maintenance, the system determines the default code as follows:

  • If a workers' compensation code is assigned to the job number and cost code in Job Masterfile Maintenance, that code is used.

  • If no workers' compensation code is assigned in Job Masterfile Maintenance, then the code defined for the employee in Employee Maintenance is used.


WC Desc

This field displays the description for the workers' compensation code entered and can only be viewed.