Payroll Data Entry


Window Details





How Do I...


Process Payroll

Calculate Taxes During Payroll Data Entry

Process Payroll with Direct Deposit

Process Checks in the Next Quarter

Reimburse Employees

Record Manual Payroll Checks

Reprint Checks

Configure Multi-State Payroll

Reverse a Payroll Check or Direct Deposit

Perform Automatic Deductions

Pay a Combination of Pay Cycles





Related Topics


Pay Cycle

Manual Payroll Tax Entry

Employee Maintenance

Payroll Tax Calculation

Payroll Options

Check Register

Payroll Batches




Select Payroll Main menu > Payroll Data Entry.


Use Payroll Data Entry to enter all earnings and deduction information needed to calculate payroll, including regular and overtime hours, time off, bonuses, and voluntary deductions. You can automatically apply standard earnings and deductions for salaried and hourly employees working regular hours, or you can enter this information for each employee. Information for manually prepared payroll checks can also be entered.

After you have specified the pay cycle defaults and completed any automatic payment entries, you can enter payment information for employees who are not selected for automatic payment. You can also enter changes and/or additions for employees selected for automatic payment.

Note The pay cycle entered for employees in Employee Maintenance must match the one selected on the Pay Cycle window; otherwise, you cannot automatically pay the employees or select them in Payroll Data Entry.

If the batch feature is enabled in Payroll Options, you can create multiple batches. Each batch can have a different pay cycle, pay period starting and ending date, and check date.

You can adjust the header and check line detail for any check that has been entered but not printed and updated.

If you are not installing your Payroll module at the beginning of a calendar year, use Payroll Data Entry to enter year-to-date earnings, deductions, and taxes. This information brings your payroll totals up to date, and must be entered before processing any new payroll runs to ensure that taxes and deductions are calculated correctly. Clear the "Integrate with..." check boxes in Payroll Options to turn off integration with other modules before entering the year-to-date amounts. And then be sure to turn on the integration back on after you update the Check Register.

You have multiple options for recalculating deductions based on earnings after making changes on the Lines tab. You can click the Recalculate Deductions button, or you can set up Payroll Options to either have the deductions automatically recalculated or to receive a message asking if you want to recalculate deductions.

Note If you are prepaying employees subject to overtime and bonus pay, you must make sure that their overtime rate is in compliance with Section 7 (e) of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Certain types of bonus pay may require you to manually compute an adjusted overtime rate of pay for your employees.

Warning All payroll activity updates to the current quarter. To process activity for a future quarter, do not input that information until quarter-end processing has been performed.

You must calculate payroll taxes before the checks and direct deposits can be printed and updated for the current pay cycle. You'll be asked to calculate taxes when you click the Print button, or you can run Payroll Tax Calculation from the Payroll Main menu.

You can use the Auto Pay feature to automatically pay employees. For more information, see Pay Employees Using Automatic Earnings Codes.

You can use the Automatic Deduction function, to automatically apply all deductions. For more information, see Perform Automatic Deductions.

Important Do not attempt to process payroll for any employee whose record is incorrect or incomplete. Use Employee Maintenance to correct or complete all employee records before processing payroll. You cannot select an employee in Payroll Data Entry if you have not entered all information on the Taxes tab.

If the Payroll module is integrated with Job Cost, automatic payments do not automatically distribute labor for Job Cost. All Job Cost distribution must be entered manually. The workers' compensation code assigned to the job number and cost code in Job Cost, if any, overrides the standard workers' compensation code assigned to the employee in Employee Maintenance.

Note The workers' compensation code entered in Job Cost is not used if it is not on file in the Payroll Workers' Compensation file.

If Yes is selected in the (Integrate with) Payroll field in Production Management Options, you can import information from Labor Entry.


  • Benefits entered in Labor Entry are not imported into Payroll Data Entry.
  • Overtime is imported into Payroll Data Entry as entered in Labor Entry. Overtime earnings are not automatically calculated.



Employee No.


Check Name

Entry No.

Pay CyclePay Method



Voluntary Deduct


Direct Deposit

Net Amount


1. Header


Days Worked

Weeks Worked

Print Check

Automatic Deductions

Manual Taxes

Direct Deposit


Check No.

Check Date

Check Amount

Adjust. to Dir. Deposit


2. Lines


Quick Row

Line Type




Basis Amount



Labor Code

Code Desc

Earnings Type

Date Worked

Deduction Type

Tax Profile Code

Job No.

Cost Code

Dept Desc

Labor Desc

WC State

WC Code

WC Desc