Statement Printing


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Report Sample


How Do I



Customize Graphical Forms

Recalculate High Balances

Print a Report, Listing, or Form

Customize Dot Matrix Form Template

E-mail, Fax, or Print a Form as a PDF

Set Up Dot Matrix Forms with Custom Paper Sizes

Print a Third Address Line on Preprinted Forms

Set Up Multi-Part Form Printing

Fax Multiple Forms in Batches

Enter Multiple Values Using Separators


Related Topics



Statement Messages

Multi-Part Form Maintenance

Report Manager

Bill To Customer Maintenance

Accounts Receivable Options

Bill To/Sold To Maintenance

Invoice Data Entry

Finance Charge Calculation

Repetitive Invoice Entry

Finance Charge Entry

Cash Receipts Entry

Customer Maintenance



Select Accounts Receivable Period End Processing menu > Statement Printing.


Use Statement Printing to print statements for selected customers on preprinted statement forms or plain paper. Statements can also be e-mailed in PDF format to selected customers, if the E-mail Statements check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options.

Statements are printed using the information entered in Invoice Data Entry, Repetitive Invoice Entry, Cash Receipts Entry, Finance Charge Calculation, or Finance Charge Entry. Name and address information, and invoice and payment detail information can be printed. You can print statements for a range of customer numbers, a group of statement cycles and/or customers with a certain minimum balance, or by the aging category of the customer's oldest balance. You can also print a separate bill-to statement for each sold-to customer, and you can include bill-to invoices on a sold-to customer statement. If the Print Sold To Customer Number on Bill To Statements check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options, the sold-to customer number is printed under the invoice number for those invoices that have a sold-to customer number.

Note You can print customer statements only if the Print Customer Statements check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options.

Statements that have been set up as fax enabled can be batch faxed.

If the Job Cost module is integrated with Accounts Receivable, the invoice retention can be printed for job-related invoices.

Note You can save settings in this window by creating a new form code. Changes to settings for the STANDARD form code are not saved when you close the window.



Form Code

Customer Status to Print


Zero Balance Customers

Number of Copies

Bill To Invoices on Sold To Customer Stmts


Credit Balances

Multi-Part Form Enabled

Zero Balance Invoices

Sort Statements By


Age Invoices as Of


Select Statements with Minimum Balances Of

Keep Window Open After Print

Select Customers with Balance Past Aging Category

Keep Window Open After Preview

Paperless Office Output


Print Separate Bill To Statement for Each Sold To Customer



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