Material Requisition Register


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Print a Journal or Register



Print a Journal or Register as a PDF

Report Sample


Enter Material Requisitions


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Material Requisition Issue Entry

Account Maintenance

Miscellaneous Item Maintenance

Purchase Order Options

Daily Transaction Register





Select Purchase Order Mat Req/Return menu > Material Requisition Register.

Select Purchase Order Mat Req/Return menu > Material Requisition Issue Entry. In the Material Requisition Issue Entry window, click the Print button.


Use Material Requisition Register to list all entries made in Material Requisition Issue Entry. Information itemized on the report includes the material requisition issue number and date; the purchase order number; the item code; the quantities requested, previously issued, and issued; and an extended cost based on the quantity issued.

If the Job Cost module is integrated with Purchase Order, the Job Cost distribution information applicable for the issues includes the job number, cost code, and cost type. When the Material Requisition Register update is performed, the cost and quantity information associated with any issue item with job distribution information is updated to the Daily Job Cost Transaction file and the overhead allocation file, as appropriate.

Printing the register is the final step before updating the material requisition issue to the open purchase order and inventory files.

After printing, review the register for accuracy. If there are any errors, return to Material Requisition Issue Entry and make the necessary changes. Reprint the register and proceed with the update.

Warning Do not, under any circumstances, interrupt the update process.

During the update process, the following occurs:

Postings from the Material Requisition Register are updated to the general ledger when you update the Daily Transaction Register. Depending on your security setup, either the Daily Transaction Register is automatically printed and updated after you update the Material Requisition Register, or you are prompted to print and update the Daily Transaction Register after updating the Material Requisition Register.