RMA Entry - Fields


Return Merchandise Authorization Entry

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RMA Number

Enter the return merchandise authorization (RMA) number to add or maintain, or click the Lookup button to list all RMA numbers. Click the Next RMA No. button to accept the next automatically incremented RMA number.

Click the Memo button to view, create, or maintain memos. The Memo button is available only if the appropriate memo type has been set up in Memo Manager Maintenance for this task. If a memo already exists for this task, the Memo button appears yellow. If a memo does not exist, the Memo button appears blue. For more information, see Memo Maintenance.


1. Header


RMA Date

Enter an RMA date, or click the Calendar button to select a date from the calendar. By default, the RMA date displayed is based on the RMA date entered in Default Values for RMA Entry.


Customer No.

Enter the customer number for the RMA, or click the Lookup button to list all customer numbers.

Alternately, start typing a customer name to locate a record. As you type, a list of records matching your entry appears. You can then select a record from the list, and the customer number will appear in the field.

  • If divisions are set up in the Accounts Receivable module, the first two characters entered must be a valid division number.

  • If divisions are not set up and you enter ALL as a customer number, you will not be able to enter a record for that customer in Line Item Commission Maintenance.

  • If the customer is on credit hold or has exceeded the credit limit established, the Customer Credit History window appears.

  • If the Enable Bill To Customer Reporting and the Include Open Orders in Customer's Credit Limit check boxes are selected in Accounts Receivable Options, the open orders for the sold-to customers will be included when checking the credit limit for the customer.

  • If you enter a customer whose status is set to Inactive in Customer Maintenance, a message appears warning that the customer is inactive and cannot be used.

  • If Purchase Control Maintenance is enabled and Customer is selected in the Select Items Based On field in Sales Order Options, a message appears if you change the customer number for an RMA with existing lines and Purchase Control Maintenance records exist for the newly selected customer. Depending on how security is set up, the following options are available:

  • Click Yes to delete the lines with items that are not allowed.

  • Click No to retain the lines with items that are not allowed (available with the appropriate security setup).

  • Click Override to enter a logon ID and password to override security (available with the appropriate security setup).

  • Click Cancel to change the customer number back to the original entry and retain all lines.

Note Only replacement items that differ from the original items are subject to purchase control checking.

Click the Next Customer Number button to accept the next automatically incremented customer number. This button is available only if the Auto Increment Customer Number check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options.

Enter a new customer number to add a customer using Customer Maintenance (On the Fly). This task can be accessed only with the appropriate security setup; some nonessential fields are omitted to speed data entry. You can access Customer Maintenance at a later time to complete the remaining entries for a new customer.

Click the field hyperlink to launch this field's associated maintenance task. If a value is entered in this field, the associated data is displayed in the maintenance window. The maintenance task can be accessed only with the appropriate security setup.

This field is available only if no line information has been entered for the RMA.


RMA Status

Select an RMA status. The status of an RMA is automatically updated as the RMA is processed. A New RMA status appears when an RMA is first created. After the customer RMA is printed, it is assigned an Open RMA status automatically. RMAs manually placed on hold following credit limit checking are assigned a Hold status.

When documents are generated using Generate Transactions, if an RMA is not completely received, a Partially Received status is assigned. If the RMA has been completely received, a Received status is assigned and the RMA is removed from the RMA Entry file.

Note RMAs with a Received status are updated to the RMA Receipts History files.


Expire Date

Enter the expiration date for the RMA, or click the Calendar button to select a date from the calendar.

If you are creating a new RMA, the default expiration date is based on the system date and the selection made in the Number of Days Before RMA Expires field in RMA Options. If 0 is entered in the Number of Days Before RMA Expires field, the date in this field defaults to 12/31/2099 (indicating no expiration date).

If an RMA is recalled, the expiration date is compared to the computer’s system date. If the RMA has expired the a message appears asking if you want to continue. Click Yes to accept the RMA; click No to cancel the RMA.


Return Via

Enter the shipping method (for example, mail, air freight, or truck) for the items on this RMA, or click the Lookup button to list all shipping codes. The selection in this field defaults from the selection made in RMA Options.

Click the field hyperlink to launch this field's associated maintenance task. If a value is entered in this field, the associated data is displayed in the maintenance window. The maintenance task can be accessed only with the appropriate security setup.

For more information, see Shipping Rate Maintenance.


Return To

Enter a return-to address code to automatically enter the corresponding return-to address created in Return To Address Maintenance, or click the Lookup button to list all return-to address codes. The return-to address selected prints on the customer RMA and RMA receiver document. The return-to address code defaults to 0000 and it can be changed.

Click the field hyperlink to launch this field's associated maintenance task. If a value is entered in this field, the associated data is displayed in the maintenance window. The maintenance task can be accessed only with the appropriate security setup.


Ship To

Enter a ship-to location code to automatically enter the corresponding shipping address created in Customer Ship-To Address Maintenance, or click the Lookup button to list all ship-to location codes. The location code selected identifies the address where replacement/repaired items will be shipped.

The ship-to location code defaults from the primary ship-to location defined in Customer Maintenance.

Click the field hyperlink to launch this field's associated maintenance task. If a value is entered in this field, the associated data is displayed in the maintenance window. The maintenance task can be accessed only with the appropriate security setup.

A new location code can be added on the fly. The Customer Ship-To Address Maintenance (On the Fly) window appears; some nonessential fields are omitted to speed data entry. Access Customer Ship-To Address Maintenance at a later time to complete the remaining entries for a new code.

Note If Purchase Control Maintenance is enabled and Ship-To State/Province is selected in the Select Items Based On field in Sales Order Options, the system will perform purchase control checking if you change the ship-to location code for an RMA with existing lines that results in a change to the ship-to state. Only replacement items that differ from the original items are subject to purchase control checking.

Click Copy Ship To on the Address tab to copy the ship-to address information to the Bill To Address fields.


Confirm To

Enter the name of the person to contact regarding the RMA, or click the Lookup button to list all contact codes. The primary contact from the Customer file defaults and it can be changed.



Enter a comment related to this RMA. The comment can be printed on the customer RMA or the RMA receiver documents.



Enter the customer's e-mail address. Click the E-mail button to launch your Internet e-mail application. This e-mail address defaults to the To field of the e-mail. The e-mail address from the Customer file defaults and it can be changed.


Fax No.

Enter the customer's fax number starting with the area code. This fax number can be used when batch faxing the customer RMA. The fax number defaults to the fax number for the customer's primary ship-to address. If the customer does not have a primary ship-to address, the fax number defaults to the fax number entered in the Fax field in Customer Maintenance.

Note The fax number must include the area code to process a fax.


Batch Fax

Select this check box to include the document for batch faxing. Clear this check box if you do not want to include the document for batch faxing. This check box is available only if a fax number is entered in the Fax No. field. The batch fax selection from the Customer file defaults and it can be changed.

Note The fax number must include the area code to process a fax.


Inspect on Receipt

Select this check box if the returned item must be inspected when it is received by the warehouse. If this check box is selected, a message prints on the header of the RMA receiver document. Also, when the RMA is entered in RMA Receipts Entry, a message appears. Clear this check box if you do not want to require that the item be inspected when it is received.


Cross Ship

Select this check box to set the default value for the CS check box on the RMA Entry Lines tab to selected. For example, if this check box is selected and Replacement is selected in the Customer Action field, new lines will also have the CS check box selected. Clear this check box to set the default value for the CS check box to cleared.

If you are modifying an existing RMA, clearing or selecting this check box does not automatically change the CS check box for existing lines on the RMA.

Note A cross ship is a situation where the company sends out a replacement item to the customer while, at the same time, the customer ships back the original item to the company.


Apply Restocking Charges

Select this check box to automatically calculate restocking charges for each item using the restocking method. Clear this check box if you do not want to automatically calculate restocking charges.

If you are modifying an existing RMA, clearing this check box does not automatically clear the restocking charges for items on the Lines tab. In addition, for existing RMAs, if you select this check box, restocking charges are not automatically re-calculated. A message appears notifying you that changing this field will not affect the restocking charges within the lines.

This check box is available only if the Calculate Restocking Charges check box is selected in RMA Options.

Note Restocking charges are administrative charges that may be charged to the customer to return merchandise. These charges appear on credit memos to offset the credit amount issued to the customer. If you normally charge restocking charges, but want to wave these charges for a specific customer or RMA, clear this check box.


Print Customer RMA

Select this check box to print an RMA that can be faxed or mailed to the customer. Clear this check box if you do not want to print a customer RMA. After a customer RMA prints, the RMA status changes from New to Open and the Print Customer RMA check box is cleared. You can print RMAs by clicking the Print button, or by selecting them using Customer RMA Printing.

This check box is available only if the Print Customer RMA check box is selected in RMA Options.


Print RMA Receiver

Select this check box to print an RMA receiver that can be forwarded to the warehouse. RMA receiver documents are used to notify warehouse personnel that a returned item is being sent to the warehouse. RMA receiver documents are also used as reverse picking sheets to record items into the warehouse.

Clear this check box if you do not want to print RMA receiver documents. After the RMA receiver document prints, the Print RMA Receiver check box is cleared. RMAs can be printed by clicking the Print button, or by selecting them using RMA Receiver Printing.

This check box is available only if None is not selected in the Print RMA Receiver Documents By field in RMA Options.

2. Address


Customer No.

This field displays the customer number for the RMA and can only be viewed.


Bill To

Enter the bill-to customer number defined in Bill To Customer Maintenance or Bill To/Sold To Maintenance. Click the Lookup button to list all bill-to customer numbers.

Alternately, start typing a bill-to customer name to locate a record. As you type, a list of records matching your entry appears. You can then select a record from the list, and the bill-to customer number will appear in the field.

This field defaults to the bill-to customer if one is defined for the selected customer, and can only be changed with the appropriate security setup.

  • If Bill To is selected in the Default Address field in Bill To Customer Maintenance or Bill To/Sold To Maintenance, the bill-to customer's address will default to all the bill-to addresses fields.

  • If the bill-to customer number is changed and Bill To is selected in the Default Bill To Address Setting field in Accounts Receivable Options, the new bill-to customer's address will populate the bill-to addresses fields.

  • If the bill-to customer is changed, a message appears prompting you to recalculate the pricing. A warning message also appears when attempting to change the bill-to customer to a sold-to customer.

  • If you enter a bill-to customer whose status is set to Inactive in Customer Maintenance, a message appears warning that the customer is inactive and cannot be used.

Click the field hyperlink to launch this field's associated maintenance task. If a value is entered in this field, the associated data is displayed in the maintenance window. The maintenance task can be accessed only with the appropriate security setup.

This field is available only if the Enable Bill To Customer Reporting check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options.


(Bill To) Name

Enter the bill-to name. This field defaults to the bill-to customer's name based on the setting selected in the Default Address field in Bill To Customer Maintenance or Bill To/Sold To Maintenance, but it can be changed.


(Bill To) Country

Enter the bill-to country code, or click the Lookup button to list all country codes. This field defaults to the bill-to customer's country based on the setting selected in the Default Address field in Bill To Customer Maintenance or Bill To/Sold To Maintenance, but it can be changed.

Enter a new country code to add a country using Country Code Maintenance (On the Fly).


(Bill To) Address

Enter a bill-to address in the lines provided. This field defaults to the bill-to customer's address based on the setting selected in the Default Address field in Bill To Customer Maintenance or Bill To/Sold To Maintenance, but it can be changed.


(Bill To) ZIP/Postal Code

Enter a bill-to ZIP or postal code. This field defaults to the bill-to customer's ZIP or postal code based on the setting selected in the Default Address field in Bill To Customer Maintenance or Bill To/Sold To Maintenance, but it can be changed.

Enter a new ZIP or postal code to add it using ZIP/Postal CodeCode Maintenance (On the Fly).


(Bill To) City

Enter a bill-to city. This field defaults to the bill-to customer's city based on the setting selected in the Default Address field in Bill To Customer Maintenance or Bill To/Sold To Maintenance, but it can be changed.


(Bill To) State/Province

Enter a bill-to state or province abbreviation. This field defaults to the bill-to customer's state or province based on the setting selected in the Default Address field in Bill To Customer Maintenance or Bill To/Sold To Maintenance, but it can be changed.


Ship To

Enter a location code to automatically enter the corresponding shipping address created in Customer Ship-To Address Maintenance, or click the Lookup button to list all location codes. The location code entered in the Ship To field on the Header tab displays by default and it can be changed.

Click the field hyperlink to launch this field's associated maintenance task. If a value is entered in this field, the associated data is displayed in the maintenance window. The maintenance task can be accessed only with the appropriate security setup.

A new location code can be added on the fly. The Customer Ship-To Address Maintenance (On the Fly) window appears; some nonessential fields are omitted to speed data entry. Access Customer Ship-To Address Maintenance at a later time to complete the remaining entries for a new code.

Note If Purchase Control Maintenance is enabled and Ship-To State/Province is selected in the Select Items Based On field in Sales Order Options, the system will perform purchase control checking if you change the ship-to location code for an RMA with existing lines that results in a change to the ship-to state or province. Only replacement items that differ from the original items are subject to purchase control checking.


Residential Address

Select this check box if the ship-to address is located in a residential delivery zone. Clear this check box if the ship-to address is not located in a residential delivery zone. External shipping systems require this information to calculate shipping rates.


(Ship To) Name

Enter a ship-to name.


(Ship To) Country

Enter the ship-to country code, or click the Lookup button to list all country codes.

Enter a new country code to add a country using Country Code Maintenance (On-the-Fly).


(Ship To) Address

Enter a ship-to address in the lines provided.


(Ship To) ZIP/Postal Code

Enter a ship-to ZIP or postal code.

Enter a new ZIP or postal code to add it using ZIP/Postal CodeCode Maintenance (On the Fly).

Note If Purchase Control Maintenance is enabled and Ship-To State/Province is selected in the Select Items Based On field in Sales Order Options, the system will perform purchase control checking if you change the ship-to ZIP or postal code for an RMA with existing lines that results in a change to the ship-to state or province. Only replacement items that differ from the original items are subject to purchase control checking.


(Ship To) City

Enter a ship-to city.


(Ship To) State/Province

Enter a ship-to state abbreviation.

If Purchase Control Maintenance is enabled and Ship-To State/Province is selected in the Select Items Based On field in Sales Order Options, a message appears if you change the ship-to state or province for an RMA with existing lines and Purchase Control Maintenance records exist for the newly selected state or province. Depending on how security is set up, the following options are available:

  • Click Yes to delete the lines with items that are not allowed.

  • Click No to retain the lines with items that are not allowed (available with the appropriate security setup).

  • Click Override to enter a logon ID and password to override security (available with the appropriate security setup).

  • Click Cancel to change the ship-to state back to the original entry and retain all lines.

Only replacement items that differ from the original items are subject to purchase control checking.

3. Lines


Grid Button Bar

The buttons located above the primary grid allow you to select items, view item information, set options, and enter extended item descriptions.

For more information see:

RMA Item Selection

Invoice History Inquiry

Look Up an Item by Alias Number

Return a Sales Kit

Item Inquiry

Item Text Maintenance

Lot/Serial Distribution

Comment Options

Item Vendors Inquiry


Quick Row

This field displays the number of the selected row in the primary grid. Additional fields for the selected row appear in the secondary grid. Enter a row number to view or edit information for a different row, or click the Find Row button to search for a row in the Search Grid window.


Line Number

This field displays the line number in the grid and can only be viewed. The line number appears red for lines that are new or modified. After the Accept button is clicked, the line number changes from red to black.


Invoice No.

Enter an invoice number for the item being returned, or click the Lookup button to list all sales order invoice numbers for the customer (these include standard invoices, debit memos, and cash sale invoices).

Click the Customer Invoice Search button to list all items sold to the customer and the corresponding invoice numbers. Use this feature to locate the invoice number for the return item.

If the Auto Display Item Selection Screen check box is selected in RMA Options and an item code is not entered, the Item Selection window appears when an invoice number is entered or selected.

If the Invoice Number Required on All Returned Items field is selected in RMA Options, an entry is required in this field. If an invoice number is entered that is not found in invoice history, ***Not on File*** is displayed in the NOF Invoice field.

Note If the invoice is not on file, data entry can continue; however, if an invoice number is required in this field, as an alternative, the date can be entered as the invoice number.


Item Code

Enter an item code identifying the item being returned.

Alternately, start typing an item description to locate an item. As you type, a list of records matching your entry appears. You can then select an item from the list, and the item code will appear in the field.

  • Click the Lookup button to list lines for the invoice entered in the Invoice No. field, if it is on file. If the invoice is not on file, all inventory items are displayed.

  • Click the Alias Item Search button to display alias item codes.

  • Right-click and select Item Maintenance to view item information.

  • At the Item Quantity Inquiry button, click the drop-down arrow and select Item Status to view status information.

  • Click the Kit Items button to display sales kit items.

Special items, miscellaneous items, and charge items can also be entered for the RMA. Comments can be entered for printing on the customer RMA, on an RMA receiver, or applied to the generated credit memo.

You must have the appropriate security setup to enter a nonreturnable item. An item is nonreturnable if the Returns Allowed check box is cleared for the item in Item Maintenance.

Note The system does not check whether the Inactive Item check box in Item Maintenance is selected for items entered in this field. Inactive items will appear in the Item List window when you click the Lookup button. To help distinguish which items are inactive, you can create a custom lookup view and add the Inactive Item field. For more information, see Create a Lookup View.

Note When a kit is exploded in the grid, kit component rows cannot be moved using the Move Row Up or Move Row Down buttons. Items that are not in the kit cannot be moved between kit component rows.

Note Special items can be entered only if the Allow Special Items to be Returned check box is selected in RMA Options.

Note An item code can appear multiple times on an invoice. If you select an item for return using the Lookup button or the Item Selection button, the first instance of the line item from the invoice is selected.


Expand or collapse item Entry Sample - Entering miscellaneous items, charge items, comment items, and inventory items



/ and then press F2

view a list of all miscellaneous items, comment items, and charge items

/C and then press F2

view a list of comment items only

press F2

view a list of inventory items only

HON and then press F2

view a list of all inventory items beginning with "HON"

/HON and then press F2

view a list of all miscellaneous items, comment items, and charge items beginning with "HON"

/ followed by an item code

enter a new miscellaneous item


enter a new comment line

* followed by an item code

enter a non-inventory special item


Return Reason

Enter a return reason code, or click the Lookup button to list all return reason codes. Return reason codes are used to identify why items are being returned and are used when printing the Return Reason Report. Return reason codes are created in Return Reason Code Maintenance.

The return reason code defaults from the Default Return Reason Code field in RMA Options. If the Allow Addition of New Return Reason Codes check box is selected in RMA Options, return reason codes can be created during data entry. For more information, see Return Reason Code Maintenance (On the Fly).

Note A selection is required in this field.


Customer Action

Select the customer action for the return item. The customer action defaults from the selection made in the Customer Return Action field in the Default Values for RMA Entry window. If None is selected as the default value, you must manually enter this field.

  • Select Credit if the customer returns an item and wants a credit on account or the return amount applied to their credit card. If Credit is selected, a credit memo is generated in Sales Order Invoice Data Entry to return the item to stock or scrap and to credit the customer's account or credit card.

  • Select Replacement if the customer returns the item for replacement by the same or a different item. If Replacement is selected, a sales order is generated in Sales Order Entry to ship and bill the replacement item to the customer, and a credit memo is generated in Sales Order Invoice Data Entry to return the item to stock or scrap and credit the customer's account or credit card.

  • Select Repair if the customer returns the item for repair.

Note If Repair is selected as the customer action, and the Track Repair Items Through Inventory and Set Unit Cost to Zero for Repair Items check boxes are selected in RMA Options, the value at the Unit Price field defaults to zero dollars ($0.00). The CF check box is not available and restocking charges are not calculated for the item. If the Track Repair Items Through Inventory check box is cleared, the Daily Repair Report can be printed. The item can be received, but no sales order or credit memo will be generated.



Item Action

Select the item action for the return item. The item action defaults from the Item Return Action field in the Default Values for RMA Entry window. If None is selected as the default value, you can manually enter this field.

  • Select Stock if the item is being returned to a return warehouse or the original selling warehouse.

  • Select Scrap if the item is being returned to the scrap warehouse.

  • Select Repair if the item is being returned to a repair warehouse.

Note If the Track Repair Items Through Inventory check box is cleared in RMA Options and Repair is selected in the Customer Action field in RMA Entry, this field defaults to Repair and cannot be changed.

Warning If you select Repair as the item action in this field, and the Track Repair Items Through Inventory check box is selected in RMA Options, you must select a designated repair warehouse in the Whse field in RMA Entry.

Note You may not know the item action until after the merchandise has been received and inspected; therefore, you do not have to enter a value in this field.


Replacement Item

Enter an item code for the merchandise being replaced, or click the Lookup button to display item codes.

Alternately, start typing an item description to locate an item. As you type, a list of records matching your entry appears. You can then select an item from the list, and the item code will appear in the field.

This field is available only if Replacement is selected in the Customer Action field. By default, the replacement item defaults to the item entered in the Item Code field unless that item is now inactive.

Note If the Always Generate Zero Dollars for Replacements check box is selected in RMA Options, the Unit Price field in RMA Entry will display zero dollars for the replacement item. If the Always Generate Zero Dollars for Replacements check box is not selected and the replacement item is a different item, the replacement price will be the price of the original item.

Note If the Inactive Item check box is selected for an item in Item Maintenance, the inactive item code cannot be entered in this field. Inactive items will appear in the Item List window when you click the Lookup button. To help distinguish which items are inactive, you can create a custom lookup view and add the Inactive Item field. For more information, see Create a Lookup View. If you enter an active kit with inactive components, the components will be treated as active.

If you enter an inventory item code that is different from the returned item code, and the Enable Purchase Control of Items check box is selected in Sales Order Options, the system checks to see if the item code is allowed based on entries in Purchase Control Maintenance. If you enter an item code that is not allowed, a message appears. If the appropriate security is set up in Role Maintenance, you can click Yes to enter the item code. If the appropriate security is not set up, you can click Yes to override security with a logon ID and password. In both cases, if you click No, the item code is removed from the field.

Note Replacement items can be inventory items (including kits and bills), miscellaneous items, charge items, and special items.


Expand or collapse item Entry Sample - Entering miscellaneous items, charge items, and inventory items



/ and then press F2

view a list of all miscellaneous items, comment items, and charge items

press F2

view a list of inventory items only

HON and then press F2

view a list of all inventory items beginning with "HON"

/HON and then press F2

view a list of all miscellaneous items, comment items, and charge items beginning with "HON"

/ followed by an item code

enter a new miscellaneous item

/C followed by an item code

enter a new comment line

* followed by an item code

enter a non-inventory special item


U/M (Unit of Measure)

Enter a unit of measure, or click the Lookup button to list units of measure defined in Common Information Unit of Measure Conversion Maintenance. If a valid invoice number is entered, the unit of measure defaults from the Invoice History files. If an invoice number is not entered or the invoice is not on file, the unit of measure from the Inventory file defaults.



Enter the code for the warehouse where the item will be returned, or click the Lookup button to list all warehouse codes. The warehouse code that appears in this field defaults from the Item Action field.

Note If default warehouses are entered in RMA Options, the warehouse can be changed only if the Allow xxx Warehouse Changes check box is selected for each type of warehouse in RMA Options.

  • If Stock is selected in the Item Action field, the warehouse specified in the Return field in RMA Options is displayed. If a warehouse is not specified in RMA Options and a valid invoice is selected in the Invoice No. field, the warehouse defaults from the Invoice History files. If a warehouse is not specified and an invoice number is not selected or is not on file, the warehouse defaults from the Default Warehouse for Order/Invoice Header field in Sales Order Options.

  • If Scrap is selected in the Item Action field, the warehouse specified at the Scrap field in RMA Options is displayed. If a warehouse is not specified and a valid invoice is selected in the Invoice No. field, the warehouse defaults from the Invoice History files. If a warehouse is not specified and an invoice number is not selected or is not on file, the warehouse defaults from the Default Warehouse for Order/Invoice Header field in Sales Order Options.

  • If Repair is selected in the Item Action field, the warehouse specified at the Repair field in RMA Options is displayed. If a warehouse is not specified and a valid invoice is selected in the Invoice No. field, the warehouse defaults from the Invoice History files. If a warehouse is not specified and an invoice number is not selected or is not on file, the warehouse defaults from the Default Warehouse for Order/Invoice Header field in Sales Order Options.

  • If None is selected in the Item Action field and an invoice is selected at the Invoice No. field, the warehouse defaults from the Invoice History files. If an invoice is not selected in the Invoice No. field or is not on file, the warehouse defaults from the Default Warehouse for Order/Invoice Header field in Sales Order Options.

Warning If you selected Repair in the Item Action field, you should select a repair warehouse in this field.

This field is available only if the Require Multiple Warehouses check box is selected in Inventory Management Options.


Return Qty

Enter the quantity to return for this line item.

If the Default Qty Returned to the Invoice Qty Shipped check box is selected in RMA Options and an invoice is selected in the Invoice No. field, the returned quantity defaults to the value specified for the quantity shipped on the invoice. If the Default Qty Returned to Invoice Qty Shipped field is cleared, the value defaults to 0.00.

You must have the appropriate security setup to enter a return quantity that exceeds the invoice quantity.

Note If Replacement is selected in the Customer Action field and the CS (cross ship) check box is selected, the return quantity entered is also the quantity replaced. When an Xpress sales order is created or a sales order is generated, the value entered in this field is copied to the Ordered field in Sales Order Entry.


Unit Price

This field displays the unit price. If a valid invoice number is entered in the Invoice No. field, the value displayed defaults from the Invoice History file. If an invoice number is not entered, or the invoice number is not on file, the value defaults from the Inventory files.

The price defaults to 0.00 if Replacement is selected in the Customer Action field and the Always Generate Zero Dollars for Replacements check box is selected in RMA Options. If Repair is selected in the Customer Action field and the Track Repair Items Through Inventory and Set Unit Cost to Zero Dollars for Repair Items check boxes are selected in RMA Options, the price also defaults to 0.00.

Warning You should enter 0.00 as the price for Repair items and add an additional line to the generated sales order for repair charges.

NoteYou can override the default value in this field if the Allow Price Override check box is selected in RMA Options and you have the appropriate security setup. When you override the price, an asterisk appears next to the price on the Sales Order Gross Profit Journal.



This field displays the amount calculated by multiplying the return quantity by the value in the Unit Price field. This calculated value cannot be changed. Enter the extension charge amount if the return item is a charge item.

Note The extension charge amount does not include restocking charges.



Enter a comment for this line. The comment can be printed on the customer RMA and RMA receiver documents, and can be applied to the generated sales order and credit memo. Comments can contain up to 2048 characters.



Select this check box to indicate a cross-ship line item. A cross ship is a situation where the company wants to immediately send replacement items to the customer while expecting the customer to ship the merchandise back to the company at the same time. In theory, the two items cross each other while they are being shipped. Clear this check box if the item is not a cross-ship item.

If the CS check box is selected for a line item, a sales order for the replacement item is automatically created when you click the Xpress Sales Order button or when you click Accept when prompted by a message to create a sales order for cross-ship items. Clicking the Xpress Sales Order button with the CS check box selected for a line item opens the Sales Order Entry window, creating a new sales order using the information entered in RMA Entry. You can also create a sales order for the replacement item using Generate Transactions. If you have multiple cross-ship items, one sales order is created for all replacement items.

This check box is available only if Replacement is selected in the Customer Action field.



This field displays the item description from Item Maintenance and it can be changed. Click the Extended Item Description button to view or edit extended item descriptions in Item Text Maintenance. If an extended description is entered for the line item, the Extended Desc check box is selected and the Extended Item Description button appears orange. If no extended description is entered for the line item, the Extended Item Description button appears blue. The description entered can be printed on the customer RMA and RMA receiver.

If /C is entered in the Item Code field, this field is blank and cannot be changed.

Note If a valid invoice number is entered, the description defaults from the Invoice History file. If an invoice number is not entered, or the invoice number is not on file, the description defaults from the Inventory files.


Vendor Action

Select the vendor action for the return item. The vendor action that appears in this field defaults from the Vendor Return Action field in Default Values for RMA Entry. If None is selected as the default value, you can manually enter a vendor action in this field.

Note You may not know the vendor action until after the merchandise has been received and inspected; therefore, you do not have to enter a value in this field.

  • Select Credit if you are returning the item to the vendor for credit. If Credit is selected, a return order is generated in Return of Goods Entry to return the item to the vendor for credit.

  • Select Replacement if you are returning the item to the vendor for replacement of the same or different item. If Replacement is selected, a return order and purchase order is generated.

This field is available only if the Purchase Order module is integrated with Return Merchandise Authorization.


Vendor No.

Enter the vendor number, or click the Lookup button to list all vendor numbers.

Alternately, start typing a vendor name to locate a record. As you type, a list of records matching your entry appears. You can then select a record from the list, and the vendor number will appear in the field.

The primary vendor number for the item defaults and can be changed.

If you enter a vendor whose status is set to Inactive in Vendor Maintenance, a message appears warning that the vendor is inactive and cannot be used.

Click the Item Vendor Search button to access Item Vendors Inquiry.

This field is available only if the Purchase Order module is integrated with Return Merchandise Authorization.


NOF Invoice

If the invoice number entered in the Invoice No. field is not on file, the *** Not on File *** message appears in this field. If the invoice is on file, this field is blank. This field can only be viewed.


Drop Ship

Select this check box to indicate a drop-ship line item. A drop-ship item is merchandise that is being returned directly to the vendor by the customer. If a valid invoice number is entered, the drop-ship indicator defaults from the Invoice History files. Clear this check box if the item is not a drop-ship item.

Note Drop-ship items are returned directly to the vendor and do not affect inventory; therefore, restocking charges are not calculated for drop-ship items.



Credit Freight

Select this check box to calculate standard freight as a credit on generated credit memos. Clear this check box if you do not want to calculate standard freight as a credit on generated credit memos. The selection that appears in this check box defaults from the selection made in the Default for Credit Freight Check Box check box in RMA Options. This check box is available only if a selection other than Repair is made in the Customer Action field.

Note Freight is calculated only if Yes or Actual is selected in the Use Shipping Code to Calculate Freight field in Sales Order Options and a valid Sales Order shipping code is entered in the Return Via field.


Received Qty

This field is updated when documents are generated for partially received items using Generate Transactions.

This field is not available for newly created RMAs. This field is available only when a partially received RMA is selected.


Remaining Qty

The value in this field is calculated during RMA Receipts Entry and is updated when documents are generated for partially received items using Generate Transactions. The value in this field is calculated as follows:

Return Qty – Received Qty = Remaining Qty.

This field is not available for newly created RMAs. This field is available only when a partially received RMA is selected.


Sales Order No.

This field displays the sales order number and can only be viewed.


Customer PO

This field displays the customer PO number and can only be viewed.



This field displays the salesperson code and can only be viewed.


Product Line

This field displays the product line code for the item and can only be viewed.


Product Type

This field displays the product type for the item and can only be viewed.


Price Code

This field displays the price code for the item and can only be viewed.



This field displays the costing method for the item and can only be viewed.


Unit Cost/Invoice Cost

If the Display Unit Cost check box is selected in RMA Options, the item's cost displays in this field. If a valid invoice number is entered in the Invoice No. field, the cost defaults from the Invoice History files and the cost used on the original invoice displays in this field. If an invoice number is not entered, or the invoice is not on file, the cost defaults from the Item files and the standard cost or average cost from the Item file appears.

If Repair is selected in the Customer Action field, the value defaults to 0.00 if the Set Unit Cost to Zero Dollars for Repair Items check box is selected in RMA Options. If the Set Unit Cost to Zero Dollars for Repair Items check box is cleared in RMA Options, repair items are costed.

Note You can override the default value in this field if the Allow Cost Override check box is selected in RMA Options and you have the appropriate security setup.


Restocking Charge

This field displays the restocking charge for the item. Restocking charges are administrative charges that may be charged to the customer to return merchandise.

Restocking charges are automatically calculated if the Apply Restocking Charges check box is selected, Credit is selected in the Customer Action field, and the item being returned has the Returns Allowed check box selected and a restocking method, rate, or amount entered in Item Maintenance.

You can override restocking charges if the Allow Changes to Restocking Charges check box is selected in RMA Options and you have the appropriate security setup.

Note Restocking charges are only calculated for inventory items. They are not calculated for drop-ship return items or replacement and repair items.


Warranty Code

Enter a warranty code, or click the Lookup button to list all warranty codes. If an invoice number is entered, the warranty code from the invoice appears. If an invoice number is not entered, or a not-on-file invoice number is entered, the warranty code defaults from the Inventory Management module. This field is available only if the Enable Warranty Tracking check box is selected in Inventory Management Options.

Note The warranty code displays for inventory items only.


Expiration Date

If an invoice number is entered, the expiration date from the invoice appears. If the Recalc Expiration if Ship/Invoice Date Changed check box is selected in Sales Order Options, the warranty expiration date recalculates during Sales Order Invoice Data Entry. If you override the expiration date, it will not recalculate during Sales Order Invoice Data Entry.

The warranty expiration date is calculated based on the selection in the Warranty Calculation Based On field in Sales Order Options and the value entered in the Number of Days Before Warranty Expires field in Warranty Code Maintenance.

This field is available only if the Enable Warranty Tracking check box is selected in Inventory Management Options.

Note The expiration date displays for inventory items only.


Vendor RMA No.

Enter the vendor RMA number to be used as a cross-reference when the customer returns an item directly to the vendor (drop-ship items). This field is available only if the DS check box is selected for the item.


Vendor Warranty

This field displays the vendor warranty code for the item and can only be viewed. This field appears only if the Enable Warranty Tracking check box is selected in Inventory Management Options.



This check box appears selected if the item is a component item in a sales kit. This field can only be viewed.


Extended Desc

This check box appears selected if the item has an extended description. This field can only be viewed.


Alias Item

This field displays the alias item code for the item code selected and can only be viewed.


Original Options

This field displays option codes for the item and can only be viewed. This field is available only if the Use Option Bills check box is selected in Bill of Materials Options.


Replacement Opt.

This field displays option codes for the replacement item and can only be viewed. This field is available only if the Use Option Bills check box is selected in Bill of Materials Options.