Accounts Receivable Options - Fields


Accounts Receivable Options

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1. Main


Accounts Receivable Divisions

Select this check box if your company uses departments or divisions. For identification, each customer number must be preceded by a two-digit division number. Division subtotals are displayed automatically on all Accounts Receivable reports. Clear this check box if your company does not use departments or divisions.


Allow Entry of Expanded Customer Numbers

Select this check box to increase the length of the customer number up to 20 characters. After you select this check box and click Accept, it cannot be cleared. If you select to expand the customer number, the following occurs:

If only numbers are used for the customer number, leading zeros are inserted automatically for up to 7 numbers. Keep this check box cleared if you do not want to expand the customer number.

Warning If you select to expand the customer number in the Wizard, the Allow Entry of Expanded Customer Numbers check box in Accounts Receivable Options is disabled and cannot be changed.

For information on different methods to create a customer number, see Customer Numbering Methods.


Cost of Goods Sold

Select this check box to update the cost of goods sold and inventory amounts to the General Ledger module. Clear this check box if you do not want to update these amounts.


Sales Journal in Detail

Select this check box to post to the general ledger sales account in detail by invoice. Clear this check box to post in summary by account and register batch number.


Cash Receipts in Detail

Select this check box to post to the general ledger cash account in detail by receipt. Clear this check box to post in summary by account and register batch number.


G/L Segment to Post A/R Sales

Select the account segment description that represents the segment that is substituted when posting sales by division. If a segment description is selected in this field, you can determine whether sales, cost of goods sold, and inventory postings are applied to substituted accounts based on division. A substituted account is defined by selecting an account and one of its associated subaccounts. For more information, see Segment Substitution FAQs. If None is selected in this field, all sales, cost of goods sold, and inventory postings are applied to default accounts, regardless of the division.

This field displays only descriptions of subaccount segments defined in Account Structure Maintenance. If you select a segment description, and a subaccount is already selected in the Post to field for a division in Division Maintenance, a message appears indicating that all subaccounts will be removed from Division Maintenance.

This field is available only if the Accounts Receivable Divisions check box is selected.


Default Invoice Display

Select the default invoice display to use when viewing invoices in Customer Maintenance/Customer Inquiry. You can display invoices by invoice number, ascending invoice date, or descending invoice date.


Display Invoices with Zero Balance

Select this check box to determine whether or not to display invoices with a zero balance in Customer Maintenance. Clear this check box if you do not want to display invoices with a zero balance in Customer Maintenance.


Current Fiscal Year

Select the current fiscal year. You can select from all fiscal years entered in Fiscal Year Maintenance. This field facilitates posting to the correct period-to-date and year-to-date fields in the Accounts Payable data files when general ledger fiscal years are set up with period-ending dates that are different year to year.

This field is used in conjunction with the Current Period field to differentiate between the current year and a future year.


Current Period

Select the current Accounts Receivable period. This field defaults to the current General Ledger accounting period.

This field is used in conjunction with the Current Fiscal Year field to differentiate between the current period and a future period. When Accounts Receivable period end is processed, this field is incremented automatically. This field is independent of the General Ledger module, and performing General Ledger period-end processing does not increment this period.


Sales Tax Reporting

Select this check box to track sales history in detail by date and invoice. Clear this check box if sales tax information is not required; all references to sales tax reporting will be skipped in Customer Maintenance and Accounts Receivable Invoice Data Entry.

If sales tax detail already exists, you cannot clear this check box; however, it can be cleared after the Accounts Receivable Sales Tax Report has been printed and all sales tax detail has been purged during period-end processing. You can select this check box at any time.


Track Job Cost Retention Receivables

Select this check box to track the retention balance for each open invoice. If this field is selected, you can specify a portion of an invoice amount as retention so customers can withhold these amounts from payment until the completion of the job. Clear this check box if retention tracking is not required. If the Job Cost module is not integrated with Accounts Receivable, use Job Posting Entry to enter billing and retention information. Retention is not tracked by invoice in this case; however, the total retention balance is kept for each job.

If the (Integrate with) Job Cost check box is cleared, this field is cleared automatically. This field is available only if the Job Cost module is integrated with Accounts Receivable.

Note This field is not available for Sage 100 Premium.


(Integrate with) General Ledger

Select this check box to integrate the Accounts Receivable module with General Ledger. Clear this check box if you do not want general ledger posting from the Accounts Receivable module to update to General Ledger or posted to the General Ledger Posting Recap.


(Integrate with) Bank Reconciliation

Select this check box to integrate the Accounts Receivable module with Bank Reconciliation. Clear this check box if you do not want the Accounts Receivable module to be integrated with Bank Reconciliation.

When these modules are integrated, payments received in Cash Receipts Entry post to Bank Reconciliation during the update process.


(Integrate with) Job Cost

Select this check box to integrate the Accounts Receivable module with Job Cost. Clear this check box if you do not want the Accounts Receivable module to be integrated with Job Cost.

When these modules are integrated, the Repetitive Invoice Entry and Invoice Data Entry tasks allow the entry of the job number for each invoice. The retention amount for each invoice can be entered to indicate the portion of the invoice to retain from payment and post to a separate retention receivable account. The Job Cost check box is available only if the Job Cost module is installed for this company.

If this check box is selected a message will appear warning you that if job billings are being invoiced in Job Billing Data Entry, the customer assigned to the job should not be set up as a bill-to customer. If a bill-to customer is used, the retention amount will not be relieved when the invoice is updated. The customer can be set up as a bill-to or sold-to customer by selecting the Enable Bill To Customer Reporting check box.

Note This field is not available for Sage 100 Premium.

2. Additional


Open Item or Balance Forward

Select the billing method to use. You can use either the Open Item or Balance Forward Billing method for all of your customers, or you can select the appropriate billing method to be used for each individual customer.

To change the billing method for a customer after invoices are processed, all invoice detail must be cleared for that customer and period-end processing must be performed.


Days to Retain Paid Invoices

Enter the number of days to retain paid invoices in the Open Invoice file. Invoices paid on or before the number of days specified are purged automatically during period-end processing, or they can be purged using Remove Zero Balance Invoices. This field is available only if Open Item or Mixed is selected in the Open Item or Balance Forward field.


Retain Temporary Customers with Paid Invoices

Select this check box to retain zero balance temporary customers during period-end processing if paid invoice history exists for the customer. Clear this check box if you always want to purge zero-balance temporary customers. If this check box is selected, temporary customers with a zero balance are removed from the Customer file only if all zero balance invoices for the customer were also purged prior to or during period-end processing, or can be purged using Remove Temporary Customers. Paid invoices are retained based on the value entered in the Days to Retain Paid Invoices field. This field is not available if the value entered in the Days to Retain Paid Invoices field is 000.

Note Due to invoice detail for balance forward customers being summarized at period-end/year-end processing, this field may not apply to balance forward customers.


Age Invoices By

Select an option for aging invoices.


Aging Categories to be Used

Select an aging category.

This field is available only if Open Item or Mixed is selected in the Open Item or Balance Forward field.


Aging Categories

This field displays the default values of 30, 60, 90, and 120 Days; you can enter a different number of days for each category. The categories entered are printed on the Aged Invoice Report. If Months is selected in the Aging Categories to be Used field, the default values of 1, 2, 3, and 4 Months appear. This field is available only if Days is selected in the Aging Categories to be Used field.

Expand/Collapse item Entry Sample



Month is selected in the Aging Categories to be Used field

the default values of 1, 2, 3, and 4 Months appear.

Days is selected in the Aging Categories to be Used field

the default values of 30, 60, 90, and 120 Days appear.



Apply Changes to Repetitive Invoices

Select an option to specify whether changes to a customer's default shipping code, salesperson, tax schedule, or terms code in Customer Maintenance are automatically applied to the customer's existing repetitive invoices.

Note Changes will be applied only if the original value in Customer Maintenance matches the existing value in the repetitive invoice.


Salesperson Commission Reporting

Select this check box to record sales and commission activity for each salesperson. Clear this check box if you do not require this information.

This check box must be selected before the Customer Relationship Management module can be set up. After the Customer Relationship Management module has been set up, this check box cannot be cleared.

If this check box is selected, the Enable Bill To Customer Reporting check box is selected, and the bill-to customer is set up in a different division than the sold-to customer, you should set up your salesperson in both divisions. The salesperson can then be used when adjusting an invoice for the bill-to customer.


Commissions Paid on Paid Invoices Only

Select this check box to pay sales commissions based only on paid invoices. Clear this check box if commissions are to be paid when each customer is invoiced. This option is available only if Open Item is selected in the Open Item or Balance Forward field, and if the Salesperson Commission Reporting check box is selected.


Calculation Based On

Select a method for calculating commissions.

This field is available only if the Salesperson Commission Reporting check box is selected.


Update Commissions to Other Modules

Select this check box to update your salesperson commission data to the Accounts Payable, Payroll, or General Ledger module. Clear this check box if you do not want other modules updated. This field is available only if the Salesperson Commission Reporting check box is selected.


Computation Method

Select the type of finance charge computation method to use.

Note Print the Aged Invoice Report before calculating finance charges.


Aging Category for Calculation/Days Past Due for Calculation

This field appears as the Aging Category for Calculation field or the Days Past Due for Calculation field, depending on the selection made in the Age Invoices By field.

For the Aging Category for Calculation field:

The Aging Category for Calculations field appears only if Due Date is selected in the Age Invoices By field and if Fixed or Percent is selected in the Computation Method field.

The Days Past Due for Calculation field appears only if Invoice Date is selected in the Age Invoices By field and if Fixed or Percent is selected in the Computation Method field.


Exclude Existing Charges from Calculation

Select this check box to assess finance charges on unpaid invoice balances only. Clear this check box to assess finance charges on both the unpaid balance and any unpaid finance charges. This field is available only if Fixed or Percent is selected in the Computation Method field.


Standard Charge Rate/Amount

If Fixed is selected in the Computation Method field, enter the fixed amount used to calculate finance charges. This amount is charged whenever a customer has a past due balance on, or beyond, the aging category specified in the Aging Category for Calculation field. This amount is added to the customer balance automatically unless a different amount is entered for specific customers in the Customer file. If Percent is selected in the Computation Method field, enter the percentage rate used to calculate finance charges. The entry made in this field is used as the default for new customers.

The Standard Charge Rate field appears only if Percent is selected in the Computation Method field. The Standard Charge Amount field appears only if Fixed is selected in the Computation Method field.


Minimum Balance to Apply Charges

To assess finance charges only on past due invoice balances that exceed a certain amount, enter that amount. To assess finance charges, regardless of the past due invoice balance, leave this field blank. This field is available only if Fixed or Percent is selected at the Computation Method field.


Minimum Charge to Apply

Enter the minimum finance charge amount to apply. This field is available only if Percent is selected in the Computation Method field.


3. Credit


Credit Limit Checking

Select whether or not to perform credit limit checking. You can monitor the customer's credit limit by aging category only, the customer's credit limit only, both, or none of these methods. When invoices are entered, the system automatically identifies those customers whose credit limits are exceeded.

Expand or collapse item Example 1

Credit limit: 2000

Aging Category for Credit Limit Exceeded Warning: 30 + Days

Aging Category Balance Exceeds Amount:  900


If you add Customer 01-ABF’s balance in the aging category for over 30 days, over 60 days, over 90 days, and over 120 days, the total is 950.


This amount is greater than the 900 specified in the Balance Exceeds Amount field and the Credit Limit Exceeded warning message will appear.


Expand or collapse item Example 2

Credit limit: 2000

Aging Category for Credit Limit Exceeded Warning: 60 + Days

Aging Category Balance Exceeds Amount:  900


If you add Customer 01-ABF’s balance in the aging category for over 60 days, over 90 days, and over 120 days, the total is 850.


This amount is greater than the 900 specified in the Balance Exceeds Amount field and the Credit Limit Exceeded warning message will appear.


Expand or collapse item Example 3

Credit limit: 2000

Aging Category for Credit Limit Exceeded Warning: Current

Aging Category Balance Exceeds Amount: 900


If you add Customer 01-ABF’s balance in the aging category for over 30 days, over 60 days, over 90 days, and over 120 days, the total is 1,950.


This amount is greater than the 900 specified in the Balance Exceeds Amount field and the Credit Limit Exceeded warning message will appear.


Expand or collapse item Example 4

Credit limit: 2000

Aging Category for Credit Limit Exceeded Warning: 120 + Days

Aging Category Balance Exceeds Amount:  .00


If you add Customer 01-ABF’s balance in the aging category for over 120 days, the total is 350.


This amount is greater than the .00 specified in the Balance Exceeds Amount field and the Credit Limit Exceeded warning message box will appear.


Expand or collapse item Example 5

Credit limit: 2000

Credit Limit Checking: Both

Open Order in Customer's Credit Limit check box is selected

Aging Category for Credit Limit Exceeded Warning: Current

Aging Category Balance Exceeds Amount: 1,950


If you add Customer 01-ABF’s balance in the aging category for current, over 30 days, over 60 days, over 90 days, and over 120 days, the total is 1,950.


This amount is less than the 1,951 specified in the Balance Exceeds Amount field; however, the total cumulative customer balance of 1,950 plus the open order amount of 500 is 2,450.

This exceeds the customer’s credit limit of 2000 and the Credit Limit Exceeded warning message will appear.


Include Open Orders in Customer's Credit Limit

Select this check box to include open orders in the Credit Limit Checking process for the customer. Clear this check box if you do not want to include open orders. If this check box is cleared, only the total cumulative customer balance will be checked against the customer's credit limit.

When the Enable Bill To Customer Reporting check box is selected and Bill To is selected in the Credit Limit field in Bill To Customer Maintenance and/or Bill To/Sold To Maintenance, the sold-to customer's open orders will also be included.

A warning message appears if this check box is selected, the Enable Bill To Customer Reporting check box is selected, and there are open orders in the Sales Order data entry files. You must use the Recalculate Open Order Amounts utility to recalculate the customer's open order amounts that are used for credit limit checking.

This field is available only if the Sales Order module is installed and if Both or Customer's Credit Limit Only is not selected in the Credit Limit Checking field.


Margin for Customer's Credit Limit Exceeded Warning

Enter a dollar amount to represent a credit limit margin. A warning message and the Customer Credit History window appear everywhere credit limit checking is performed when the customer's current balance falls within the credit limit margin.

In Shipping Data Entry, the Customer Credit History window does not appear; instead, a warning message appears when customers are over their credit limit.

This field is available only if Customer's Credit Limit Only or Both is selected in the Credit Limit Checking field.


Aging Category for Credit Limit Exceeded Warning

Select the aging category to use when performing credit limit checking.  

Depending on the aging category selected, the cumulative balance of the aging categories is totaled. If the total is greater than zero, then the Credit Limit Exceeded warning message appears.

If Both is selected in the Credit Limit Checking field, the customer's credit limit is checked first during the Credit Limit Checking process.

This field is available only if Aging Category Only or Both is selected in the Credit Limit Checking field.

Expand or collapse item Entry Sample




you want to total the customer's current balance plus all aging categories 1 - 4.

60 + Days

you want to total only aging categories 2 - 4.


Aging Category Balance Exceeds Amount

Enter an amount to be compared to the cumulative balance entered in the Aging Category for Credit Limit Exceeded Warning field. If the total is greater than the amount entered in this field, the Credit Limit Exceeded warning message appears.

Expand or collapse item Example

Customer 01-ABF     

Credit limit: 2,000


Current Balance       Over 30 Days        Over 60 Days        Over 90 Days         Over 120 Days

1000                        100                      200                       300                       350


Total Cumulative Customer Balance = 1,950

Total Open Orders = 500


Automatically Recalculate Aging

Select whether or not aging is recalculated before credit limit checking is performed.

For more information, see Recalculate Aging.


Expand or collapse item Example

If the entry in the Number of Days field is 10, the date entered in the Date of Last Aging field is January 1st, and the computer date is January 21st, the aging would be recalculated and the Customer file updated.

If the entry in the Number of Days field is 10, the date entered in the Date of Last Aging field is January 19th, and the computer date is January 21st, the aging would not be recalculated.


Number of Days to Recalculate Aging

If By Number of Days is selected in the Automatically Recalculate Aging field, and you enter a value in this field, the number of days are compared to the Date of Last Aging field in the Customer file. This value is used to determine whether the aging will be recalculated before credit limit checking is performed.

This field is available only if By Number of Days is selected in the Automatically Recalculate Aging field.


4. Entry



This field indicates that batch processing is available for Invoice Data Entry and Cash Receipts Entry. This field can only be viewed.



Select this check box to enable batch entry for Invoice Data Entry and Cash Receipts Entry. Clear this check box if you do not want to allow batch processing.


Next Batch

Enter the next batch number to be assigned when using the batch processing feature in Invoice Data Entry and Cash Receipts Entry. You can enter numeric or alphanumeric characters. This field is available only if the Allow Batch Entry check box is selected.

Expand or collapse item Entry Sample




you want the next batch number assigned to be 00001.


you want the next batch number assigned to be A0005.


Next Automatic Invoice Number

Enter the next invoice number to assign when using Repetitive Invoice Data Entry, Invoice Data Entry, and Cash Receipts Entry.


Next Automatic Deposit Number

Enter the next deposit number to assign when using Cash Receipts Deposit.


Auto Increment Customer Number

Select this check box to enable the Next Customer Number button. Clicking the Next Customer Number button automatically increments the customer number when adding a new customer on the fly in Customer Maintenance and when adding a customer number in data entry windows in the Accounts Receivable and Sales Order modules. Clear this check box if you do not want to enable the Next Customer Number button.

If this option is enabled, you can still manually enter a customer number.


Next Automatic Customer Number

Enter the next customer number to assign when using the Next Customer Number button in Customer Maintenance, on the fly, and data entry windows in the Accounts Receivable and Sales Order modules.


Default Bank Code

Enter the default bank code to be used in Cash Receipts Entry, or click the Lookup button to list all bank codes. This is a required field and cannot be left blank.


Require Deposit Amount

Select this check box to require a deposit balance be entered before entering data in the Cash Receipts Deposit window. If this check box is selected, you can enter cash, credit card, and ACH (if the Allow Credit Cards / ACH Payments check box is selected) deposit amounts. Clear this check box if you do not want a deposit to be required before entering data in the Cash Receipts Deposit window. If the check box is cleared, the balance for the deposit will be calculated automatically as the sum of transactions in the deposit.


Allow Credit Cards / ACH Payments

Select this check box to accept credit card and ACH  payments in Cash Receipts Entry, A/R Repetitive Invoice Entry, and A/R Invoice Data Entry.

When this check box is selected, a deposit can be designated as either Cash, Credit Card, or ACH Payment in the Cash Receipts Deposit window. If the Credit Card Processing module is installed and enabled, payment authorization can be performed automatically through Sage Exchange.

Clear this check box if you do not want to allow credit card and ACH payments in Accounts Receivable. For information, see Configuring Modules for Credit Card Processing.


Days Before Credit Card Expiration

Enter the number of days before you want to receive a warning of a credit card expiration.


5. Printing


Print Sales and Cash Receipts Journals by Division

Select this check box to print the Sales Journal and the Cash Receipts Journal by division. Clear this check box if you do not want to print the Sales Journal and the Cash Receipts Journal by division.


Page Break Cash Receipts Journal by Deposit

Select this check box to break pages in the Cash Receipts Journal by deposit. Clear this check box if you do not want to break pages in the Cash Receipts Journal by deposit.


Print Tax Journal in Detail

Select this check box to print the Tax Journal in detail, which provides detail by invoice and by tax code. Clear this check box to print the Tax Journal in summary, which provides a summary tax journal by tax code. This field is available only if the Sales Tax Reporting check box is selected.


Print Tax Detail on Sales Journal

Select this check box to print the sales tax amount for each tax code on the Sales Journal report. Clear this check box to print the total sales tax amount only. This field is available only if the Sales Tax Reporting check box is selected.


Print Invoices

Select this check box to print invoices. Clear this check box if you do not want to print invoices.


Print Customer Statements

Select this check box to print customer statements. Clear this check box if you do not want to print customer statements.


6. History


Customer Changes to Track

Select an option to define how changes to customer records are tracked.


Track Additions in Detail

Select this check box to track additions to the Customer Audit file by detail. Clear this check box to track additions in summary format in the Customer Audit file. This field is available only if All or Additions is selected in the Customer Changes to Track field.


Years to Retain Cash Receipts History

Enter a number from 02 to 99 that represents the number of years to retain cash receipts history.

Note Entering 02 retains only the current and prior year's information.  

Use Purge Accounts Receivable History to manually purge cash receipts history and override the entry in this field.


Retain Deposit Transaction History

Select an option to define how deposit history is retained.

Note The Deposit Transaction Report can be printed only if an option other than None is selected in this field.


Retain in Detail

Select an option to define how invoice history is retained.

Note To reprint invoices, you must select Yes in this field.


Retain Deleted Invoices

Select this check box to record all deleted invoice numbers. Deleted invoice numbers are included on the Invoice History Report and in Invoice History Inquiry. Clear this check box if you do not want to record deleted invoice numbers. This field is available only if Yes or Summary is selected in the Retain in Detail field.


Retain Comment Lines

Select this check box to retain comments on lines and comment items in invoice history. Clear this check box if you do not want to retain comments on lines and comment lines in invoice history.


Search for Invoice by Lot/Serial Number In

Select the file that will be searched when searching for an invoice by lot or serial number in the Accounts Receivable Invoice History Inquiry and Sales Order Copy From windows.

This field is available only if the Sales Order module is integrated with Inventory Management, an option other than None is selected in the Retain Lot/Serial Item Sales History field in Sales Order Options, and Yes is selected in the Retain in Detail field.

If you retain Accounts Receivable history in detail, you should select Invoice History in this field.


Years to Retain Customer History

Enter a number from 02 to 99 that represents the number of years to retain customer sales history. Customer sales history includes sales dollars, cost of goods sold dollars, cash received, finance charges, number of invoices, and number of finance charges.

Note Entering 02 retains only the current and prior year's information.  


Years to Retain Salesperson History

Enter a number from 02 to 99 that represents the number of years to retain salesperson sales history. Salesperson sales history includes commission dollars sold, cost of goods sold, gross profit, and commission.

Note Entering 02 retains only the current and prior year's information.  


Include Sales Tax and Freight

Select this check box to include the sales tax and freight amounts in Customer Sales History. Clear this check box to exclude these amounts.


7. National


Enable Bill To Customer Reporting

Select this check box to enable the bill-to and sold-to feature. Clear this check box if you do not want to enable the bill-to and sold-to feature. When this check box is selected, relationships can be created between a customer and its bill-to or sold-to customers. Any customer can be set up as a bill-to and sold-to customer. Selecting this check box allows you to designate a bill-to customer to be used as the default on invoices and sales orders. Invoices are then posted to the bill-to customer account for payment, while invoice history is still maintained for the sold-to customer.

If the Integrate with Job Cost check box is selected and job billings are being invoiced in Job Billing Data Entry, the customer assigned to the job should not be set up as a bill-to customer. If a bill-to customer is used, the retention amount will not be relieved when the invoice is updated.

A warning message will appear if this check box is cleared, there are open orders in the Sales Order data entry files, and you are including open orders in the customer's credit limit. You must use the Recalculate Open Order Amounts utility to recalculate the customer's open order amounts that are used for credit limit checking.


Post By Bill To Division to General Ledger

Select this check box to use the accounts in Division Maintenance to post to the General Ledger module based on the bill-to customer's division. Clear this check box if you do not want to post to the General Ledger module based on the bill-to customer's division. When posting by the bill-to division during the sales journal update process, the general ledger accounts assigned to the Accounts Receivable, Cash Sales, Discounts, Freight, and Sales Tax fields in Division Maintenance for the division the bill-to customer is assigned to will be used; otherwise, the division for the sold-to customer is used.

This field is available only if the Accounts Receivable Divisions and the Enable Bill To Customer Reporting check boxes are selected.

If the Salesperson Commission Reporting check box is selected and the bill-to customer is set up in a different division than the sold-to customer, you should set up your salesperson in both divisions. The salesperson can then be used when adjusting an invoice for the bill-to customer.


Print Sold To Customer Number on Bill To Statements

Select this check box to print the sold-to customer number for the invoice on a bill-to customer's statement in Statement Printing. The sold-to customer number and name will be printed below the novice number. Clear this check box if you do not want to print the sold-to customer number.

This field is available only if the Enable Bill To Customer Reporting check box is selected.


Track Customer Sales History in Accounts Receivable By

Select an option to define how customer sales history is tracked in Accounts Receivable.

If this option is changed, a message appears warning you that the change can affect the customer sales information. This field is available only if the Enable Bill To Customer Reporting check box is selected.


Default Credit Hold Setting

Select a default setting to use in Bill To Customer Maintenance and Bill To/Sold To Maintenance. When setting up bill-to and sold-to relationships, the setting selected at this field will be used; however, you can manually override it for each sold-to customer. This setting will also be used in data entry tasks if you manually change the bill-to customer number to one that is not assigned to the sold-to customer.

This field is available only if the Enable Bill To Customer Reporting check box is selected.


Default Credit Limit Setting

Select a default setting to use in Bill To Customer Maintenance and Bill To/Sold To Maintenance. When setting up bill-to and sold-to relationships, the setting selected in this field will be used; however, you can manually override it for each sold-to customer. This setting will also be used in data entry tasks if you manually change the bill-to customer number to one that is not assigned to the sold-to customer.

This field is available only if Customer's Credit Limit Only or Both is selected in the Credit Limit Checking field, and the Enable Bill To Customer Reporting check box is selected.


Default Bill To Address Setting

Select a default setting to use in Bill To Customer Maintenance and Bill To/Sold To Maintenance. When setting up bill-to and sold-to relationships, the setting selected in this field will be used; however, you can manually override it for each sold-to customer. This setting will also be used in data entry tasks if you manually change the bill-to customer number to one that is not assigned to the sold-to customer.

This field is available only if the Enable Bill To Customer Reporting check box is selected.


Default Customer Pricing Setting

Select a default setting to use in Bill To Customer Maintenance and Bill To/Sold To Maintenance. When setting up bill-to and sold-to relationships, the setting selected in this field will be used; however, you can manually override it for each sold-to customer. This setting will also be used in data entry tasks if you manually change the bill-to customer number to one that is not assigned to the sold-to customer. This field is available only if the Inventory Management module is installed and activated for the current company, and if the Enable Bill To Customer Reporting check box is selected.

If the Enable Default Price Level by Customer check box is selected and Ship-To Code is selected in the Base New Price Level Records On field in Sales Order Options, this field will default to Sold To and can only be viewed.


Default Terms Code Setting

Select a default setting to use in Bill To Customer Maintenance and Bill To/Sold To Maintenance. When setting up bill-to and sold-to relationships, the setting selected in this field will be used; however, you can manually override it for each sold-to customer. This setting will also be used in data entry tasks if you manually change the bill-to customer number to one that is not assigned to the sold-to customer.

This field is available only if the Enable Bill To Customer Reporting check box is selected.


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