Job Cost Options - Fields


Job Cost Options

1. Main


Cost Code Size Seg 1

Type the number of characters the first segment should contain. If you do not want to define segments, type the total number of characters in your cost codes.


Cost Code Size Seg 2

Type the number of characters contained within the second cost code segment. This option is available only if you have defined Seg 1 with less than nine characters. If you do not want to define a second segment, type 0.


Cost Code Size Seg 3

Type the number of characters contained within the third cost code segment. This option is available only if you have defined Seg 1 and Seg 2 with less than nine characters. If you do not want to define a third segment, type 0.


Use Sub-Job Number

Select this check box if your company uses subjob numbers. Subjobs are used in reports to provide subtotals for related jobs. If you select this check box, the first four characters of the job number represent the master job number, and the last three characters represent the subjob number. Clear this check box if you do not want to use subjob numbers; all job numbers are seven characters long.

Note Subjobs must be invoiced as separate jobs.


Default Job Type

Type a default job type, or click the Lookup button to list all job types. Job types are used to classify jobs for system billing and report sorting purposes (for example, residential, commercial, government, or union).


Allow Job Contract Change Orders

Select this check box to track change orders for job contracts. Clear this check box if a record of change orders for job contracts is not required.


Allow Subcontract Change Orders

Select this check box to track change orders for subcontracts. Clear this check box if a record of change orders for subcontracts is not required.


Job Sort Field Description

Type the description for a user-defined sort field (for example, Location, ZIP Code, or State). This field can be used to sort information on reports. The description entered appears as a field name in the Job Estimate Maintenance window.


Print Tax Detail on Billing Register

Select this check box to include tax detail on the Job Billing Register. Clear this check box to exclude tax detail. This field is available only if the Sales Tax Reporting check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options.


Active Cost Code Based On

Select a criterion for determining if a cost code is active.


Number of Decimal Places in Cost Entries

Select the number of decimal places to be used for unit cost entries. Select from 2 to 4 decimal places.


Number of Decimal Places in Price Entries

Select the number of decimal places to be used for pricing (billing rates). Select from 2 to 4 decimal places.


Number of Decimal Places in Unit Entries

Select the number of decimal places to be used for unit entries. If you always count units in whole numbers, select 0. Select from 0 to 4 decimal places.


Current Job Cost Fiscal Year

Type the current fiscal year based on the current date, or click the Lookup button to list all available years. The Lookup button is available only if the General Ledger module is integrated with Job Cost. This field is used in conjunction with the Current Job Cost Period field to differentiate between the current year and a future year.


Current Job Cost Period

Select the current Job Cost accounting period. If the General Ledger module is installed, this option defaults to the current general ledger accounting period. If is not installed, this option defaults to the month of the current accounting date.

This field is used in conjunction with the Current Job Cost Fiscal Year option to differentiate between the current period and a future period. When Job Cost period-end processing occurs, this field is incremented automatically. This field is independent of the General Ledger module, and performing General Ledger period-end processing does not increment this period.


Next Auto Cost Posting Batch No.

Type the next batch number to assign when using the Automatic Batch Number feature for direct cost entries in Job Posting Entry.


Next Auto Billing Batch No.

Type the next batch number to assign when using the Automatic Batch Number feature for billing entries in Job Posting Entry.


Next Auto Cash Receipt Batch No.

Type the next batch number to assign when using the Automatic Batch Number feature for cash receipt entries in Job Posting Entry.


Calculate Sales Tax on Retention Invoices

Select this check box to calculate sales tax on retention invoices. Clear this check box if sales tax will not be calculated on retention invoices. This field is available only if the Sales Tax Reporting check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options. The Calculate Sales Tax on Retention check box in Sales Tax Code Maintenance must also be selected for each applicable tax code.

Note This option cannot be changed while Accounts Receivable Invoice Data Entry or Job Billing Data Entry is in progress.


Inactive Cost Code Password

Type the password to use for entering inactive cost codes. This password is requested when attempting to enter an inactive cost code. If you do not want to require a password to enter inactive cost codes, leave this field blank. This field is available only if Original Estimated Cost or Revised Estimated Cost is selected in the Active Cost Code Based On field.


2. Additional


Post to G/L for Work in Process

Select this check box to post job costs to an account designated for work in process. When the job is billed or completed, the work-in-process account is relieved, and the balance is posted automatically to the cost of goods sold account. Clear this check box to post directly to a designated expense account.


Post to G/L for Direct Cost Transactions

Select this check box to post direct cost transactions entered using Job Posting Entry to the General Ledger module. Clear this check box if you do not want to post direct cost transactions directly to the General Ledger module. This field does not affect general ledger postings made from other modules.


Post to G/L for Billing & Cash Receipt Transactions

Select this check box to post billing and cash receipt transactions entered using Job Posting Entry to the General Ledger module. Clear this check box if you do not want to post billing and cash receipt transactions directly to the General Ledger module. This field does not affect general ledger postings made from Job Billing Data Entry or from the Accounts Receivable module.


Apply Overhead on a Daily or Monthly Basis

Select the basis for posting overhead.


Allow Job Memo Inquiry from Data Entry

Select whether to allow job memo maintenance and inquiry during data entry. This option facilitates the review and/or maintenance of job memos while performing Job Field Report Entry, Job Posting Entry, and Job Billing Data Entry.


Actual or Calculated % Complete for Over/Under Billed

Select the over or underbilled calculation to use. The over or underbilled amount represents the amount by which a job is overbilled (if positive) or underbilled (if negative).

Note If the actual percentage of completion is not entered for a job, the calculated percentage of completion is used instead.


(Integrate Job Cost with) General Ledger

Select this check box to integrate the Job Cost module with General Ledger. Clear this check box if you do not want general ledger postings from the Job Cost module to update to General Ledger or post to the General Ledger Posting Recap.


(Integrate Job Cost with) Accounts Receivable

Select this check box to integrate the Job Cost module with Accounts Receivable. Clear this check box if you do not want to integrate the Job Cost module with Accounts Receivable.

When these modules are integrated, invoices, cash receipts, and adjustments can be posted to the job from the Accounts Receivable module.

Note You cannot clear this check box if job billing is in process.


(Integrate Job Cost with) Inventory Management

Select this check box to integrate the Job Cost module with Inventory Management. Clear this check box if you do not want to integrate the Job Cost module with Inventory Management.

When these modules are integrated, materials costs can be allocated to a job for any issue or sale. Items, costs, and prices can be copied from the Inventory Management module to Job Cost for use when estimating.


Retain Job Cost History

Select this check box to archive closed job information to history files instead of purging it during period-end processing or when using the Purge/Archive Close Job option in Period End Processing. Clear this check box to delete job information completely when it is purged during period-end processing. The information can later be purged from the history files using the Job Cost History Purge Utility or restored to the active files using the Job Cost History Restore Utility. Both utilities are located on the Period End Processing menu.

Transactions cannot be posted to jobs in the Job Cost history files. If a late transaction must be posted to a job in the history files, restore the job to the active files and then post the late transaction.


Define Job Statuses Allowed in Entry

Select this check box to enable the Job Status Maintenance task, which allows you to limit which job numbers can be entered in data entry tasks based on the job's status. If this check box is cleared, the Job Status Maintenance task will be unavailable.


3. Cost Type



Enter a cost type. You can designate up to 12 cost types to be used with your cost codes.

Note The default cost types (Labor, Material, Subcontract, Overhead, Burden, and Equipment) are standard and cannot be deleted.



Type a description for each cost type.


Tax Class

Enter the tax class to use, or click the Lookup button to list all sales tax classes.

Enter TX if this cost type is taxable. Taxable fixed contract jobs always use the TX tax class. Enter NT if this cost type is nontaxable. Nontaxable fixed contract jobs always use the NT tax class.

During data entry, Time and Material lines default to the tax class selected in this field. For more information, see Sales Tax Class Maintenance, Sales Tax Code Maintenance, and Sales Tax Schedule Maintenance.


Bill Detail

Select this check box to produce transaction detail billing for this cost type. Clear this check box to produce transaction summary billing by cost code and cost type.


4. Forms


Graphical Forms

Select this check box to print in a graphical format using SAP Crystal Reports. Clear this check box to print in a nongraphical format. This check box is automatically selected by default.

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