Product Line Maintenance - Fields

Product Line Maintenance

Product Line

Enter the product line of the product to add or maintain, or click the Lookup button to list all product lines. If the product line entered already exists, the description and related information appears.

Click the Copy From button if you are adding a new product line and want to copy information from an existing one.



Type a description for this product line.


1. Main


Product Type

Select the product type for this product line.

  • Select Finished Good for an item that is normally kept in stock and sold to a customer (default).

  • Select Raw Material for an item that is used to make another item or kit, and is generally not sold directly to a customer.

  • Select Discontinued for an item that is no longer available. If the item is entered in a data entry task, a message appears stating that the item is discontinued and asking whether or not to continue.

  • Select Kit for an item made up of one or more components that is assembled before being sold. Each kit can consist of component items and comment lines. Components are relieved when the kit is built. The kit can have an associated lot/serial number. A kit can be purchased pre-assembled. The component list of an individual kit can be modified by substituting, adding, or deleting an item, or by changing the quantity of an item. Kits can be disassembled and their parts returned to inventory in one operation.

If you select Kit in this field, and then click Apply to apply this change to items with the selected product line, if any item has a valuation that does not support the Kit product type (standard, lot, or serial), the Product Line Report now displays an asterisk ( * ) next to the items with an explanatory note.

After the report prints, if there are any remaining items on the report not marked with an asterisk, then you are prompted to apply the product line information. When you click Yes, the product line changes are applied only to the items not marked with an asterisk. For the items with asterisks, no product line changes are applied.  



Select a valuation method for this product line. The valuation method can be changed for individual items during inventory setup.



Select a procurement type for this product line.


Inventory Cycle

Type the default inventory cycle code for this product line. An inventory cycle can be used to group items for reporting and for physical inventory processing.


Allow Back Orders

Select this check box to allow back orders for this product line. Clear this check box if back orders are not allowed for this product line. This setting is used by the Sales Order module to process sales orders and invoices.

Note You must select this check box to enable the Allow Returns check box. After the Allow Returns check box is selected, this check box will become disabled.


Allow Trade Discount

Select this check box to allow a trade discount on the product line. Clear this check box if a trade discount is not allowed for this product line. This setting is used by the Sales Order module to process sales orders and invoices.


Inactive Item

Select this check box to make items added to this product line inactive. If an item is inactive, it cannot be entered when adding a line in Sales Order Entry, Sales Order Invoice Data Entry, Purchase Order Entry, Receipt of Goods Entry, Receipt of Invoice Entry, and Material Requisition Issue Entry. An inactive item can be entered when adding a line in Return of Goods Entry and Inventory Management Transaction Entry only if the appropriate security is set up.

Note If an active kit containing inactive components is exploded in one of the data entry tasks listed above, the components will be treated as active.

Note Internet-enabled items cannot be inactive. When this check box is selected for an item in Item Maintenance, the Internet Enabled check box is cleared and disabled.

Clear this check box to make items added to this product line active.


Explode Kit Items

Select an option to determine how kit items are handled when creating sales orders or invoices.

  • Select Prompt to display a message during data entry asking whether or not to order items from stock. Clicking Yes at the message does not explode kits; it orders the kit from stock.

  • Select Always to automatically explode the component lines for the kit item without displaying a message. This also relieves inventory of the component items.

  • Select Never to order the kit line item from stock without displaying a message. The component lines will not be automatically exploded. If Never is selected, the kit item, rather than the components, are relieved from inventory.

This field is available only if the Sales Order module is installed.


Commission Method

Select the commission calculation method for this product line. If the Calculate Commission by Inventory Item check box is cleared in Inventory Management Options, you can select only None or Standard. The commission method relates to commissions and is accessed by the Sales Order and Accounts Receivable modules.


Commission Rate

Type the percentage rate to use when calculating the commission for this product line. This field is available only if the Calculate Commission by Inventory Item check box is selected in Inventory Management Options and an option other than None or Standard is selected in the Commission Method field. This field relates to commissions and is accessed by the Sales Order and Accounts Receivable modules.


Base Commission

If there is a base commission for this product line, type the dollar amount. Leave this field blank if no dollar amount is to be used. The total commission includes the total of the base commission and the commission rate amount. This field is available only if the Calculate Commission by Inventory Item check box is selected in Inventory Management Options and an option other than None or Standard is selected in the Commission Method field.


Confirm Cost Increase in Receipt of Goods

Select this check box to allow the entry of a higher cost than was entered on a purchase order in Receipt of Goods Entry. This check box is available only if the Purchase Order module is integrated with Inventory Management.


Allocate Landed Cost

Select this check box to allow the allocation of landed costs. This setting determines the default setting for the Landed Cost field in Receipt of Goods Entry and Purchase Order Entry. This check box is available only if the Allow Entry of Landed Cost check box is selected in Purchase Order Options.


Standard (Unit of Measure)

Enter the standard unit of measure for this product line (for example, BOX, EACH, or DOZ), or click the Lookup button to list all units of measure. The standard unit of measure is used for reporting the quantity-on-hand information for each item and should be the smallest unit of measure.

Note If you established a U/M Conversion table in Unit of Measure Conversion Maintenance, you can enter related units of measure in the Sales or Purchases field.


Purchases (Unit of Measure)

Enter the unit of measure to use when items in this product line are purchased, or click the Lookup button to list all units of measure.

If the purchase unit of measure is different than the standard and is not set up on the U/M Conversion table, type the number of standard units of measure that equal the purchase unit of measure in the No. Of field. For example, if the standard unit of measure is Each and the purchase unit of measure is Dozen, enter 12.


Sales (Unit of Measure)

Enter the unit of measure to use when items in this product line are sold, or click the Lookup button to list all units of measure.

If the sales unit of measure is different than the standard and is not set up on the U/M Conversion table, type the number of standard units of measure that equal the sales unit of measure in the No. Of field. For example, if the standard unit of measure is Each and the sales unit of measure is Dozen, enter 12.


Sales Tax Class

Enter the sales tax class for the product line, or click the Lookup button to list all sales tax classes.

Click the field hyperlink to launch this field's associated maintenance task. If a value is entered in this field, the associated data is displayed in the maintenance window. The maintenance task can be accessed only with the appropriate security setup.

Note Taxable freight tax classes cannot be entered in this field.


Purchases Tax Class

Enter the purchases tax class for the product line, or click the Lookup button to list all purchases tax classes.

Click the field hyperlink to launch this field's associated maintenance task. If a value is entered in this field, the associated data is displayed in the maintenance window. The maintenance task can be accessed only with the appropriate security setup.

Note Taxable freight tax classes cannot be entered in this field.


Print Receipt Labels

Select an option to determine how receipt labels are printed when creating sales orders or invoices.

  • Select Yes to print one receipt label for all quantities of this item. For example, if item XYZ has a quantity of 50 and Yes is selected, one label prints for the item.

  • Select No if receipt labels will not be printed.

  • Select By Item to print a separate receipt label for each item. For example, if item XYZ has a quantity of 50 and By Item is selected, 50 labels print for the item.

Note If the item is a serial item, selecting Yes or By Item prints receipt labels for each item.


Commodity Code

Enter a commodity code for this item or click the Lookup button to list all commodity codes. This will be the default commodity code used in Sales Order data entry tasks. Commodity codes are included with the Level 3 data transmitted when processing Level 3 credit card transactions.


Price Code

Enter a price code, or click the Lookup button to list all price codes. Leave this field blank if a default price code does not apply.

Click the field hyperlink to launch this field's associated maintenance task. If a value is entered in this field, the associated data is displayed in the maintenance window. The maintenance task can be accessed only with the appropriate security setup.


Warranty Code

Enter a warranty code for this product line, or click the Lookup button to list all warranty codes.

Click the field hyperlink to launch this field's associated maintenance task. If a value is entered in this field, the associated data is displayed in the maintenance window. The maintenance task can be accessed only with the appropriate security setup.

Note  This field appears only if the Enable Warranty Tracking check box is selected in Inventory Management Options.


Allow Returns

Select this check box to allow returns for this product line. The selection in this field will be the entry default selection for items in Item Maintenance and can be applied to existing inventory items by clicking Apply. This check box is available only if the Allow Back Orders check box is selected.

Note This check box appears only if the Return Merchandise Authorization module is activated.


Restocking Charge Method

Select a restocking charge method for this product line. Restocking charges are administrative charges that may be charged to the customer to return merchandise. The selection in this field will be the entry default selection for items in Item Maintenance.

This field is available only if the Return Merchandise Authorization module is installed, and the Allow Returns check box is selected.


Restocking Charge Amount/Rate

Type a restocking charge rate for this product line. The selection in this field will be the entry default selection for items in Item Maintenance.

This field is available only if the Return Merchandise Authorization module is installed, and the Allow Returns check box is selected. If Fixed is selected in the Restocking Charge Method field, this field displays as Restocking Charge Amount. If % Item Cost or % Item Price is selected, this field displays the Restocking Charge Rate.


2. Accounts



Enter the inventory account number from your chart of accounts for this product line, or click the Lookup button to list all general ledger account numbers.

If the account number is longer than the field, use the left and right arrow keys to view the entire account number.

Accounts can be created in this field if the appropriate settings are defined in the Auto Create when all Segments are Valid field in General Ledger Options.


Cost of Goods Sold

Enter the cost of goods sold account number from your Chart of Accounts for this product line, or click the Lookup button to list all general ledger account numbers. This account is debited when items are sold or issued from inventory.

If the account number is longer than the field, use the left and right arrow keys to view the entire account number.

Accounts can be created in this field if the appropriate settings are defined in the Auto Create when all Segments are Valid field in General Ledger Options.



Enter the sales or income account number from your Chart of Accounts for this product line, or click the Lookup button to list all general ledger account numbers.

If the account number is longer than the field, use the left and right arrow keys to view the entire account number.

Accounts can be created in this field if the appropriate settings are defined in the Auto Create when all Segments are Valid field in General Ledger Options.


Sales Returns

Enter the sales returns account number from your Chart of Accounts for this product line, or click the Lookup button to list all general ledger account numbers. This account is debited when goods are returned from a customer.

If the account number is longer than the field, use the left and right arrow keys to view the entire account number.

Accounts can be created in this field if the appropriate settings are defined in the Auto Create when all Segments are Valid field in General Ledger Options.


Inventory Adjustment

Enter the inventory adjustment account number from your Chart of Accounts for this product line, or click the Lookup button to list all general ledger account numbers. This account is posted whenever an adjustment is entered using Transaction Entry or Physical Count Entry. An increase in inventory credits this account, and a decrease debits it.

If the account number is longer than the field, use the left and right arrow keys to view the entire account number.

Accounts can be created in this field if the appropriate settings are defined in the Auto Create when all Segments are Valid field in General Ledger Options.


Purchases Clearing

Enter the purchases clearing account number from your Chart of Accounts for this product line, or click the Lookup button to list all general ledger account numbers. This account is credited when items are received into inventory.

If the account number is longer than the field, use the left and right arrow keys to view the entire account number.

Accounts can be created in this field if the appropriate settings are defined in the Auto Create when all Segments are Valid field in General Ledger Options.


PO Variance Adjustment

Enter the purchase order variance adjustment account number from your Chart of Accounts for this product line, or click the Lookup button to list all general ledger account numbers. This account is posted with the purchase order receipt/invoice and return of goods variances and standard cost adjustments from the Purchase Order module.

If the account number is longer than the field, use the left and right arrow keys to view the entire account number.

Accounts can be created in this field if the appropriate settings are defined in the Auto Create when all Segments are Valid field in General Ledger Options.


Mfg Variance Adjustment

Enter the manufacturing variance adjustment account number from your Chart of Accounts for this product line, or click the Lookup button to list all general ledger account numbers. This account is posted if there are adjustments from the Bill of Materials and Production Management modules.

If the account number is longer than the field, use the left and right arrow keys to view the entire account number.

Accounts can be created in this field if the appropriate settings are defined in the Auto Create when all Segments are Valid field in General Ledger Options.


Post by Whse

Select this check box to post product line information to the general ledger by warehouse for the corresponding account number. If Warehouse is selected in the Post Sales to General Ledger by Division field in Sales Order Options, and a subaccount is selected in the Post to Department field in Warehouse Code Maintenance, substituted accounts are used for posting product line amounts by warehouse. For more information, see Setting Up Segment Substitution for Inventory Management by Warehouse.

Clear this check box to post product line information to default accounts set up in this task.

This field is available only if a segment description is selected in the G/L Segment for Whse Postings field in Inventory Management Options.

For a default account number to be replaced by a substituted account, the substituted account must be a valid general ledger account created in Account Maintenance.

Note If this check box is selected, and a subaccount has been defined in the Post to Department field in Warehouse Code Maintenance, a substitute account is used to post transactions to the general ledger instead of the account number entered in the corresponding account number field. The subaccount selected for the segment substitute is used for each corresponding account where this check box is selected.


RMA Scrap

Enter the RMA scrap account number to use during the Sales Order Daily Sales Journal update, or click the Lookup button to list all general ledger account numbers. This asset account contains the current inventory value for scrap and is debited when an inventory item is returned for scrap. You can use a single scrap account for the entire scrap inventory, or you can assign separate accounts for different product lines.

If the account number is longer than the field, use the left and right arrow keys to view the entire account number.

Accounts can be created in this field if the appropriate settings are defined in the Auto Create when all Segments are Valid field in General Ledger Options.

Note This field is available only if the Return Merchandise Authorization module is installed.


Repairs in Process

Enter the repairs in process account number from your Chart of Accounts for this product line, or click the Lookup button to list all general ledger account numbers. This asset account is debited when the credit memo for an item that is returned for repair is updated, and credited after the invoice for the repaired item is shipped to the customer and updated. You can use a single repairs in process account for the entire inventory, or you can assign separate accounts for different product lines.

If the account number is longer than the field, use the left and right arrow keys to view the entire account number.

Accounts can be created in this field if the appropriate settings are defined in the Auto Create when all Segments are Valid field in General Ledger Options.

Note This field is available only if the Return Merchandise Authorization module is installed, and the Track Repair Items through Inventory check box is selected in RMA Options.


Repairs Clearing

Enter the repairs clearing account number from your Chart of Accounts for this product line, or click the Lookup button to list all general ledger account numbers. This asset account is credited when the credit memo for an item that is returned for repair is updated, and debited when the invoice for the repaired item is shipped to the customer and updated. You can use a single repairs clearing account for the entire inventory, or you can assign separate accounts for different product lines.

If the account number is longer than the field, use the left and right arrow keys to view the entire account number.

Accounts can be created in this field if the appropriate settings are defined in the Auto Create when all Segments are Valid field in General Ledger Options.

Note This field is available only if the Return Merchandise Authorization module is installed, and the Track Repair Items through Inventory check box is selected in RMA Options.

3. Lot/Serial

Note This tab is available if the Enable Lot/Serial Expiration Dates check box is selected in Inventory Management Options.


Track Lot/Serial Expiration Dates

Select this check box to track expiration dates for items with lot or serial numbers within this product line. Clear this check box if you don't want to track expiration dates.

For more information, see Expiration Dates for Lot and Serial Items.


Require Expiration Date

Select this check box to require an expiration date when an item is added to stock.

This check box is selected by default if the Require Expiration Date check box is selected in Inventory Management Options, but you can clear it for this product line.


Calculate Expiration Date Based On

Select an option to calculate the expiration date. Alternately select Don't Calc to leave the expiration date field blank. A date can then be manually entered.

When you select Days, Months, or Years and enter a value in the Number of Days/Months/Years Before Expiration field, the expiration date is calculated by adding the specified amount of time to the date listed below to calculate an expiration date.

  • In Receipt of Goods Entry, the expiration date is calculated using the receipt date.
  • In Transaction Entry, when entering receipts, the expiration date is calculated using the transaction date.
  • In Production Entry, the expiration date is calculated using the production date.

The default selection in this field is determined by the selection in Inventory Management Options, but it can be changed.


Number of Days/Months/Years Before Expiration

Depending on your selection in the Calculate Expiration Date Based On field, enter the number of days, months, or years to add to the applicable date to calculate the expiration date.

  • In Receipt of Goods Entry, the expiration date is calculated using the receipt date.
  • In Transaction Entry, when entering receipts, the expiration date is calculated using the transaction date.
  • In Production Entry, the expiration date is calculated using the production date.

This field is available if an option other than Don't Calc is selected in the Calculate Expiration Date Based On field.

The default selection in this field is determined by the selection in Inventory Management Options, but it can be changed.


Calculate Sell-By Date Based On

Select an option to calculate the sell-by date. The sell-by date is calculated by subtracting or adding a specified number of days, months, or years to the expiration date.

Select Don't Calc to use the expiration date instead. The sell-by date field will be hidden in data entry tasks.

The sell-by date (or expiration date if no sell-by date is calculated) is compared to the applicable dates listed below to determine whether an item can be sold:

The default selection in this field is determined by the selection in Inventory Management Options, but it can be changed.


(Sales) Number of Days/Months/Years Before Expiration Date

Depending on your selection in the Calculate Sell-By Date Based On field, enter the number of days, months, or years to subtract from the expiration date to calculate the sell-by date.

You can calculate a sell-by date based either on the number of days before the expiration date or the number of days after the expiration date but not both.

This field is available if 0 is entered in the Number of Days/Months/Years After Expiration Date field (for sales), and if the Enable Lot/Serial Expiration Dates check box is selected.

The default selection in this field is determined by the selection in Inventory Management Options, but it can be changed.


(Sales) Number of Days/Months/Years After Expiration Date

Depending on your selection in the Calculate Sell-By Date Based On field, enter the number of days, months, or years to add to the expiration date to calculate the sell-by date.

You can calculate a sell-by date based either on the number of days before the expiration date or the number of days after the expiration date but not both.

This field is available if 0 is entered in the Number of Days/Months/Years Before Expiration Date field (for sales), and if the Enable Lot/Serial Expiration Dates check box is selected.

The default selection in this field is determined by the selection in Inventory Management Options, but it can be changed.


Calculate Use-By Date Based On

Select an option to calculate the use-by date. The use-by date is calculated by subtracting or adding a specified number of days, months, or years to the expiration date.

Select Don't Calc to use the expiration date instead. The use-by date field will be hidden in data entry tasks.

The use-by date (or expiration date if no use-by date is calculated) is compared to the applicable dates listed below to determine whether an item can be issued:

The default selection in this field is determined by the selection in Inventory Management Options, but it can be changed.


(Issues) Number of Days/Months/Years Before Expiration Date

Depending on your selection in the Calculate Use-By Date Based On field, enter the number of days, months, or years to add to the expiration date to calculate the use-by date.

You can calculate a use-by date based either on the number of days before the expiration date or the number of days after the expiration date but not both.

This field is available if 0 is entered in the Number of Days/Months/Years After Expiration Date field (for issues), and if the Enable Lot/Serial Expiration Dates check box is selected.

The default selection in this field is determined by the selection in Inventory Management Options, but it can be changed.


(Issues) Number of Days/Months/Years After Expiration Date

Depending on your selection in the Calculate Use-By Date Based On field, enter the number of days, months, or years to add to the expiration date to calculate the use-by date.

You can calculate a use-by date based either on the number of days before the expiration date or the number of days after the expiration date but not both.

This field is available if 0 is entered in the Number of Days/Months/Years Before Expiration Date field (for issues), and if the Enable Lot/Serial Expiration Dates check box is selected.

The default selection in this field is determined by the selection in Inventory Management Options, but it can be changed.


Calculate Returns Based On

Select an option to calculate the return-by date. The return-by date is calculated by adding a specified number of days, months, or years to the expiration date.

Select Don't Calc to use the expiration date instead. The Return-By field will be hidden in data entry tasks.

The return-by date (or expiration date if no return-by date is calculated) is compared to the applicable dates listed below to determine whether an item can be returned:

The default selection in this field is determined by the selection in Inventory Management Options, but it can be changed.


(Returns) Number of Days/Months/Years After Expiration Date

Depending on your selection in the Calculate Returns Based On field, enter the number of days, months, or years to add to the expiration date to calculate the return-by date.

The default selection in this field is determined by the selection in Inventory Management Options, but it can be changed.