Customer Maintenance (On the Fly) - Fields


Customer Maintenance (On the Fly)

Customer No.

This field displays the customer number and can only be viewed.



Type the customer's name. You can enter up to 30 characters.


Copy From

Enter the customer number to copy information from, or click the Lookup button to list all customer numbers.

Alternately, start typing a customer name to locate a record. As you type, a list of records matching your entry appears. You can then select a record from the list, and the customer number will appear in the field.

This field is available only for new customers.

1. Main



Type the customer's street and/or mailing address. Click the Map button to view a map of the location in your Web browser.


ZIP Code

Type the ZIP Code.

Type a new ZIP Code to add it using ZIP Code Maintenance (On the Fly).



Type the name of the city. If the ZIP Code is entered, the city name appears automatically.



Type the state abbreviation. If the ZIP Code is entered, the state abbreviation appears automatically.



Enter the country code, or click the Lookup button to list all country codes. If the ZIP Code is entered, the county name appears automatically.

Type a new country code to add a country code using Country Code Maintenance (On the Fly).


Residential Addr

Select this check box if this customer's address is a residence. Clear this check box if this customer's address is not a residence.



Enter the salesperson number for the salesperson who regularly sells to this customer, or click the Lookup button to list all salesperson numbers. The salesperson number entered appears when you enter data for this customer, and can be overridden.

Type a new salesperson code to add a salesperson using Salesperson Maintenance (On the Fly).

Click Split Comm to access the Customer Split Commission Maintenance window, which allows you to enter percentages used to distribute sales order and Sales Order invoice commissions for up to five salespersons.

Click the field hyperlink to launch this field's associated maintenance task. If a value is entered in this field, the associated data is displayed in the maintenance window. The maintenance task can be accessed only with the appropriate security setup.



Type the customer's telephone number starting with the area code.



Type the customer's telephone extension number.



Type the customer's fax number starting with the area code. The fax number entered defaults to data entry windows, such as Invoice Data Entry. Invoice History Inquiry displays the fax number if it existed on the original invoice before the update.

Note The fax number must include the area code to process a fax.


Terms Code

Enter a terms code for the customer, or click the Lookup button to list all terms codes. An entry in this field is required. The default terms code is 00 for no terms.

Type a new terms code to add a term using Terms Code Maintenance (On the Fly).

Click the field hyperlink to launch this field's associated maintenance task. If a value is entered in this field, the associated data is displayed in the maintenance window. The maintenance task can be accessed only with the appropriate security setup.


Primary Contact

Enter the name of the person to contact regarding billing or invoice payment, or click the Lookup button to list all contact codes for this customer.

Type a new contact to add a contact using Customer Contact Maintenance (On the Fly).

Click the field hyperlink to launch this field's associated maintenance task. If a value is entered in this field, the associated data is displayed in the maintenance window. The maintenance task can be accessed only with the appropriate security setup.


Ship Code

Enter the shipping method to use (UPS, air freight, etc.). If the Sales Order module is integrated with Accounts Receivable, click the Lookup button to list all shipping codes.

Click the field hyperlink to launch this field's associated maintenance task. If a value is entered in this field, the associated data is displayed in the maintenance window. The maintenance task can be accessed only with the appropriate security setup.

For more information, see Shipping Rate Maintenance.


Primary Ship To

Enter the location code to use as the primary ship-to address for the customer. If the Sales Order module is integrated with Accounts Receivable, click the Lookup button to list all ship-to codes for the customer.


Tax Schedule

Enter the tax schedule to use for the customer selected, or click the Lookup button to list all schedules. The sales tax information should be entered for each customer, even if the customer has a tax exemption number, so that nontaxable sales can be reported.

Type a new tax schedule code to add a tax schedule using Sales Tax Schedule Maintenance (On the Fly).

Click Exemptions to open the Tax Exemptions Maintenance window. This task is available only if a tax schedule is defined.

Click the field hyperlink to launch this field's associated maintenance task. If a value is entered in this field, the associated data is displayed in the maintenance window. The maintenance task can be accessed only with the appropriate security setup.


Tax Exemption No.

Type the tax exemption number. This field is available only if the Sales Tax Reporting check box is cleared in Accounts Receivable Options.


Credit Hold

Select this check box if the customer is on credit hold. When the customer number is entered during Invoice Data Entry, the Customer Credit History window appears, along with a CUSTOMER ON CREDIT HOLD message. The ON CREDIT HOLD message appears on the Aged Invoice Report, Cash Expectation Report, Customer Sales Analysis, and Trial Balance Report. Clear this check box if the customer is not on credit hold.


Credit Limit

Enter the credit limit amount to assign to this customer, or click the Calculator button to enter an amount using the calculator. If no credit limit is assigned, enter zero. You are alerted during Invoice Data Entry when a customer's balance exceeds the credit limit established in this field. This option is available only if Customer's Credit Limit Only, Aging Category Only, or Both is selected in the Credit Limit Checking field in Accounts Receivable Options.


E-mail Address

Type the customer's e-mail address. Click the E-mail button to launch your e-mail application. The e-mail address entered defaults to the To section of the e-mail.

Note The e-mail application to launch is selected in Microsoft Internet Explorer. For more information, refer to the Internet Explorer Help system.


E-mail Statements

Select this check box to allow statements to be sent by e-mail to the customer's e-mail address during Statement Printing. Print All Statements, E-mail Statement Customers Only, or Print or E-mail must also be selected in the Produce Statements For field in Statement Printing. Clear this check box if you do not want to allow statements to be sent by e-mail.

Statement Printing allows for the printing of all statements regardless of whether this check box is cleared, if the Print Customer Statements check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options.


URL Address

Type the customer's URL address. Click the Web Site button to view the Web site in your Web browser.

2. Additional



Type a comment regarding this customer. You can type up to 30 characters.


Open Item Customer

In Accounts Receivable Options:

You cannot change the status of an open item customer if open invoices exist for the customer. Balance forward customers cannot be changed to open item customers if there are open invoices for the customer. If a customer is changed from an open item customer to a balance forward customer, during period-end processing all invoices for the customer become balance forward in that period.


Internet Enabled

Select this check box to enable the current customer for processing with the eBusiness Manager module. Selecting this check box classifies the customer as a .order customer. Clear this check box if you do not want to enable the current customer for processing with the eBusiness Manager module.

This field is available only if Active is selected in the Customer Status field and the eBusiness Manager module is installed.


Customer Status

Select a customer status.

Temporary customers are those with whom you do not expect to do repeat business. During period-end processing, temporary customers with a zero balance are removed from the Customer file based on settings in Accounts Receivable Options. If the Retain Temporary Customers with Paid Invoices check box is selected, and the paid invoices for the customer are older than the value in the Days to Retain Paid Invoices field in Accounts Receivable Options, the paid invoices and temporary customer are purged during period-end processing. If the Retain Temporary Customers with Paid Invoices check box is cleared for a zero-balance temporary customer, the invoices and customer are purged regardless of the number of days to retain paid invoices.

This feature is designed to help preserve file space by eliminating unnecessary records. Temporary customers are retained in the Customer file if a balance remains, or if there are any repetitive invoice entries or open sales orders on file. All permanent customers are retained until intentionally deleted, regardless of the account balance. This option is available only if the Internet Enabled check box is cleared.


Price Level

Enter a price level code to use to establish quantity level discounts. This field can only be viewed, unless the Sales Order module is integrated with Accounts Receivable.

The price level entered in this field will be the default price level used in sales orders and Sales Order Invoice Data Entrywhenprice levels set upin Price Level by Customer Maintenance do not apply.


Dflt Pymt Type

Select the payment type to use as the default choice for sales orders and invoices. Before selecting Credit Card or ACH, you must enter a credit card or ACH account as the primary payment method.


Discount Rate

Enter the discount rate to establish different discount schedules. This field is for reference purposes only, unless the Sales Order module is integrated with Accounts Receivable. If the Sales Order module is integrated, this field is used to default the discount rate into data entry windows if a customer is selected in the Customer No. field.


Fin Charge Rate

Enter a finance charge/rate for this customer. If Fixed is selected in the Computation Method field in Accounts Receivable Options, the standard fixed amount previously entered appears. If Percent is selected in the Computation Method field, the standard percentage rate previously entered appears. This field is available only if Fixed or Percent is selected in the Computation Method field in Accounts Receivable Options.


Item Code

Enter the item code to which this customer's invoices will be automatically distributed, or click the Lookup button to list all item codes. The item code entered is used as the default when invoices for this customer are recorded using Invoice Data Entry.

Only items with the Allow Use in Accounts Receivable check box selected in Miscellaneous Item Maintenance can be entered in this field. Type M to enter a charge item if there is no item code set up for this item, or to distribute the sale directly to a general ledger account. Type C to enter a comment line. The comment prints on the customer invoice.

Type a new item code to add an item using Miscellaneous Item Maintenance (On the Fly).

Click the field hyperlink to launch this field's associated maintenance task. If a value is entered in this field, the associated data is displayed in the maintenance window. The maintenance task can be accessed only with the appropriate security setup.



Enter the information for sorting reports. This sort field provides an additional method of sorting customer information on reports. For example, enter an abbreviation of the customer name in this field for alphabetical sorting, or enter an abbreviation of the customer's industry to sort reports by similar types of businesses.


Customer Type

Enter a code to identify the customer type. Use customer type codes to group similar types of customers. For example, if you assign the same code to customers who receive catalogs at the same time, you can specify the customer type for printing the mailing labels. Many reports can also be sorted by customer type.


Statement Cycle

Enter the code to use in Statement Printing to specify the group of customers for whom statements will be printed. For example, statement cycle M might be used for monthly statements and B for bimonthly statements. Alternately, you could set up a plan where a quarter of the total statements are printed each week. In this case, all customers beginning with the letters A-F could be cycle A (or 1); G-L could be cycle B (or 2); M-R could be cycle C (or 3); and S-Z could be cycle D (or 4).

This field is available only if the Print Customer Statements check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options.


Print Dun Message

Select this check box to print a dunning message (a reminder message for past due balances) on the customer’s statement. The actual message to print on the statement is entered in Statement Printing. Clear this check box if you do not want to print a dunning message. This field is available only if the Print Customer Statements check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options.


Use Sage Data Cloud for Invoice Printing

Select this check box if you are using Sage Billing and Payment to e-mail invoices to customers. If this check box is selected, the Print Invoice check box will be cleared by default in A/R Invoice Data Entry, A/R Repetitive Invoice Entry, and S/O Invoice Data Entry, and invoices will not be automatically printed for this customer during the invoice printing process. Clear this check box if you want to use Sage 100 to print invoices for this customer.


For more information on Sage Billing and Payment or other solutions that leverage the power of the Sage Data Cloud, visit or contact us at 866-996-SAGE (7243).  


Batch Fax

Select this check box to include the document in batch faxing. Clear this check box if you do not want to include the document in batch faxing. The setting in the Batch Fax field (whether cleared or selected), defaults to data entry windows. This check box is available only if a fax number is entered in the Fax field.

Note The fax number must include the area code to process a fax.


Payment ID

Type a payment ID to add a new credit card or ACH account using Customer Credit Card and ACH Payment Maintenance (On the Fly).

If a customer has multiple credit cards or ACH payment accounts on file, the payment IDs must be unique; however, two different customers can have credit card or ACH account records that use the same payment ID.


Payment Type

This field displays the payment type for the selected payment ID and can only be viewed.



If an ACH payment ID is entered in the Payment ID field, this field displays the bank name associated with the ACH payment account. If a credit card ID is entered in the Payment ID field, this field displays the card holder name. This field can only be viewed.


Last Four Routing

This field displays the last four digits of the bank account routing number if an ACH payment method is entered in the Payment ID field. This field can only be viewed.


Last Four Digits

This field displays the last four digits of the customer's bank account number if an ACH payment ID is entered in the Payment ID field. The last four digits of the credit card number appear if a credit card ID is entered in the Payment ID field. This field can only be viewed.


Expiration Date

This field displays the credit card expiration date entered in Sage Exchange if a credit card is entered in the Primary ID field. An expiration warning message may appear, depending on the value entered in the Days Before Credit Card Expiration field in Accounts Receivable Options. A card expired message appears when the credit card expires.

This field can only be viewed.

Click Credit Cards/ACH to add a new credit card or ACH payment account.

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