Accounts Payable Options - Fields


Accounts Payable Options

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1. Main


Accounts Payable Divisions

Select this check box if your company uses departments or divisions. Each vendor number must be preceded by a two-digit division number for identification. Division subtotals are displayed automatically on all Accounts Payable reports. Clear this check box if your company does not use departments or divisions.


Aging Categories to Use for Invoices

Select whether to age invoices by days or months.


Aging Categories

If Days is selected in the Aging Categories to Use for Invoices field, type the number of days for each aging category. These fields default to 30, 60, 90, and 120 days. If Month is selected in the Aging Categories to Use for Invoices field, these fields display 1, 2, 3, and 4 months, and can only be viewed. The categories print on the Aged Invoice Report, and are displayed in Vendor Maintenance.


Default Invoice Display

Select the default invoice display option to use when viewing invoices in Vendor Maintenance.


Display Invoices with Zero Balance

Select this check box to display zero-balance invoices in Vendor Maintenance. If this check box is selected, the Zero Balance Invoices check box in the Search for Open Invoices window is selected by default. Clear this check box if you do not want to display zero-balance invoices in Vendor Maintenance.


Display Cleared Checks in Vendor Maintenance

Select this check box to display cleared check information from the Bank Reconciliation module in Vendor Maintenance. If this check box is selected, the Cleared and Cleared Date fields will appear for invoices, transactions, and checks. Clear this check box if you do not want to display cleared check information in Vendor Maintenance. This field is available only if the Accounts Payable module is integrated with Bank Reconciliation.


Sales Tax Reporting

Select this check box to enter and track sales tax history information in the Accounts Payable module and to perform sales tax calculations for purchase order entry. To reference sales tax reporting in Accounts Payable Invoice Data Entry, the Calculate Sales Tax in A/P Data Entry check box must also be selected. Clear this check box if you do not want to enter and track sales tax history information; all references to sales tax reporting are skipped in Vendor Maintenance and Accounts Payable Invoice Data Entry.

You can select this check box at any time; however, you cannot clear this check box if sales tax detail already exists. This check box can be cleared after the Sales Tax Report is printed and all sales tax detail is purged using the Purge Sales Tax History utility.


Current Fiscal Year

Select the current fiscal year. You can select from all fiscal years entered in Fiscal Year Maintenance. This field facilitates posting to the correct period-to-date and year-to-date fields in the Accounts Payable data files, when general ledger fiscal years are set up with period-ending dates that are different year to year.

This field is used in conjunction with the Current Period field to differentiate between the current year and a future year.


Current Period

Select the current Accounts Payable period. This field defaults to the current General Ledger accounting period.

This field is used in conjunction with the Current Fiscal Year field to differentiate between the current period and a future period. When Accounts Payable period end is processed, this field is incremented automatically. This field is independent of the General Ledger module, and performing General Ledger period-end processing does not increment this period.


1099 Reporting

Select this check box if your company prints and/or electronically files 1099 forms for non-employees (for example, subcontractors or consultants) or for individuals receiving dividends or interest payments. Clear this check box if your company does not print and/or electronically file 1099 forms. The 1099-MISC, 1099-DIV, and 1099-INT forms are accommodated.

Note If this check box is selected, the 1099 calendar year on your system does not increment until 1099 forms are printed.


Default 1099 Calendar Year

Enter the 1099 calendar year to identify the annual payment amounts reported on 1099 forms. This field defaults to the year of the current accounting date.

This field is available only if the 1099 Reporting check box is selected.


(Integrate with) General Ledger

Select this check box to integrate the Accounts Payable module with General Ledger. Clear this check box if you do not want general ledger postings from the Accounts Payable module to update to General Ledger or post to the General Ledger Posting Recap.


(Integrate with) Bank Reconciliation

Select this check box to integrate the Accounts Payable module with Bank Reconciliation. Clear this check box if you do not want the Accounts Payable module to be integrated with Bank Reconciliation.

When these modules are integrated, checks post to Bank Reconciliation during the check register update process.


(Integrate with) Job Cost

Select this check box to integrate the Accounts Payable module with Job Cost. Clear this check box if you do not want the Accounts Payable module to be integrated with Job Cost.

When these modules are integrated, the Invoice Data Entry and Manual Check and Payment Entry tasks allow job number and cost code distribution information for each invoice entered. The Job Cost check box is available only if the Job Cost module is installed for this company, and the Purchase Order module is not integrated with Work Order, and the Enable Expense Distribution Tables check box is cleared.

Warning If the Job Cost check box in this window and the Post Invoice Costs to Job Cost check box in Sales Order Options are both selected, costs can potentially be double-posted to the Job Cost module. If both check boxes are cleared, costs are not posted to the Job Cost module from either Sales Order or Accounts Payable.

Note This field is not available for Sage 100 Premium.


Enable Wire Transfers

Select this check box to enable the ability to enter wire transfers in Manual Check and Payment Entry. Clear this check box if you do not want to enter wire transfers in Manual Check and Payment Entry.


2. Additional


Invoice Register in Detail

Select this check box to post expense transactions from the Invoice Register updates to General Ledger in detail. Clear this check box to post the transactions in summary by account number.


Manual Check/Payment Register in Detail

Select this check box to post cash and expense transactions from the Manual Check and Payment Register updates to General Ledger in detail. Posted transactions reflect payment of new invoices entered on the fly and payment of existing invoices. Clear this check box to post the transactions in summary by account number.


Check and Electronic Payment Register in Detail

Select this check box to post payment transactions from the Check and Electronic Payment Register to the general ledger cash account in detail. When posted in detail, each payment transaction is posted as a separate entry. Clear this check box to consolidate the payment transactions and to post as one entry.


Invoice Comments

Select the format of the general ledger posting comment to use when updating invoices to the distribution accounts in General Ledger. The format selected in this field is used only if the Invoice Register in Detail check box is selected.

Note The information selected in this field is not printed on the Daily Job Transaction Register. The Daily Job Transaction Register always prints the vendor number, invoice number, and any line comments.


Manual Check/Payment Comments

Select a format for posting comments entered in Manual Check and Payment Entry to the general ledger. Comments entered in the Comment field for the payment on the Manual Check and Payment Entry Lines tab are updated to the distribution accounts in the general ledger. The format selected in this field is used only if the Manual Check and Payment Register in Detail check box is selected.

Note The information selected in this field is not printed on the Daily Job Transaction Register. The Daily Job Transaction Register always prints the vendor number, invoice number, and any line comments.


Check/Electronic Payment Comments

Select a format for posting check comments entered in Check and Electronic Payment Maintenance to the general ledger. Comments entered in the Comment field for the check (not the Comment field for the invoice) in Check and Electronic Payment Maintenance are updated to the distribution accounts in the general ledger. The format selected in this field is used only if the Check and Electronic Payment Register in Detail check box is selected.


Days to Retain Paid Invoices

Type the number of days to retain paid invoices. Invoices paid on or before the number of days entered are purged automatically during period-end processing. Paid invoices can be retained for up to 999 days.


Account for Discounts Earned or Lost

Select how invoices and available discount amounts are distributed to the general ledger.


Apply Changes to Remit to Address

Select whether to update the remit-to address automatically when the vendor address is changed in Vendor Maintenance, if the two addresses are the same.


3. Entry



This field indicates that batch processing is available for Accounts Payable Invoice Data Entry and Manual Check and Payment Entry. This field can only be viewed.



Select this check box to enable batch entry for Accounts Payable Invoice Data Entry and Manual Check and Payment Entry. Clear this check box if you do not want to allow batch processing.


Next Batch

Enter the next batch number to assign when using the batch processing feature in Accounts Payable Invoice Data Entry and Manual Check and Payment Entry. You can enter numeric or alphanumeric characters. This field is available only if the Enable check box is selected for the corresponding task.

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you want the next batch number assigned to be 00001.


you want the next batch number assigned to be A0005.


Calculate Sales Tax in A/P Data Entry

Select this check box to perform sales tax processing in Accounts Payable data entry tasks. Clear this check box if you do not want to perform sales tax processing in Accounts Payable data entry tasks. This check box is available only if the Sales Tax Reporting check box is selected.


Expense Freight Separately

Select this check box to post the freight amount entered during data entry to the general ledger expense account in Division Maintenance. Clear this check box to post the freight amount to the general ledger expense account set up for the vendor, and include the freight amount in the distribution amount. This check box is available only if the Sales Tax Reporting and Calculate Sales Tax in A/P Data Entry check boxes are selected.


Enable Expense Distribution Tables

Select this check box to enable the Expense Distribution Table Maintenance task, which allows you to create tables with frequently used general ledger distributions that can be selected in Invoice Data Entry, Repetitive Invoice Entry, and Manual Check and Payment Entry when entering new invoices. Clear this check box if you do not want to enable Expense Distribution Table Maintenance.

This field is not available if the Accounts Payable module is integrated with Job Cost. If this check box is selected, you cannot select the (Integrate with) Job Cost check box.


Allow Total Distribution to be Less Than 100 Percent

Select this check box to allow the distribution total for expense distribution tables to be less than 100 percent in Expense Distribution Table Maintenance. If a table with a distribution total less than 100 percent is selected in a data entry task, the remaining balance must be manually distributed. Clear this check box to require that the distribution amounts equal 100 percent when setting up a table in Expense Distribution Table Maintenance.

This field is available only if the Enable Expense Distribution Tables check box is selected.


Default Bank Code

Enter the default bank code to use for the company, or click the Lookup button to list all bank codes. The bank code is used in Manual Check and Payment Entry, Check Printing, and Payment History Inquiry.

Note This bank code is also used for postings of payment history when performing transfers on invoices for credit card vendors.


Default Bank Code to Last Bank Code Used

Select this check box to use the last bank code used by the user or workstation as the default bank code. The bank code is saved by the workstation when no users are defined. The default bank code is used in Manual Check and Payment Entry and Check Printing. Clear this check box to always default to the bank code entered in the Default Bank Code field.


Increment Next Check No. When Changed During Printing

Select this check box to increment the next check number in Bank Code Maintenance from the last number used, if a user changes the check number in Manual Check and Payment Entry during a quick-print process. Clear this check box if you do not want to increment the check number.


Display Warning When Past Discount Due Date

Select this check box to display a warning message in Check and Electronic Payment Maintenance and Manual Check and Payment Entry when the user selects an invoice that is past the discount due date. Clear this check box if you do not want to display a warning message.


4. Printing


Sort Invoice Registers by Vendor Name

Select this check box to sort the Invoice Register and Invoice Payment Selection Register by vendor name. Clear this check box to sort the registers by vendor number. This check box is available only if the Job Cost module is not integrated with Accounts Payable.


Print G/L Distribution on Check/Electronic Payment Register

Select this check box to print the general ledger distribution information on the Check and Electronic Payment Register. Clear this check box if you do not want to print this information on the register.


Print G/L Account Description on Registers

Select whether to print the general ledger account description on the Invoice Register, Manual Check and Payment Register, and Check and Electronic Payment Register.

Note The description prints on the Check and Electronic Payment Register only if the Print G/L Distribution on Check/Electronic Payment Register check box is selected.

Note This option does not apply to the A/P Recap by Division registers. The general ledger accounts description always prints in full on the A/P Recap by Division registers.


Print Tax Journal in Detail

Select this check box to print the Tax Journal Detail report (in addition to the Tax Journal Summary, which prints automatically following the Invoice Register and Manual Check and Payment Register). The Tax Journal Detail report provides tax detail by tax code and by source document. The Tax Journal Summary provides total tax by tax code only. This check box is available only if the Sales Tax Reporting and Sales Tax Calculation in A/P Data Entry check boxes are selected.


Print Tax Detail on Registers

Select this check box to print the sales tax amount by tax code on the Invoice Register and Manual Check and Payment Register. Clear this check box to print the total sales tax amount only. This check box is available only if the Sales Tax Reporting and Sales Tax Calculation in A/P Data Entry check boxes are selected.


Always Print Extended Stub Report

Select this check box to always print the Extended Stub Report. Clear this check box to print the report only when the invoice detail does not fit on one stub.


Print Aged Invoice Report for Multiple Companies

Select this check box to print the Accounts Payable Aged Invoice Report for multiple companies. If this check box is selected, you can enter multiple company codes in the report's Selections grid or print the report for all companies. For more information on entering multiple company codes in the Selections grid, see Enter Multiple Values Using Separators. Clear this check box if you do not want to print the report for multiple companies.


5. History


Vendor Changes to Track

Select how to track changes to vendor information.


Track Additions in Detail

Select this check box to track additions to vendor information in detail format. Clear this check box to track the additions in summary format. This check box is available only if All or Additions is selected in the Vendor Changes to Track field.


Track Detailed Invoice/Payment History

Select this check box to track detailed history information regarding invoices and payments. Clear this check box if you do not want to track this information.


Retain Comment Lines for Invoices

Select this check box to retain comment lines and detail comments in invoice history. Clear this check box if you do not want to retain the line comments. This check box is available only if the Track Detailed Invoice/Payment History check box is selected.


Years to Retain Vendor History

Enter the number of years, from 2 through 99, to retain vendor purchases history. A minimum of 2 years must be entered in this field to retain current and prior year history.


Include Sales Tax and Freight

Select this check box to include sales tax and freight posted in the Accounts Payable or Purchase Order modules to the purchase history fields in Vendor Maintenance. Clear this check box if you do not want to include sales tax and freight posted through these modules. This field is available only if the Sales Tax Reporting check box is selected.


Years to Retain 1099 Payment History

Enter the number of years, from 2 through 99, to retain 1099 payment history. A minimum of 2 years must be entered at this field to retain current and prior year history.


6. ACH


Enable ACH Electronic Payments

Select this check box to enable electronic payments. Clear this check box if you do not want to enable electronic payments. For more information, see Set Up ACH Electronic Payments.

Note If you need to temporarily disable electronic payments, you can clear this check box, and the settings defined on this tab will be saved.


Post to Bank Reconciliation in Detail

Select this check box to post ACH electronic payments to the Bank Reconciliation module in detail. Clear this check box if you do not want to post ACH electronic payments to Bank Reconciliation. If this check box is selected, ACH payments will appear on the Checks tab in Check, Deposit and Adjustment Entry and Reconcile Bank. If this check box is cleared, one ACH payment posting will appear on the Dep/Adjust tab in Checks, Deposits and Adjustment Entry and Reconcile Bank. This check box is available only if the Accounts Payable module is integrated with Bank Reconciliation and the Enable ACH Electronic Payments check box is selected.


Print Vendor Remittance Advice

Select this check box if you want to print vendor remittance advice forms when processing electronic payments. Clear this check box if you do not want to print vendor remittance advice forms; zero-dollar amount checks will print instead. This field is available only if the Enable ACH Electronic Payments check box is selected.


Next Vendor Remittance Advice Number

Type a number to be used for the next vendor remittance advice form. The remittance advice number will be preceded by the letter E, and it will be incremented by 1 each time a remittance advice form is printed. This field is available only if the Enable ACH Electronic Payments check box is selected.


Allow Partial Allocation of Payment Amount

Select this check box to allow partial allocation of electronic payments. Clear this check box if you do not want to allow partial allocation of electronic payments.

Note If you process a payment with a partial allocation that is paid electronically and a partial allocation that is paid by check, the system will handle the payment as a check, not as an electronic payment. The check type will be Auto, and the letter E will not be added to the beginning of the check number.

This field is available only if the Enable ACH Electronic Payments check box is selected.


Reset Pre-Note When Renumbering the Vendor

Select this check box if you want the Pre-Note Sent field in the Vendor Electronic Payment window set to No when the vendor is renumbered using the Renumber button in Vendor Maintenance or the Delete and Change Vendors utility. Clear this check box if you do not want the Pre-Note Sent field set to No when you renumber the vendor. This field is available only if the Enable ACH Electronic Payments check box is selected.


Years to Retain Electronic Payment History

Enter the number of years, from 2 to 99, to retain vendor electronic payment history. This field is available only if the Enable ACH Electronic Payments check box is selected.

Note Entering 2 retains only the current and prior year's information.


ACH Electronic Payments Folder

Enter the full path to the folder where you want to save the electronic payment files, or click the Browse Directory button to browse to the folder. If this field is blank, the electronic payment files will be saved in the Accounts Payable company folder, for example, ..\MAS_xxx\APxxx, where xxx represents the company code. This field is available only if the Enable ACH Electronic Payments check box is selected.



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